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"I do want you, jailbait.” His gaze drops to my lips, his eyes darkening with lust. “I just can’t let myself have you.”

I’ve been banished to Switzerland with a fake name, forced by my father to spend a year teaching spoiled rich kids as punishment for humiliating him.

I’m supposed to stay out of trouble, to avoid scandals, to learn responsibility.
I’m not supposed to meet her.
I fucked up before I even set foot within the hallowed halls of RCA.

And there she is.
In my class.
In the halls.
In my veins.
Every fucking where.

She’s going to be my downfall.
Or maybe, my salvation.

Love In The Dark is book four of the Royal Crown Academy series. It can be read as a standalone novel, but for better understanding of the universe, it’s recommended that you start with the first three books in the series, Long Live The King, Pay For Your Lies, and I Was Always Yours.

This is a mature, new adult romance with a jealous and possessive hero, lots of angst and even more trigger warnings. It contains situations that some readers might find offensive.

558 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 28, 2023

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About the author

Khai Hara

5 books229 followers
Khai Hara is an American author currently based out of New York City. An avid fan of the romance genre, her debut novel 'Long Live The King' comes after years of planning. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, hiking, reading and spending time with her boyfriend and their dog Thunder.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews
Profile Image for Mar-Mar bookaholic.
1,033 reviews80 followers
November 14, 2023
This raiting is very very generous as I love this author so much!

I absolutely hated Nera! I do not understand why Tristan had to grovel for 4 months? For not telling her his last name!

In my opinion, she had to grovel for him for being such a motherfucking self righteous wanker bitch.

All three stars are going to Tristan who knew his faults, who acknowledged his faults and who was man enough to understand his mistakes and remedy them immediately. He was so real, he was a man who in real life I would kill to have.

Nera did not deserve him. Of all her problems , of all the secrets she kept from her family and friends… and the moment H discovered them, she demanded same from him. His situation was really dire, I mean life and death and she was horrible person for not being there for him in this extremely hard time while playing herself a victim.

That said, I cannot wait for Tess’s book! OMG! I wanna know who is her fiancé! He seems the type of man I love in books aka completely scary, unhinged kidnapper. Yay!

Ooh , and Luca! I love a good jokester. Hopefully, he gets a book too.

🔶 h not virgin (had one boyfriend)
🔶 H was a manwhore
🔶 no ow drama but plenty om drama as h antagonises H with it
🔶 no cheating
🔶 student/ teacher
🔶 18/24 y
🔶 epic sex scenes. Like you need jesus, holy water and 200 hail marys after it
🔶 condoms used and then not
🔶 h on pill
🔶 separation 4 months
🔶 unjustified grovelling from H
🔶 tw: bulimia, alcoholism, domestic violence
🔶 Very satisfying Epilogue 6 years later
Profile Image for anaïs ★.
12 reviews
January 2, 2024
5/5 stars.

let me start off by saying how much i loveeeeeeeeeee tristan and nera together. our mystery man since the first book has finally been revealed as a hot teacher with zero liking towards his students who he clearly doesnt give a damn about.

the first chapters stole my heart. i felt the chemistry from day one, and not just sexual. nera and tristan were my favourite couple just like i knew they'd be.

the smut was honestly amazing. i didn't feel bored not even for minute while reading this book, in fact i felt more alive than i did in a while.

the characters made the series so much more enjoyable. i didn't finish sixtine and phoenix's story but i will after this (oops)

the storyline was sad but soooooo good. unlike other books, the storyline actually had a plot that didn't just revolve around sex like most books do nowadays.

if you haven't read this book, DO IT.
Profile Image for Mackenzie.
119 reviews1 follower
October 29, 2023
Oh. My. God.

I’ve been waiting for this book since I Was Always Yours and it did NOT disappoint.

Khai Hara is OFFICIALLY the queen of groveling men🙇🏻‍♀️

I was a bit unsure in the beginning, since the first half was a bit slow. I didn’t see a lot of romantic connection between Nera and Tristan and if I’m being honest I would’ve preferred less sex scenes and more talking.🫣But BOY did that change in the second half. The progression of their relationship was perfect and the ANGST!! So well done. I loved seeing all of the other characters in this book as well. Phoenix was hilarious!

