Bookmark- usefull or useless?

I love books. 
I’ve written many times about my reading passion and how I love to devour the books I read, how I crave the aura they create around me that changes my present into a magical place where I can forget everything except the present of my imagination.
I can compare this only to the state of mind I get into when I am drawing when I can’t  see or hear anything  around me, like I become deaf and blind for everything except what I create.

I love the total immersion of mind that the books give me! I can’t be without a book and whenever I finish reading something I frantically look for the next one, so I can sleep soundly that night knowing I will have something to read the next day. 

You would ask yourselves why am I talking about books in the Art & Craft section, since I already have the ” Life” section for that?
True, but this is a special occasion.
Ever since I started the book ” The Historian” by Elizabeth Kostova I felt the need of a bookmark. If you have ever seen this book, you know how huge it is.

I never had a bookmark before and I always used pieces of paper, tissue paper, pens, pencils, library receipts etc as bookmarks, but this time I felt like I really, really needed something beautiful and especially created as a bookmark.

This is what I came up with, alas I never got to use it, because I finished it when I’ve already read the book, but the book inspired it, that’s why I called the book mark ” The Historian”.
1. The bookmark the book inspired. 

2. The details
Card/Bookmark Detail

So when I finished it, I started thinking, do people really use bookmarks or are they just pretty things that lie somewhere around the house and are one of these things that we like having but we never actually use ? 
Do you use bookmarks?
What is the most unusual thing you used as a bookmark?
