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Ийв Петуърт е почитателка на детективските, много мъжки романи на писателя Джак Купър. Привлича я чувственият начин, по който пише за храната, и му изпраща писмо, за да изрази възхищението си.

Разменените писма и имейлите, изпълнени с кулинарни описания и размисли за човешката природа, дават на Ийв и Джак временно облекчение от кризата, която всеки от тях изживява.

Разведена от години, Ийв води самотен, макар и доста привилегирован живот в английската провинция.

Отскоро разведен за втори път, Джак е емоционално нестабилен и не е в състояние да започне новия си роман. През последните 15 години много жени са се опитвали да го направят щастлив, но малко от тях са успели. Очарован от прямотата на Ийв и любовта й към храната, той отговаря на краткото й писмо и това слага началото на кореспонденция.

Със завоалираните от полуанонимността и разстоянието мъдри и с времето все по-пропити със загриженост съвети, Ийв и Джак намират сили да застанат лице в лице с проблемите си и за да ознаменуват това, планират среща в Париж.

Но дали наистина ще се срещнат на левия бряг на Сена?

“Щастливите хора привличат другите, които искат да споделят с тях обич, вечер с приготвената от тях храна или с питие край лениво плискащите се вълни на морето. По някое време ни се приисква да се присъединим към Джак като приятели или да зарадваме Ийв като се възхитим на нейните фъстъчени сладки на масата в гостната. Не е зле да имаме под ръка бележник, за да записваме как обикновени храни се превръщат в екзотични благодарение на въображението на писателя и неговата дистанционна приятелка. “
Sunday Times

224 pages, Paperback

First published March 3, 2014

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About the author

Deborah McKinlay

16 books53 followers
Deborah McKinlay is the author of three novels, 'The View From Here', 'That Part Was True' and 'Lily The Tiller'. She lives in South West England.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 495 reviews
Profile Image for Alyson.
839 reviews31 followers
February 26, 2014
Light, quick read that made me want to cook - until I remembered I don't like to cook.
Profile Image for Kari.
770 reviews27 followers
August 19, 2013
This was a perfectly pleasant story about a man and a woman and their correspondence about life and food and how it gives both of them the strength to make the changes they need to make in their lives. I saw a lot of comparisons to The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society, but there was nowhere near that same depth. It was cute but forgettable. Recommended for: people who like books with pretty covers.
Profile Image for Tiago | MrsMargotBlog.
154 reviews31 followers
February 2, 2017
I enjoyed reading this, I felt a great empathy for Eve, she's a lot like me character, lives in anxiety, love to cook and read, I think it describes me perfectly.
I don't think it's a book very pretentious, it is a simple, very real history, problems and common stories in many families. The typical conflict of a mother who always had a distance with her daughter and did not relate to the same and that when she decides to get married, the mother begins a reflection on these issues. And the age crises, where we wonder often what we are doing in life and what is the best way to go on.
    And the end ... ❤️
Profile Image for Karen.
1,976 reviews499 followers
June 3, 2023
I first read this in June 2017. I am now bringing my review to Goodreads.

Publishers Weekly said: "Readers will appreciate the way McKinlay captures emotional truths."

Premise: This pleasant novel revolves around the relationship that develops when Eve, a lonely British divorcee, writes a short fan letter to Jackson Cooper, an American author about how much she loves and adores his detective novels. She actually hand writes her letters. And sends them snail mail. And surprisingly, Cooper writes back. A friendship is born. Soon, the two middle-aged pen pals rely on their letter life-lines. Their letters and eventually e-mails, gradually become more personal.

In many ways this feels like an updated version of 84 Charing Cross Road. Although 84 is a better book, this one is readable, and the characters do grow on you, as the story unfolds. 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Connie G.
1,838 reviews614 followers
August 24, 2017
British Eve Petworth writes a fan letter to Jackson Cooper, a popular American detective fiction author. In this part-epistolary novel they find a shared love of gourmet cooking. Jack and Eve both are also facing midlife challenges. As the novel progresses and they get to know each other, their letters get more personal.

Jack is dealing with writer's block, his second divorce, and meeting women. There are many humorous moments in Jack's life especially when he plans elaborate dinners, but his new vegetarian girlfriend will eat nothing but a salad and bread.