Tristan’s groveling was so perfect and I loved how he didn’t force Nera to do anything. Khai Hara nails how to make a man dark without making him disregard the heroine’s feelings!!

He may honestly be my favorite out of the guys, and that’s saying something. His dedication to Nera was the absolute best.
Profile Image for mary.
235 reviews2 followers
April 15, 2024
ate the house BOOTS down houston im deceased. tristan is a #REAL man
October 30, 2023
Absolutely amazing

I’ve read all four books and I’m absolutely in love with each one. Tristian and Neras story is absolutely beautiful. There are a couple triggers if you have any eating disorders, but the way the struggle was written and how Tristian comforted her in his arms made my heart jump. I’m so happy I finally got to read this story and get to know this mystery man. Also spoiler ahead:

Finding out all the girls are pregnant at the same time!! I hope there will be a series of the kids and their lives. Also I want to know more about Tess and this intimidating fiancé 😆.

Overall I fell in love with this book and series❤️
Book: 5/5
Spice: 3/5🌶️
May 24, 2024
Nera and Tristan's story is beautiful, forbidden because he is her professor and a little bit angsty.

They are absolutely trauma bonded, both chained to their rich abusive families in ways that are completely unfair while fighting their own demons. They just complement each other in the best way!

Tristan and Nera had an amazing chemistry and the fact that he was her professor made everything more spicy. Khai writes the best smut! The forest scene, the classroom scene OMG my kindle was on fire!!

It would have been five stars if the first chapter about his "escapades" was not so detailed and the ending was not stretched!

‼️No cheating, no ow drama‼️
Profile Image for Danielle Marie.
220 reviews99 followers
December 21, 2023
While this book has so many dimensions to it, let me say first, this book has some of the HOTTEST spice I’ve read in a while, and it starts right out the gate! The forest scene?!?!?!? Seriously!??! 🥵

At first I didn’t think I’d like Tristan. His character makes some unwise choices in the beginning. But the way he was with Nera very quickly changed my mind. They absolutely trauma bond, both chained to their families in ways that are completely unfair. They understand each other and take a little bit of the pressure off by being unfiltered and raw with each other.

Nera is striving for perfection, the good girl who has stayed her path to impress her family while Tristin does anything (and everyone) he can to rebel against his dads wishes. This is a student/teacher relationship even though he’s only 24 and she’s 18. They do meet before she finds out he’s her new professor.

Ironically, Tristan ends up being the BEST part of this book. Nera is a lot more complex and difficult of a character for me but given her family and past I tried to be understanding of that. Tristan is an amazing boyfriend which is a total 360 from the guy we get in the beginning.

There is a third act breakup and I read another review saying Nera made him grovel too hard and I’m here to tell you that’s CRAZY talk. While Nera was coerced and forced to share her demons with Tristan, he hid his WHOLE identity from her. It wasn’t just his last name that was the issue, it was everything in between. You can’t demand the truth from someone and gain their trust when you’re lying to their face daily.

Not to mention, she said she’d forgive him, on the spot if he told her his plan. He knew he had a marriage awaiting him eventually picked by his dad. A company to take the reins of. A life to get back to after a year. He fully committed to a relationship with Nera knowing he was still under his fathers thumb. THAT was the issue. It took a lot for Nera to get to the point where she could accept love and freely give it to Tristan, just to find out he’d been keeping pretty serious stuff from her with no way to fix it. We finally got to see a side of Nera that I felt deserved Tristan andddddd then the big reveal. Tristan’s grovel was some of the best I’ve read commitment wise even if it did perhaps go on a little longer than needed. Check your triggers as well, this book has some heavy topics.

There was a lot of grammatical errors. I’ll agree to that. The writing wasn’t bad but the mistakes are noticeable when they’re more on the frequent side so if you do read you’ll have to skip over those but to me it was worth it.
Profile Image for a.
127 reviews20 followers
April 27, 2024
4.5⭐️ TRISTANNERA ATE OMG. tristan novak i love you i love you. tristan was everything. literally didn’t care about a single student except nera. the way he fought for her, cared for her & protected her. not to mention, he slept outside her place the whole FOUR months they were broken up in a CAR. and he fell first🫶🏾 tristan is such a lover boy i want him so bad. also the scenes of the other couples were SO cute😭😭 even phoenix was cute in here. anyways back to tristan, don’t even get me started on how he literally fell to his knees in the snow and begged for his girl back (real lover boy like i said) & when he said it felt like there was a drought inside him without nera😭😭

“Of course, he’s here,” Thayer says, a smile stretching across her face. “You’re here, Nera, so where else would he be?”

