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Nero is the king of Legacy Prep, living a life of power.
Elle is the school’s punching bag, living a life of fear.
The only good girls Nero knows jump in his bed when he tells them to.
The closest Elle has come to a bad boy like him is in the cafeteria line.
The mob boss gave him orders to find out what she knows.
Her mouth is sealed.

I just want to be a fu**ing made man.
I’m just a fu**ing waitress.

292 pages, ebook

First published June 25, 2014

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About the author

Sarah Brianne

17 books4,920 followers
Hey! My name is Sarah Brianne and after living for twenty-two years the characters in my head told me enough was enough and I have finally put pen to paper (or is it finger to keyboard?) to tell their stories. Since I was a little girl I have watched every chick flick I could get my hands on, then when I became older I discovered a whole new world of romance novels. To me there is nothing better then a tale of true love and those are the stories that have inspired me to write. Like everything else in my life I have put my own spin on two lovers destined to be together.

Sarah Brianne

Stalk me,

Snapchat @AuthorSarahBri

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,613 reviews
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,934 reviews33k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 14, 2019
DNF at 21 %

Whelp, it's a good thing one of my New Year's Resolutions was not "finish every book I start."

Spoiler: I will NEVER make that resolution.
Because my personal thoughts on DNF-ing?

Make it rain, bitches.


I totally understand that sometimes the best books are ones that took time to get into and that the most fulfilling ending in those instances is to push through and blah, blah, blah.


When you are balls deep in the story (20% suffices as the definition of balls deep in my opinion, folks) and these are your thoughts:

Wow, this writing really sucks. Perhaps third person was not the best choice for this author.
That's stupid.
Holy shit, these characters are borderline retarded.
That's stupid.
I don't even like or care about anything that happens to these characters.
That's stupid.
I really need to get a pedicure, my toenail keeps snagging on my electric blanket...

Profile Image for Christy.
4,143 reviews34.8k followers
June 3, 2015
4.5 stars

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Nero is one of those guilty pleasure books. It’s a book that is fairly unrealistic and I couldn’t help but love it. Why? Because the enjoyment factor was crazy high. I didn’t want to put it down and it was highly entertaining.

Elle is a senior in high school. She has been bullied most of the 4 years she’s been there, even more so because she protects her best friend Chloe, taking more of the bullying than she should. To supplement her scholarship to Legacy Prep, Elle works at a diner after school. She witnesses something she should’t, something dangerous. Something mob related. She doesn’t think anyone saw her, but she’s terrified someone did.

Nero’s ready to take his place in the family after high school and has just been given his first ‘job’. Get close to the girl who witnessed the hit. Find out if she saw the faces of the guys and see if she’s the type of girl that will talk. After spending some time with Elle, Nero see’s that she’s different than any other girl he’s met. After seeing the things she’s had to endure, he feels the need to protect her. Nero is a bad ass. A little crazy, but in the best way. He will do what needs to be done to protect his girl.

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I loved how protective Nero become of Elle and her friend. And I also loved his two friends that had his back.

Nero is hot, has a dirty mouth and is very alpha for being an eighteen year old high school student. I was nervous about the characters ages, with all the sexy going on, but for some reason, the way she wrote them just worked.

I really loved Elle. She was a fantastic heroine. Strong, brave and completely selfless in a lot of ways. I thought her friendship with Chloe was great and I can’t wait to find out more of Chloe’s story as the series goes on. I am excited that the next book is Vincent’s. He brought some funny scenes to this book and I can’t wait to see the guy’s a little older and a girl that’s finally snag this playboy’s heart.

This story was different from a lot of mob type books I’ve read. I loved that it wasn’t the same old same old story. It was a fast paced, suspenseful and sexy read. I’m looking forward to continuing with this series, and I really hope the author gives us a Lucca book sooner rather than later. I loved his character!

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“I will fight. I will torture. I will kill in my line of work… it’s part of me, just how you’re a part of me, but nothing- NOTHING- will ever come before you. No one will ever fucking touch what’s mine and not pay for it.”

July 13, 2014



1x Tortured, self sacrificing and helpless heroine
1x Arrogant, manwhore and possessive type hero
1x Shy and loyal wallflower, who is also best friend to the heroine
2x Loyal, hot mates for the hero
1x Bitch of a nemesis for the heroine
A haggle of robotic blonde drones who follow the nemesis around.
Common sense (optional)

Every once in a while, I stumble upon these "little gems of crazy" and this is one such book. And by that I mean, I absolutely love the book despite how ludicrous it is!

Elle, is a scholarship student at Legacy Prep High, she's in her last year and can't wait to leave her own personal hell. She and her friend, Chloe are bullied five days a week. Elle, always tries to deflect attention to herself instead of Chole (who has facial scars), which means she gets the harshest of the bullying. She is literally beaten up, called names, terrorised and all manner of horrific things. The teachers turn a blind eye, and even the cafeteria staff have a go at her.