Eve's daughter is getting married and having to cope with blended families during the wedding planning. Shy Eve is prone to anxiety attacks, and the wedding is bringing back painful memories of her difficult mother and her hurtful former husband. As Eve and Jack confide in each other through written letters and e-mails, they form a strong friendship and wonder if they should meet in person for a foodie holiday.

Lovers of good food will especially enjoy this book. The story was light and relaxing without being fluff--perfect for a vacation read.

Profile Image for Dawn.
1,209 reviews49 followers
January 12, 2014
I received a copy of this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

How do you take a simple, ordinary, every day storyline and turn it into something spectacular? Ask Deborah McKinlay. She knows.

"That Part Was True" is an amazing journey of "normal", told in such a real way that you can't help but feel every ounce of emotion. The happiness, the sadness... it's all there.

I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this book. 10 pages in, and my thoughts were "At least it's easy to read" (the writing is superbly fluid and comfortable). After that, the book grew on me - I loved it - and as with all great books, I was disappointed to reach the last page.

"That Part Was True" should be a modern classic.
Profile Image for Deborah Ideiosepius.
1,779 reviews139 followers
November 8, 2016
This was a gracefully written thoroughly enjoyable book; Eve is a comfortably well off but lonely and isolated Englishwomen, one day she picks a book up at random in a charity store and enjoys it so much she writes to the author.... Jack is the author, an American whose most recent wife just left him. Superficially successful, he is to a large extent aimless and when he writes back to Eve a rather charming correspondence commences

While we follow Jack and Eve's stories separately the unifying dialogue for either, both and their letters is food. While some stories will write about food, or tell you it is there but then neglect to tell you about it, this story makes feel real and friendly. The foods and recipes from either side of the Atlantic keep the narrative focused and make it feel very real and very homely.

A mild, easy read but a lot fun in a placid, spring sunshine kind of way.
Profile Image for Trisha.
5,087 reviews186 followers
March 19, 2021
"perhaps late pleasures are all the sweeter for the waiting."

I have to admit I went in to this one with pretty low expectations and found myself pleasantly surprised. It was interesting to learn about Jack, an author who is having a rough period in his life. Eve, who was equally in an odd place and time in her life, felt like the polar opposite of Jack. She was timid to his brash, she was watchful to his reactionary.

Only a huge ocean and many miles separated them.

I have to admit that after more than halfway through the book, I was sad when each page didn't include a letter between them. I was almost impatient for their correspondence and less impressed with the details of their life. I thought their quick whit and sharing of recipes was adorable and I loved the friendship they found through letters. I liked it.
Profile Image for Sharon Redfern.
704 reviews22 followers
February 8, 2014
When Eve Petworth writes a fan letter to an Jackson Cooper about a scene in one of his books, it begins a back and forth correspondence between them. Their letters mainly focus on food and cooking but gradually personal bits start to be included and they share the things going on in their lives with each other. Plans to meet in person keep being offered but they never work out. Right up to the last page, it's unclear whether these two will ever meet, even as they become more and more important to each other.
I loved the concept of this book, with letters to each other interspersed with vignettes about their lives. Both Eve and Jack have difficult issues in their lives and cooking is an outlet for the stress and fear that they have. Eve has a poor relationship with her headstrong daughter and sees herself as a passive doormat. Jack is struggling with his vision as a writer and with the wreck of his second marriage. In the letters, Eve and Jack reveal things they have been afraid to let anyone else know and find solace in each other.

I enjoyed this book and will look for future reads by this author.
Profile Image for Amy.
35 reviews8 followers
September 2, 2013
A gorgeous little novel that leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy. It's a sweet exploration of love and identity.

** disclosure: I work for the publisher & had early access to this title **
Profile Image for Gloria.
461 reviews
March 8, 2015
Light and fun and life-affirming. This novel shows that middle-aged people can reinvent themselves.
550 reviews3 followers
March 27, 2016
Letters, food and England - 3 of my favorite elements of a good story.
Profile Image for Cleopatra  Pullen.
1,402 reviews321 followers
February 22, 2014
This is one of those books where what as much understanding comes from the unsaid parts as the bits the reader is privy to.

Eve Petworth, a wealthy privileged middle-aged English woman writes a letter to American author, Jackson Cooper, after reading one of his novels. They have a meeting of minds over food in their short missives across the Atlantic. Both have reached a stage in their lives where they realise things have to change but neither seem to be able to work out what they need to do to achieve a more fulfilling life.

