Dutch Liability Insurance for students

In the Netherlands, native students are insured through the liability policy of their parents until they are 28 years old. This is only applicable to students who are officially registered at a university, under the condition that their parents are insured for liability.

Liability insurances for students usually cover damages up to 1 million euros. Because of lower risk profiles of students in general, insurance companies often offer less expensive liability insurances for students living in the Netherlands.


International students in the Netherlands

As (temporary) citizens of the Netherlands, international students also carry responsibility and liability during their stay. Foreign insurance companies do not cover liability in the Netherlands.

A liability insurance (aansprakelijkheidsverzekering) is not obligated for foreign students during their stay in the Netherlands. It is however highly advisable for foreign students to take out this form of insurance. In case of (accidental) damage, costs can rise to great amounts that overshadow the relatively low costs of a decent liability insurance.


Doing a study

Dutch Universities generally recommend a third-party liability insurance. Students are not automatically insured during their presence in the building of a University. Many students often think that they are insured for liability through the University. This is a common misunderstanding. Foreign students who reside in the Netherlands should also make sure that they are properly insured for their home and their medical costs.


Doing an internship

Foreign students who do their internship in the Netherlands usually receive a remuneration, with which they are officially working at a company. In most of these cases, students are insured for liability through the company as they can be seen as ‘normal’ employees. In less cases, interns do not receive remuneration which causes more insecurity concerning coverage for liability. It is however possible that interns who do not receive remuneration, are in fact insured through the company. It is for this reason very important to carefully read the contract.