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Смъртта при пожар на светската красавица Барбара Флорио е шок за всички, които я познават. Но никой не се изненадва, когато подозренията на полицията се насочват към съпруга й Майкъл. Той е пристигнал в къщата точно навреме, за да спаси двете си осиновени дъщери Девън и Терез, но не и съпругата си.

На другия край на света лекарката Ребека Кери научава от вестниците, че малката Терез, която някога е дала за осиновяване на богатите Флорио, се нуждае от нея. Ребека се впуска в трудната мисия да спаси дъщеря си, но е запленена от мрачния чар на Майкъл - един мъж с опасно много лица...

432 pages, Paperback

First published May 4, 1998

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About the author

Marius Gabriel

26 books465 followers
Marius Gabriel is an international thriller and mystery writer.

Under the pseudonym Madeleine Ker, he wrote over 30 romance novels in the 1980s.

As Marius Gabriel he has written several mystery best-sellers, some of them historical novels.

He has three grown-up children and currently lives in Cairo and London. He is 59.

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5 stars
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733 (33%)
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69 (3%)
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29 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews
Profile Image for Anette.
132 reviews11 followers
February 24, 2014
From the first time I picked up a Marius Gabriel book, I was hooked! This is a brilliant author who doesn't underestimate his readers' intelligence. A House of many Rooms takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions with Rebecca when she gets some info about her child that she gave up for adoption years ago. Hold on to your hat because this book is fast paced and will leave you breathless. Cannot wait for his new book to be launched!
Profile Image for Anne.
2,252 reviews1,139 followers
April 30, 2014
This is a genre-busting novel that incorporates the action of a thriller with a smouldering romance and is fast-paced enough to keep the reader hooked throughout.

The Florio family are rich but extremely dysfunctional. Parents Michael and Barbara are separated and their two adopted daughters are troubled and confused. As Barbara becomes more dependent upon drugs and alcohol, her two daughters are left to do exactly as they please, which ends in tragedy for Barbara, and is the beginning of a discovery for the two girls.

On the other side of the world, Dr Rebecca Carey is recovering from a climbing accident when she spots an article about the Florio family and instantly recognises ghosts from her past. It is clear that youngest daughter Therese is the main suspect in the hunt for a murderer and Rebecca is determined that she must go to the aid of this young girl. To explain why Rebecca feels the need to travel so many miles to help a stranger would be to spoil the plot for other readers, but it is an integral part of the story and not quite as random as it seems.

What follows is a fast-paced story populated by well drawn characters, although I believe that Marius Gabriel creates evil far better than he creates good! I was drawn to the bad guy, and to be honest, found Rebecca a tiny bit irritating at times.

However, the story is well constructed with some fabulously realistic characters and that hint of dangerous liaison running most of the way through.
Profile Image for Kymm.
885 reviews52 followers
November 3, 2019
I'll start off by saying I've read other books by Marius Gabriel and thoroughly enjoyed them, this one however was hard to finish. I found it hard to believe to the point of being often times outlandish and ridiculous. The characters were flat and unlikable, the story was so far away from reality or that could or would actually happen that it made it almost seem silly at times. A family in turmoil, the mother is murdered, the two adopted girls live with their father now after they flee the country to protect one of them who could have killed the mother. A doctor who gave up her baby at birth only to "stumble: upon her 13 years later. Then it just gets more outlandish as the story goes on. I guess this is why I tend to stick to historical fiction, something that really could happen or has happened rather than something so far out there as to be silly. Sorry I couldn't find anything in this book that I believed or could even pretend to believe. I'm shocked I was able to finish it after about 1/2 way, but I stuck it out and now feel I've wasted a whole day! This is one I'll have to say read at your own discretion. Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Jen.
184 reviews
July 2, 2020
This book made me mad, for so many reasons. It had potential to be a great story, but it was just sloppy and unbelievable.
First, a doctor in Nepal is introduced and the author builds up chemistry between him and Rebecca - and then she leaves and we never see or hear from him again. Pointless filler.
Then, we are to believe that Rebecca is the ONLY person who can figure out that Michael took his 2 daughters to Italy, despite the authorities investigating the family for arson/murder, and then throwing their hands in the air when they all disappear.
Next, Michael falls in love with Rebecca, and Rebecca has a super creepy relationship with the girls, even if she is Therese's mom - the amount of hugging and kissing that she offers the girl is weird, given the fact that no one else knows who she is and she has been in their lives for a matter of days.
Then, she flees from police custody with Therese and they get across the Mexican border using passports with HER MAIDEN NAME and a fake name for Therese that MICHAEL ALREADY USED. Yet, the police can't figure that one out, either.
Oh, and finally she meets up with her ex she hasn't seen in 13 years and they fall madly in love all over again in 5 minutes and decide they will marry each other.
And just for kicks, let's just throw a sentence out there of Michael admitting that HE WAS MOLESTING HIS OLDER DAUGHTER FOR YEARS, and just solve that little issue by killing him off.
I just couldn't take this book seriously with the ridiculous "heroine" who fell in love with every guy she encountered but was somehow smart enough to outwit every character written?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kelly.
71 reviews
April 14, 2014
I received this book as a part of Goodread's first reads giveaway program and was excited to read it as it sounded very interesting, and it definitely did not disappoint. It was a fast paced action with a thrilling story, a great page turner that was hard to put down. I managed to read it in just a couple of days and was not difficult to read at all, it was smooth flowing and we'll paced.

