The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore

  • An exhaustive compilation of thematic notes, arranged in a hierarchical structure. Contains direct spoilers for pre-book history and indirect spoilers through the facts noted down for events in the books.
    The mountains of Dorne are named the Red Mountains (THK: 482, 533) The high passes of the Dornish Mountains are usable as staging areas for troops (II: 430) Dornishmen can avoid the Reach by climbing the Boneway, turning east near Summerhall, and thus coming up the kingsroad (III: 215) The Boneway…
  • A compilation of Frequently Asked Questions, with some quite lengthy, essay-like answers to common discussion-topics. Contains spoilers.
    Is Brienne dead?

    Opinion is somewhat mixed about this, although the belief that she will survive her encounter with "Lady Stoneheart" seems more common. The key matter is just what the word she shouts is. There are those who think she merely shouts the name Jaime out a last time before dying, but another word…

  • Graphical representations of almost all known banners as well as info files for houses and individuals. Contains minor spoilers in the actual listings of Houses, while major spoilers are placed in specially marked files except when it concerns banners belonging to individuals: these files may contain major spoilers right off
    House Umber

    House Umber appears to be the most northern of the houses of Winterfell, with Last Hearth beyond the Last River and not very far from Eastwatch-by-the-Sea on the Bay of Seals. Jon Umber, called the Greatjon, is its lord, with his son and heir, also Jon, called the Smalljon. Lord Umber’s uncles,…

  • A compilation of prophecies, visions and dreams which appear to reveal something about the future. Contains spoilers, as we note when we believe a prophecy has been fulfilled.
    V: 300-301 - A Woods Witch and Jenny of Oldstones

    "Your grandsire commanded it. A woods witch had told him that the prince that was promised would be born of their line." "A woods witch?" Dany was astonished. "She came to court with Jenny of Oldstones. A stunted thing, grotesque to look upon. A dwarf, most people said, though dear to Lady Jenny,…

  • A comphrehensive collection of fan correspondance with George R.R. Martin. Also included are interviews and chats as well as reports from conventions, signings, etc. May contain spoilers even for as of yet unreleased books.
    Omnivoracious Interview