This is a short but deceptively meaningful book which covers a number of issues. Eve needs to understand her relationships with both her daughter Izzy and her recently deceased mother Virginia. Jackson needs to work out what he really wants from life; recently divorced he is struggling to write his latest novel.

This is a gently moving story that illustrates that it is never too late to make changes to life. I was drawn to read this book because it was written by letters but the truth is these are much shorter and say far less than I expected. The bulk of the story is made up of Jackson and Eve’s struggles to come to terms with the changes in their separate lives.

I received a copy of this book from Amazon Vine in return for my honest review.
Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,131 reviews32 followers
September 3, 2021
Със смесени чувства съм към книгата. Хем ми беше интересна, хем някъде преводът ме объркваше с неадекватни изрази (не че и авторката пише перфектно, но се усещаше, че е от превода по начина н�� подреб на на думите и изреченията).
Романът разказва за израстването на двама герои, наближили своите 50 години. Животът и творчеството на писателя Джак са в застой след два неуспешни брака. Ийв е домакиня, чиято дъщеря се омъжва, а самата тя е потисната и страда от паники. Това, което ги обединява и събира е кулинарството и рецептите, които си разменят чрез старомодни писма. Двамата само си пишат без да се видят, но това успява да ги накара да преосмислят целия си живот и да открият правилните съставки на щастието. Краят е интригуващ и се чудиш какво се е случило след това, всеки може сам да си го напише чрез въображението.
Profile Image for Sónia.
485 reviews46 followers
May 6, 2015
Ora cá está um livro em que a capa nada remete para o conteúdo. Olhando para a mesma fica-se com a sensação que vamos ler um romance histórico. Foi a ideia que tive quando vi o livro pela primeira vez. E foi a leitura da sinopse que me fez querer lê-lo.

É o romance contemporâneo, que se lê extremamente bem, bastante espirituoso, como eu tanto gosto e que, de uma forma divertida, aborda temas como a amizade à distância e algo bastante em desuso, que é a troca de correspondência por carta. Acaba por ser uma obra de gente real, com problemas reais e que vêem no anonimato uma forma de desabafar sobre aquilo que mais as tormenta. Sejam problemas actuais ou traumas passados.

Por último, achei bastante curiosa a "coragem" que Jackson Cooper revela. Um Homem desabafar, com uma Mulher "estranha", problemas pessoais à conta de problemas nos seus dois casamentos e por causa da crise dos 50 é algo inaudito. O recíproco já nem tanto.

Recomendo para ler, soltar algumas gargalhadas e também para rever alguns problemas, que acabam por ser transversais a todos nós. Directa ou indirectamente...
Profile Image for Blodeuedd Finland.
3,497 reviews306 followers
July 4, 2016
A lovely book that was just so well written. The kind of prose that just flows, and you do not know why, but it's quite lovely.

It's the story of Eve who has always stayed in the background. Shy, bullied by her own mother, and with a rocky relationship with her daughter. Izzy whom I first liked at the end. When it all came together, forgiveness and understanding.

And it's the story of Jack, a writer struggling to write, who loves food, and who goes from woman to woman.

Last it is the story of how these two strike up a friendship through letters and even though they have never met they help each other out.