“You know how it feels to see you coming out of a car with another man? It hurts me,” he exclaims, inches from my face. He grabs my hand in his and clasps it over his heart. It beats wildly, frantically, and I’m certain I can feel the remnants of that pain. “Mentally and physically. It’s like having a dagger the size of the Burj Khalifa buried inside my heart. It’s all I can think about, it’s all I can feel because it hurts every time I fucking breathe. Do you understand me? I’m in physical pain seeing you with him, imagining you with anyone who isn’t me.”

tristan saying he’s in PHYSICAL pain imagining nera with another man🙁 stuck with me forever🫶🏾

“There is no Tristan that exists without Nera anymore. That’s what I’m trying to make you understand. This wasn’t a fling or a distraction or a game for me. This, you, are the most important thing in my life.” Slowly, I reach for her. I cup her face with my hand, my thumb finding those cute little marks on her nose and brushing softly over them. Her dark, sultry eyes spear mine unwaveringly. “If you smile, I smile. If you hurt, I hurt. If you die, I die. Get it? I will be your shadow for the remainder of your days whether you like it or not.”

“My family and my mates, I missed. You, I yearned for,” he declares, the words avowed against the shell of my ear. “I woke up in the mornings craving your smell and needing your touch, I looked for you in every room I was in, I imagined you curled up on my couch in my shirt every time I walked past it. Fuck, I even sniffed your shampoo every time I took a shower. I couldn’t stop thinking about you, Nera.”

“You’re back in two weeks?” He asks.
“Two weeks and five days. Almost three weeks.”
He groans unhappily, dropping his forehead against mine. “Call me every day,” he demands. 
“We don’t have to if you don’t wan–”
“Every day.”

tristan novak my forever man i love him i love him i love him🫶🏾
Profile Image for maggie.
206 reviews29 followers
March 23, 2024
3.5 stars.
this is my first book by the author and i really liked it. the characters had so much chemistry and the fact that he was her teacher made everything more spicy. the storyline actually had a plot, and didn’t just revolve around sex.

the one who took all the attention was without a doubt tristan. even though at the beginning he’s portrayed as a womaniser, ironically he ends up being the BEST part of this book. the way he supports her and tries to help her heal her trauma is everything. he was constantly taking care of her and just trying to be his best version with her.

the only downside was the third act breakup towards the end, which in my opinion was rushed and unnecessary since it was about something so silly (i don’t want to spoil it) and the fact that he had to grovel 4 freaking months for it, nop it wasn’t my cup of tea.

“i wish you could see yourself the way I see you. beautiful inside and out.”
Profile Image for Abby.
100 reviews
April 30, 2024
4.5 ✰

I loved Nera and Tristan’s story! Although I could’ve done without the third act breakup, I enjoyed reading their story sm!!!
Also the ending has me excited for a possible second gen series 👀🤞🏼
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
22 reviews1 follower
March 19, 2024
I normally hate a teacher-student romance but this one ate!!!!! The grovelling in this book was so good, it had me crying 😭😭😭😭 she actually had a backbone too >>>>>
3 reviews
November 5, 2023
Khai can do no wrong. She writes the best spicy books with alpha males and not over the top female characters. Obsessed with her writing and this series!!! Need another bully romance!!!!!!
Profile Image for Miya Char.
64 reviews7 followers
April 15, 2024
this series is officially ingrained in my head and i’m not sorry about it. i absolutely ate up every single crumb in this book.

i don’t know what khai put in these books, but i’ve been binging them recently and im completely addicted.

brb while i buy every single paperback or hers.

- prof x student
- japanese fmc
- age gap 18/24
- rich prep school vibes
- possessive/obsessive mmc
- top tier groveling

tw: bulimia, abuse from parent, near SA from ex.
Profile Image for Aicha ⋆。°✩.
39 reviews1 follower
January 27, 2024
Okay okay okay.
I started this back in November and I put it down like I did with so many other books because I was recovering from such an annoying slump where I found nothing I read interesting. But I picked it up again because I was desperate to finish the last book in this series and I am so glad that I did!