I really enjoyed the story of Rebecca and her plight in the story, and was not completely surprised by the ending. The story was wrapped up nicely that I was quite satisfied with. A great read that I would recommend to others.
Profile Image for Anette.
132 reviews11 followers
February 10, 2014
From the first time I picked up a Marius Gabriel book, I was hooked! This is a brilliant author who doesn't underestimate his readers' intelligence. A House of many Rooms takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions with Rebecca when she gets some info about her child that she gave up for adoption years ago. Hold on to your hat because this book is fast paced and will leave you breathless. Cannot wait for his new book to be launched!
Profile Image for Dani Bonam.
169 reviews3 followers
December 20, 2017

Fantastic. This is what psychological thrillers are made of! I was truly drawn to this book and had a difficult time putting it down. I found myself reading much more than usual to consume as much as I could, as quickly as I could. I was surprised and confused several times in the novel, making it a real mystery, just like Rebecca, I was trying to solve.

The novel begins by focusing on a very dysfunctional family. Therese and Devon are adopted sisters and very different. Devon is poised and mature while Therese is described as troubled. Their adoptive mother is manic and abuses alcohol and prescription drugs, but she is incredibly wealthy. Therese has been known to cause fires and one night a mystery figure sets clothes alight while the mother is too high to get out of bed. Through the arson and murder an investigation begins and the girls' adoptive father, Michael, whisks them to Italy for a "retreat" away from police and therapists.

Halfway around the world Rebecca, recovers in a hospital from a fall climbing mountains. She reads in the paper about the fire, realizing her daughter who she gave up for adoption is Therese and that something with the family is horribly wrong. Rebecca hides her true identity and becomes the family's nanny in Italy. She begins to discover just how disturbed these people are.

Michael, the father, is cold and cruel. Rebecca instantly dislikes the man but the reader senses he is just harsh in his manners but a good person on the inside. There were so many little tells that Gabriel included to describe Michael's nature but they were well disguised and hindsight is 20/20. For example, Rebecca notices the neglect of Therese but the child is so difficult perhaps it is for the best. When Rebecca discovers the relationship between Michael and Devon, I was disgusted; but even then, perhaps it was just a fantasy of Devon's and Rebecca is too quick to find fault in Michael.

Gabriel disguised the dark nature of Devon and Michael so well. I was confused constantly about what was happening in the minds of the characters. I kept changing my hypothesis only to change it back. The story was so well written, disturbing and thrilling. The ending was a happy one for those that deserve it which made the conclusion one in which only then the stress could finally end.
269 reviews2 followers
April 9, 2018
A house of terror.

A story which uses the cliche situation of a woman who gave up her child and a wealthy disfunctional family with a pyromaniac in their midst. Two adopted children, one sweet, one troubled , which one is the arsonist killer of the adoptive mother? The story sweeps from Nepal to San Francisco to Italy and then Mexico. The birth mother tracks down her lost child to protect her. A thrilling nail biting tale in which it is hard to tell who is truthful and who a manipulative liar. Lives and sanity depend upon the mother finding out the truth. A great thrilling read. Marius Gabriel knows how to grip your interest all the way to the end. Thoroughly recommended.
April 20, 2019
Another great book by this author but...

This would have been 5* but for an inconsistency towards the end. I won't spoil it but it let down an otherwise excellent book.

The story is gripping and told in such a way that you are transported to wherever in the world Rachel is travelling to or living in.

I love this author but please change the end chapter (not the outcome) to provide continuity of situation.
266 reviews4 followers
October 30, 2019
Great Read

Marius Gabriel is a brilliant writer, one of my favorites, and A House of Many Rooms didn’t disappoint. The twisted, imaginative plot and the well-developed characters resulted in a book I had a hard time putting down. I know that some reviewers have a hard time with some of Gabriel’s subject matter, and I think that results in some lower star reviews. That is unfortunate. I hope that readers who are eager for a well-written, sophisticated novel give this a try.
Profile Image for Poorna Rajaraman.
83 reviews94 followers
August 17, 2021
The story goes through lot of the feelings of the mom.. its like a thriller but from a mom's point of view.. The setting is from US to India to Italy to Mexico.. Some places we should not question - like how the villian will not know this doctor's second name though she traveled with him from Italy to the US together..

