Im back!

January 18, 2009

Ive been here for three months and i cant believe it. I hope to start writing more regularly in my blog now- but to update you all with what ive been up to ive created a photo summary of my adventures these past few months… see below:

I traveled to Aleppo- a major city 4 hours north of Damascus known for their food. For some reason these photos aren’t working…

Next i took a trip to Maalula- a beautiful Christian town built into a mountain. My dad once spent the night on a stone cot in the Monastery here. (crazy) maalulaOn our way out we thought about stopping here. Read carefully:


Then a couple friends and I drove up mount Qassioun to watch the sunset. It was as beautiful as expected…



Next was a trip to Busra- home of some roman ruins. Most impressive was this amphitheater. Its huge.


palmyraJordan… kind of sucked. We spent a lot of time on expensive public transportation with angry Jordanians. But PETRA was super cool:


jordan2(sorry these are sideways)

We tried the national dish… Mansaf.

mansafFinally, and perhaps the most exciting event was the Marcel Kahlifa Concert…

marcel-concert(sorry i wanted to include a vidoe clip, but it looks like ill have to pay $20 to do that so i think ill pass.)

More soon…

Love, Sarah

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