This was really good. Fun and spicy with angst and real heartfelt moments. The friend group was top tier and both Nera & Tristan finding confidence in themselves and fighting against their demons through their love for each other was beautiful.

I would say that Nera did push it a little too far with Tristan’s grovel. Like I get why she was upset with him, but it wasn’t as bad as what male leads have done in other books. Making him wait 4 months, and him sleeping in his car for weeks in the cold was sad and pathetic, but he was willing to do anything to get Nera back, even lose a few toes to frostbite apparently.

The epilogue was so freakin’ cute 🥰 and I desperately, DESPERATELY need Tess’s books (Tristan’s sister), getting that glimpse of her unhinged, obsessed, borderline-scary fiancé was too good. I NEED IT NOW!

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
⭐ 4
🌶️ 4/5 (open-door)
⚠️ triggers: eating disorder (bulimia), domestic violence, alcoholism

✧ ˚ · .tropes. · ˚ ✧
🖤 student/teacher
🖤 age gap (18/24 y)
🖤 manwhore h to obsessive & jealous
🖤 angst
🖤 secret relationship

🤎 pov: dual (first person)
🤎 ow/om drama: some guys cause Tristan severe jealousy, but nothing serious.
🤎 third act breakup: 4 month separation

RCA: Royal Crown Academy Series
1. Long Live The King ➟ 4 stars
2. Pay For Your Lies ➟ 3 stars
3. I Was Always Yours ➟ 4 stars
4. Love in the Dark ➟ 4 stars
Profile Image for Dyjonnay Adams.
217 reviews5 followers
November 21, 2023
Love Love Love tristan

This was my first book by this author. I know it’s backwards to read the fourth book 1st but this one came up for me to read, and I was intrigued by the plot. Definitely didn’t disappoint. I have never read a book where I’ve actually wanted to read each book in a series. I was so captivated by the background characters I will definitely be reading.Phoenix and 6 book next. I really loved the way tristan loved her, help her grow into a better version of herself. It just flowed so seamlessly in the story. After his truth came out, I’ve began to enjoy the story less and I feel like that’s why I gave it four stars because well I undisputed her being mad, especially after everything she been through in life it was hard to come back to her because of everything they’ve been through together and everything he has done for her. I’m not saying she shouldn’t take the time she needs for her self to heal or to forgive him, but me personally, I feel like it went on to long. So that intern made me skim after things finally got better because I was ready for the book to be over but I truly loved it all the way up until death and the single thing is really sweet touching inspiring the way they love each other in denial great book like I said I’m definitely going to read the other books in the series can’t wait. I definitely got married three times because it was giving insight to the other couples but I know that’s my own fault for reading the fourth book 1st instead of going in order, so it made me anxious.
April 5, 2024
this HAS TO BE MY FAVORITE BOOK in the series. I’M truly obsessed with Tristan and Nera, their relationship was too good, the way they opened up to each other and how much Tristan really cared about Nera was just amazing. I LOVE THEMM SOO MUCH
Profile Image for A. (xaden’s version).
68 reviews36 followers
April 10, 2024
waiting for everyone to stop sleeping on khai hara

THEY WERE PERFECT. could have there been a little more groveling? yes, BUT IT WAS STILL ENOUGH TO KEEP ME SOMEWHAT SATISFIED. i eat up every single book this author has put out and WILL put out (tess and her mafia boss husband i’m looking at you). this review is long overdue but i literally go back and skim this book for all the cute scenes so i need to support my underrated queen.