I really can't put my finger on it, I started the book and just liked it from the first line. The good writing just pulled me in and did not let me go.
Profile Image for Heather Alderman.
976 reviews36 followers
February 16, 2020
I picked up this book off the Barnes and Noble Bargain Books table recently wanting a quick, light read at the holidays. That was pretty much what I got. The characters were a bit annoying at times, but overall, I liked their development and how their stories came together.
Profile Image for Pamela Small.
499 reviews63 followers
February 26, 2014
A delightful delicacy of a read. Yes, perhaps a chick read in that it may appeal more to female audiences, but not necessarily, and it certainly is not a flimsy or lightweight one! The thematic messages are compelling and universal. It is not "a coming of age" novel in the traditional sense, but it definitely is so - to middle age! Therefore, I think the audience who will appreciate this lovely,lyrical prose will be readers aged over 30! The themes of friendship, love and loss, regrets, and emotional intelligence ( or lack thereof) are very thought provoking and will stay with the reader long after the last page is turned. The. characters are rich and well developed...I personally would love a sequel that would continue to explore their progress to self -actualization. Save a full day or night; I could not put the book down!
Profile Image for Billiejo.
196 reviews25 followers
August 29, 2018
This storyline and all the characters jumped right off the page at me and made me love them right from the first page. All the twists and turns made it seem like a real life story with all the bumps and curvy roads we have to take sometimes and gives a little bit of insight on how we should be embracing it.
Profile Image for Dulce.
501 reviews3 followers
March 30, 2017
Eve e Jack não se conhecem, vivendo mesmo em continentes diferentes, ela doméstica e ele um escritor. Eve após a morte da mãe, não consegue definir um rumo para a sua vida habituada a que a mão sempre a criticasse e por isso foi-se anulando como pessoa. A filha Izzy prestes a casar-se revela-se uma jovem quase parecida com a avó, mas a chegada do pai Simon e dos meios irmãos fá-la perceber, que existe família para além da avó.
Jack encontra-se sem inspiração, depois de relações falhadas, encontra em Eve o refúgio para desabafar e pedir conselhos e dar e receber receitas.
Um romance, diferente, com um toque de culinária e uma relação de amizade á distância. Que termina num encontro esperado.
Profile Image for Kathy.
80 reviews
September 1, 2018
I picked this book up at the Dollar Tree on a whim (who knew they sold books?). I had just finished reading a rather long and dark novel and wanted something quick and light to read next. This book was a surprise. Not only was it easy and entertaining, but it had a lot of heart. The characters were rich and wonderfully flawed humans trying to find their way through life. I connected with them instantly and was sad to leave them at the end. I also learned a few things along the way. This was just the book I needed to read at just the right time in my life.
Profile Image for Emily.
106 reviews1 follower
March 11, 2019
I wanted to like this book, and I think I succeeded in liking half of it. Eve's family dynamic was one of the more redeeming qualities of this book. I found comfort in her finding herself and making her roll in the life of her daughter as she found herself in her father's life. What, or rather who, I found less redeemable was Jack. Did he truly learn anything from his correspondence or is his journey of self improvement still just dependent on a female's influence? Also, they never really lied to each other so the title is quite deceiving.
Profile Image for Iz Sanz.
159 reviews1 follower
April 19, 2021
Pensé que me iba a gustar, de veras que si.
Me molestaron muchas cosas de este libro, la forma como retratan a Adrienne, lo patán e inmaduro de Jack, que en todo momento se hiciera referencia que tal cosa hacían las mujeres, que tal cosa era típico de hombres, etc. Le pongo dos estrellas sólo porque la hija de Eve se llama Izzy y me hizo recordar a mi infancia, la evolución de la salud mental de Eve, el final de Jack y que la novela es fácil de leer a pesar de sus saltos sin sentido entre personajes.
Profile Image for Lynn.
317 reviews1 follower
September 18, 2019
Woman in England writes to an author in the US to say how much she liked his book and they start a written correspondence.
They become friends through writing about books and cooking and as each have difficulties in their lives they always have each other to look forward to writing about what they love in life.
I really enjoyed this book.
Profile Image for L-J Johnson.
726 reviews5 followers
April 23, 2017
A lovely little book. An American writer and an Englishwoman correspond about food and their lives. Sections alternate between the correspondence, his life, and her life. The writing was often beautiful and the story felt true and real to me throughout. It made me think about how many other hidden gems there are out there.
Profile Image for Wiscana.
54 reviews5 followers
February 4, 2021
Es una historia muy rápida y Rosa pero con un lenguaje lindisimo.. amor por correspondencia en tiempos actuales incluyendo el gusto por la cocina con recetas incluidas que te hace saborear los momentos.. el final de 10.
121 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2021
I had high hopes for this one but it was hard for me to push through it. The story was slow and I only really started to get into the last 50 pages.
69 reviews
March 14, 2018
In the beginning, I thought Julie&Julia.
It was that sort of feel as I started to read.
Once again I was fooled. This is a story of growth and
Recently we hear so much of young people being taught
through "adulting".
Those of us who are older have long been training for
adulthood in terms of decades; learning to take responsibility for our own
happiness has taken some of us our full lifetime.
A reader can see that here.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 495 reviews

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