Nerve-racking and also confusing about where we are going from where.. and also gets into kids feelings etc.. very rewarding experience for me to read the book
Profile Image for Cookie's Comforts.
170 reviews11 followers
September 22, 2021
My honest opinion on this book, it was a slow burner so to start with it took a while for you to learn about the characters but once the book really got going which I say was probably about halfway through it just really really hooked you into it. I thought the character dynamics were fantastic you could see that there was going to be an issue with the father figure of Michael. 4 stars, I would recommend as long as you can get through the first 40% good book.
Profile Image for Ivajla Hadjimineva.
183 reviews2 followers
December 14, 2023
Мариус Габриел, "Къщата с многото стаи ".
Е, аз съм от малкото читатели на тази книга, които не я харесват. Има висока оценка в Goodreads, 4.24. Все пак прочетох я докрая, интересен замисъл, но според мен напълно нереалистичен. Розовожълта история, убийства, изпепеляваща любов, психопати, пари. Недостоверни в психологично отношение герои, както и техните постъпки.
С две думи, майка, която е дала за осиновяване дъщеря си преди 13 години, се опитва да си я върне.
Profile Image for Lisa Roberts.
115 reviews2 followers
May 27, 2019
Initially great ...

I really enjoyed the first 75% of the book but it was let down by a truly saccharine ending which was so far fetched I had to check the blurb to make sure I hadn't inadvertently started reading Mills & Boon. I found the characters quite engaging and read with a sense of anticipation, but the ending was lazy and highly improbable - a bit of an insult infact
Profile Image for Laurean Wilson Reynolds.
123 reviews3 followers
October 18, 2019
Another page turned by Gabriel

I could not stop reading. Twists, turns, suspicions, good, evil and who done it? Strong female characters fight for a recognition of kinship and belonging. Psychopathic and complex relationships are presented so well by the author that it is easy to understand motives of the characters in the plot. Very good book!
256 reviews3 followers
September 2, 2021
A very interesting book

Excellent story and It gave me an insight in some people's home life. Its a very different but moving book full of heartbreak and things happening.The characters were well chosen and very strong people and there's a love story woven throughout.
I would certainly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Sheryl Smith.
891 reviews5 followers
January 28, 2023
Full of surprises

This is a very engrossing tale that had me reading late into the night. As an adoptive mother, I was especially moved by the relationship between Rebecca and Therese. I suspected that not all was as it seemed, but was surprised by the many twists and turns of the story. I love how the suspense keeps renewing until the very end.
Profile Image for Alison Offerdal.
240 reviews
February 19, 2019
Another gripping novel

I’ve read several of Maurius Gabriel’s novels, all of which have been page turners! Rebecca is a well respected Doctor but when she’s recovering from an accident, her past catches up with her. Gripping novel from start to finish with s few twists and turns!
September 8, 2019
Couldn't stop reading this!

Compelling and heart wrenching story of a broken family. This book.has it all. Heart break, romance, rich and poor, educated family. Can't wait to read.another from this author.
30 reviews
July 16, 2021
I found this a really difficult read, it made me feel uncomfortable throughout and I was sickened by the end of it. Relieved it’s finished (I know I could have left this book unfinished but I needed to know)
110 reviews
July 30, 2021
Another gripping read

A bit hard to follow at first and a few typing errors but the many twists and turns made this a well written story with a good pace. Not a book where you could guess the ending
Profile Image for Nic.
107 reviews
October 27, 2022
Another great novel !

I read this in 24 hours! It drew my curiosity and moved at a fast pace...a turner ....from the first to the last page... Curious? Don’t believe me? Read and judge for yourself ....
164 reviews
December 24, 2022
Brilliant book by a Incredible Author

The books he writes are wonderful and challenging to read. The stories are complex with great descriptions of the characters.
I will continue to read every book he has written.
Profile Image for Kathryn McGregor.
222 reviews1 follower
January 5, 2023
At first, I thought it was a great suspenseful story, but then it turned dark. Not what I usually read and had some places that dragged or just didn’t quite flow. I wanted to finish to see what happened, but will have to say it as not my favorite.
113 reviews
May 31, 2018
An Enjoyable Read.

This was a well told story with twists and turns through out. Sentences were missing & other grammatical errors throughout.
32 reviews
March 3, 2019
Great book with believable characters full of twists and turns. I couldn’t put it down. Now to read the other Marius Gabriel books.
159 reviews
May 26, 2019
Loved the book Great characters and twists
Displaying 1 - 30 of 50 reviews

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