khai hara mastered the art of creating a standalone series that doesn’t SHOVE the other couples’ stories down your throat (even though they’re so good, go read them) but also giving them mention here and there to tempt you. but it’s in no way overwhelming and even though the timeline for the most part matches up here and there, in the book you won’t have to hear about the other couple in the other book unless you actually read them.
Profile Image for Meher Budhiraja.
1 review12 followers
May 24, 2024
i absolutely loved this book.. devoured it in literally one sitting
First of all, this book has the best groveling i've ever read in my life and this is coming from a person who reads like it's her job so trust me it was the best. I absolutely loved the smut and Tristan omg i started this book with a not so good impression of him but at the end i was like i'm not settling down if i don't get a man like this .. i mean the most the man was literally obsessed from the start, left his entire wealth, became homeless, drove 2.5 hrs one side daily for 4 months, slept in his car to give her food and making sure she's alright, the man literally observed each and every thing so well .. what i would give to get a man this loyal, understanding, sexy(the sex omg so fucking hot i was so horny throughout haha), so observant, nothing mattered to him in entire world except for her, as he said'He would literally live in a doghouse if he could get to talk to her for just 2 mins' comforted her and fucked the sadness out of her .. and i can just go on and on about how great he is.
Now about Nera, I love how the author portrayed the journey of her from hating herself, not eating enough, not standing up for herself to this strong woman, independent(she's always been independent though was such a hardworking soul), she motivated me to work harder and i just love her so much.
i read a lot.. several hundreds of books every year but you know there are some books that we can never forget, they have this huge special place in your heart.. this book just became one of those for me; had an amazing time reading it.
Profile Image for Mar-Mar bookaholic.
771 reviews8 followers
January 30, 2024
This raiting is very very generous as I love this author so much!

I absolutely hated Nera! I do not understand why Tristan had to grovel for 4 months? For not telling her his last name!

In my opinion, she had to grovel for him for being such a motherfucking self righteous wanker bitch.

All three stars are going to Tristan who knew his faults, who acknowledged his faults and who was man enough to understand his mistakes and remedy them immediately. He was so real, he was a man who in real life I would kill to have.

Nera did not deserve him. Of all her problems , of all the secrets she kept from her family and friends… and the moment H discovered them, she demanded same from him. His situation was really dire, I mean life and death and she was horrible person for not being there for him in this extremely hard time while playing herself a victim.

That said, I cannot wait for Tess’s book! OMG! I wanna know who is her fiancé! He seems the type of man I love in books aka completely scary, unhinged kidnapper. Yay!

Ooh , and Luca! I love a good jokester. Hopefully, he gets a book too.

🔶 h not virgin (had one boyfriend)
🔶 H was a manwhore
🔶 no ow drama but plenty om drama as h antagonises H with it
🔶 no cheating
🔶 student/ teacher
🔶 18/24 y
🔶 epic sex scenes. Like you need jesus, holy water and 200 hail marys after it
🔶 condoms used and then not
🔶 h on pill
🔶 separation 4 months
🔶 unjustified grovelling from H
🔶 tw: bulimia, alcoholism, domestic violence
🔶 Very satisfying Epilogue 6 years later
Profile Image for Yesmina Reads Romance.
394 reviews15 followers
November 2, 2023
NO just noooooooooo!

I suffered through the first book. but then it was a brand new author.

The second was slightly better. still cringey and over the top.

The third one won me over. I mean: children lovers to grown up enemies to forced marriage to lovers! sign me in.

Then the fourth one supposed to be a teacher/ student forbidden romance. Where is the romance? where is the plot in those godforsaken 500 pages?

It's all about clichés.
A billionaire hero who wants to be a chef. His billionaire daddy does not want to.
He threatens to beat his mother to death.
Sends hero to teach in university to... I don't know what is the logic behind that.

A billionaire heroine has an eating disorder because her mother wants her constantly to be thin. Her father hits her when she fails her sports competitions.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd her boyfriend can't make her come.

The MCs with the most laughable shitty existence meet. have one night stand. don't want a relationship or love.
But they meet again in university. keep having sex. Just like that, they are soulmates.
250 reviews
March 7, 2024
Did not finish

I could not finish the book. The series started ok, but I got tired of reading the series. Each book is a standalone, but something is missing to make the series intriguing. I skimmed through the book and read the end. I thought it was a good ending, and in the epilogue, all the characters in the series are married or growing family members. The characters are not too badly described, and both have interesting family dynamics and cruel parents. The author is a good writer. Authors should improve their plot when writing a series and create unique stories to have an outstanding series. At one point, the characters are at a standpoint where there are no dynamics within the characters and the story. The book has some interesting topics, such as demanding and cruel parents, which may pique the reader's curiosity to understand what is happening to the main character. Still, after that, the plot slows down and drags. Many authors have this writing strategy that may sometimes work, especially when the main characters are more lively and vibrant.
1 review
March 31, 2024
Tristan deserved better than Nera. There I said it. She was insufferable, always being cold and distant whilst Tristan was literally being the most patient and lovely boyfriend. Bro went from being a billionaire to sleeping in a car in the cold for her and she still took 4 months to forgive him. And guess what she was so upset about?? Him lying about his last name and being a billionaire. Like honestly what the actual fuck. The two stars are for Tristan because he genuinely deserves the world but please can you stop fucking every 2 seconds it does get a bit boring I had to skip a couple of pages of LONG smut. Anyways, this is the first time I ABSOLUTELY defend the main male character with my whole life and think he deserves better. Overall, the writing was quite good, it's just Nera that pissed me off.

