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The Most And Least Emotionally Aware Countries

Updated Oct 8, 2014, 02:31pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Over the course of a day, you experience hundreds of different emotions. While that may sound like an unbelievable number, your emotions are the primary driver of your behavior; they are there whether you are aware of them or not.

The Gallup organization recently asked people around the globe whether they had experienced a set of ten different emotions on the previous day (five positive and five negative). The study’s results reported the percentage of people in each country who experienced all ten emotions. Since humans experience hundreds of emotions each day, you would expect someone who is emotionally aware to recognize that he or she had experienced the full range of emotions on any given day.

Far fewer people experienced the full range of emotions than you might expect. For the most emotionally aware country (the Philippines) only 60% of the population reported experiencing the full range. The least emotionally aware countries averaged just above half that. The following tables show the results from the top fifteen and bottom fifteen countries. At the end of this article, you will find the results for all 151 countries.

Most Emotionally Aware Countries

Country Percentage of Country’s Population*
Philippines 60
El Salvador 57
Bahrain 56
Oman 55
Colombia 55
Chile 54
Costa Rica 54
Canada 54
Guatemala 54
Bolivia 54
Ecuador 54
Dominican Republic 54
Peru 54
Nicaragua 54
United States 54

*Percentage of the country’s population who said they had experienced the full range of positive and negative emotions on the previous day.

Least Emotionally Aware Countries

Country Percentage of Country’s Population*
Singapore 36
Georgia 37
Lithuania 37
Russia 38
Madagascar 38
Ukraine 38
Belarus 38
Kazakhstan 38
Nepal 38
Kyrgyzstan 38

*Percentage of the country’s population who said they had experienced the full range of positive and negative emotions on the previous day.

It's worth noting that the least emotionally aware country (Singapore) is the only country in the world to fully incorporate emotional intelligence skill development into its public schools. Making emotional intelligence education a priority in Singapore is a relatively recent development, so perhaps the country will climb the rankings in future Gallup polls.

It is no surprise that the United States does not top the list. TalentSmart studies have also shown US deficits in emotional intelligence in comparison to other countries. A good 46% of our population is severely lacking in emotional awareness according to the Gallup study. Self-awareness is a skill that can be cultivated with effort. Let us hope more people (and countries) rise to this challenge and increase their emotional awareness.

 Country  Percentage of Country’s   Population*  Country  Percentage of Country’s   Population*
  Singapore   36   Congo Brazzaville   47
  Georgia   37   Italy   47
  Lithuania   37   Germany   47
  Russia   38   Japan   47
  Madagascar   38   Cameroon   47
  Ukraine   38   Kenya   47
  Belarus   38   Iran   47
  Kazakhstan   38   Senegal   47
  Nepal   38   Lesotho   48
  Kyrgyzstan   38   Slovenia   48
  Mongolia   39   Malaysia   48
  Tajikistan   39   South Africa   48
  Vietnam   40   Tunisia   48
  Haiti   40   Lebanon   48
  Azerbaijan   40   Egypt   48
  Afghanistan   40   Guinea   48
  Bulgaria   41   Sweden   49
  Ivory Coast   41   United Kingdom   49
  Turkmenistan   41   Greece   49
  Somaliland region   41   Indonesia   49
  South Korea   42   Netherlands   49
  Benin   42   Switzerland   49
  Latvia   42   Jordan   49
  Moldova   42   Ghana   49
  Rwanda   42   Syria   49
  Bangladesh   42   Nigeria   50
  Kosovo   42   Denmark   50
  Burundi   42   Trinidad and Tobago   50
  Burkina Faso   42   Thailand   50
  Croatia   43   Israel   50
  Libya   43   Jamaica   50
  Estonia   43   Finland   50
  Congo Kinshasa   43   Cambodia   50
  Botswana   43   Mexico   50
  Macedonia   44   Saudi Arabia   50
  Mozambique   44   Kuwait   50
  Liberia   44   Luxembourg   50
  Armenia   44   Australia   50
  Uzbekistan   44   Portugal   50
  Czech Republic   44   Palestinian Territories   50
  Serbia   44   Iraq   51
  Comoros   44   Uruguay   51
  Central African Republic   44   Ireland   51
  Bosnia and Herzegovina   44   Mauritius   51
  Gabon   44   Paraguay   51
  India   44   Brazil   51
  Yemen   45   Panama   51
  Chad   45   New Zealand   52
  Turkey   45   Swaziland   52
  Djibouti   45   Venezuela   52
  Sierra Leone   45   Angola   52
  Morocco   45   Argentina   52
  Algeria   45   Belgium   52
  Niger   46   Malta   52
  Montenegro   46   France   52
  Hong Kong   46   United Arab Emirates   52
  Zambia   46   Cyprus   52
  Zimbabwe   46   Honduras   52
  Romania   46   Qatar   53
  China   46   Spain   53
  Slovakia   46   United States   54
  Mauritania   46   Nicaragua   54
  Taiwan   46   Peru   54
  Tanzania   46   Dominican Republic   54
  Albania   46   Ecuador   54
  Pakistan   46   Bolivia   54
  Hungary   46   Guatemala   54
  Malawi   46   Canada   54
  Poland   46   Costa Rica   54
  Laos   47   Chile   54
  Mali   47   Colombia   55
  Sudan   47   Oman   55
  Austria   47   Bahrain   56
  Togo   47   El Salvador   57
  Sri Lanka   47   Philippines   60
  Uganda   47

*Percentage of the country’s population who said they had experienced the full range of positive and negative emotions on the previous day.


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