The main issue I think with Nera, is that she was trying to be this strong female character who stands on business but ended up being insensitive, bitchy and completely unreasonable.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Maria Manzana.
5 reviews1 follower
October 30, 2023
This is Khai Hara's fourth book in a year and she has consistently delivered.

This might be my favorite of the four! This story had everything - an amazing connection, well developed characters and their backgrounds, veeeery smutty scenes, and amazing banter. We also got to see all the couples from the first three books and it was like seeing old friends. Everyone was so hilarious and it made me want to be a part of the friend group.

Above all it potentially has the SINGLE GREATEST GROVEL OF ALL TIME. My man was on his knees (literally) and was twisting himself in every possible direction (also literally, I see you backseat of his car) to get his girl back. I didn't want this book to end and now I don't know how I'm supposed to wait however many more months until the next one??

1000000/10 is my rating
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sarah.
439 reviews3 followers
January 27, 2024
This book barely made 2 stars Tristan is a 5 star heroine but Nera was a 1 star heroine by the end. So he lied about his name and job literally his only 2 lies and she freezes him out for 4 months for 2 tiny insignificant lies um no 1 star heroine get over your self. She was already pathetic for not standing up to her parents but then she became almost cruel to make him wait 4 months.

I get it I had bad abusive parents but you know what I did I left them as soon as i turned 18 and could leave i did. But no she was pathetic and stayed for the abuse and worse as soon as she decides to finally get brain cells and cut off her parents it is way too easy it it was that easy why didn’t she do it earlier she is so dumb

Book was 3 stars until she finds out then book barely made it to 2 star

Tristan is amazing but Nera does not deserve him or his love!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Akifah.
58 reviews
May 31, 2024
🌟 2.5/5 This one was better than the previous book even tho I'm not tht into teacher x student. I liked how the MC's gradually healed their bulimia and alcoholism, I liked the fact he grovelled for 4 months lmao, I liked how she stood her ground. I felt like the reason they 'broke up' was kinda dumb and they shoulda just communicated from early on. Overall not bad but hmm, some parts were just not mentioned well like what happened to the dad after she cut off from him, and what happened to his dad as well. I wanted to know more. I wish Nera had been honest with her friends from the beginning, like she knew everything about the friends relationship situation yet they and us we knew nothing of hers. It's not fair. She was too secretive, but we know that her friends would support their relationship regardless. It was an okay read.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Angie☺️.
233 reviews
November 10, 2023

Tristan and Nera tho 🤌🏽🔥 they really gave all the others a run for their money bs god lord they were so good together.

I need a Tristan in my life bs this man is everything. The way he protected her even agains herself had me falling for him even more🥹. But don’t let that fool you he is still very possessive and over the top. The thing he would said to her🥵🔥had me freaking blushing😜

My girl Nera I just love her. She deserved a Tristan someone that could love here for who she is. I am so happy she finally found that courage and self love to stand up for herself.

I can’t believe this series had come to an end. I had loved it since the 1st book. I cannot wait to see what Khai comes out with bs I know is going to be fire.
April 16, 2024

put on my taylor swift playlist and just read because this shit was honestly so addicting and i am so happy the 8 of them got happy endings otherwise i would cry

trope is controversial its giving pretty little liars but i feel like this was done well whoops sorry not sorry but i was also an aria and ezra fan in pretty little liars anyway so womp womp i don’t care if i have shit taste

this book made me love the other 3 boys even more like the 4 of them together is so funny and i love found family so much so cutesie

end of series goodbye
idk if the sister has a spinoff yet but if she does i will go read that now :)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews

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