That's until she spies a murder one day after work, and suddenly Nero Caruso sets his sights on her. Nero, is son to a mob boss, and his father has instructed him to watch Elle. How much did she see, and will she go to the authorities? Nero, predictably starts falling for her, where one girl was not enough, now only Elle will do.

What follows is a whirl wind romance, Nero is Elle's knight in shining armour. She's no longer bullied, Nero, makes sure anyone who tries to hurt her is seen to, mostly by using his fists. The story is quite predictable but highly entertaining.

I did have a few issues, for instance the author would switch from first person to third person. It didn't happen often but it was obvious, the other thing was that some sentences sounded incredibly weird while reading, but this never really bothers me since English isn't my native tongue. But with all these issues I can't bring myself give this book a lower rating, I enjoyed it way too much!

Finally thanks to Zaria, I raid your shelves quite frequently and would have never read this book if I hadn't seen your review :D

And to the author, please make the next book about Lucca! I loved Nero but when Lucca came into the picture I was a gonner!

Profile Image for Ivie dan Glokta.
311 reviews218 followers
April 11, 2015
I am not going to trash this novel because of it's classic cliche YA theme. Usually if i stumble upon a story that is juvenile i just pass it off as bubblegum high school drama and leave it at that. Suffice to say, this is a book written by young girlies, for young girlies.

This book however has two things that annoyed me to hell. Portrayal of the lead female character Elle and the actual writing, witch was atrocious.

I'll elaborate.
Both men and women tend to be misunderstood and underestimated because of their age, but they are far more capable and intelligent then we give them credit for. Emphasis on the capable.

Elle walks trough school being bullied to that extreme extent that it made no sense. I understand that high school can be very traumatic for some people, especially if you have been bullied. The author wanted to portray emotional turmoil and the feelings of isolation, but with the choices Elle made she didn't do her any favors. Even a kitten, young, inexperienced, uncoordinated has some claws to protect itself. The characters were overblown in their aggression, and Elle just stood there taking it all. It was actually Nero who first stood up for her and she beamed at him like a silly calf, never thinking to do that herself, she was so 'afraid' of any type of confrontation. The author shot and missed the target. This was a young woman, but she didn't behave as such, she was more of an infant that needed coddling. The naivete displayed by Elle was so great it was as dangerous as it was impossible. She would have known more about life simply by watching TV, let alone human interaction. I cringed to see just how pitiful and pathetic Elle was. It annoyed me, it upset me. She was worse then a beaten dog, and i can't say that endeared her to me. For a seventeen year old girl she had a shriveled soul and the intelligence of a child.

The amount of effort the author invested into making her lead need saving surpassed the classic maiden in distress cliche. Now i don't mind a bit of maiden in distress, i am a romantic to the bone, but when the maiden is that weak that she needs help to breathe, i don't like the maiden. I would rather feed her to the dragon.

I truly believe that a little backbone wouldn't hurt this story, but in fact improve it. Women presented as slobbering idiots that forget themselves as soon as a guy bats his eyelashes grate on my nerves. Also when they are such imbeciles that they need a guy to find their self worth. Especially in high school. In fact a kindergarten child has more self esteem and shows more common sense. This isn't a historical romance where women swoon and have no rights, it's the 21st century. The message i got from experiencing Elle's character was a disturbing one; justification of abuse for the sake of popularity, and romanticizing self interest because let's face it, Nero is just looking after his own hide.

About the writing....The author manages to transport us back in time, when indeed we sat in class trying to write an essay. In my head i keep hearing the professor saying, be careful! When writing in third person, make sure that you don't use the name so often when starting a sentence, and most of all don't string them together.

Small example:

Elle knew she needed help, and if anyone in this school could protect Chloe, it was Nero and his crew. Sorry, Chloe.
Elle sat down beside Chloe. “You better not be lying to me, Nero.”
Elle knew he had heard her; he nodded, not only for her, but for his crew to come over.
Elle whispered to Chloe, “It’s going to be okay. I haven’t let anyone in here hurt you, have I?” And she hadn’t. Elle did whatever it took to make sure no one laid a finger on her. Yes, that meant Elle got the short end of the stick in here, but Chloe got the shortest end of the shittiest stick outside of here.
Elle gave Chloe a smile when she finally answered, shaking her head no.
Elle could see the signal Nero gave the young blond one to sit beside Chloe.

And then, and then, and then, and then......

Bad form, that showed just how much the author was struggling to find the adequate words to convey her story.

Those two things killed it for me.
Profile Image for MischaS_.
785 reviews1,425 followers
October 4, 2019
Okay, what's wrong with Goodreads! It keeps glitching when I want to save/add the review. (So, here is a short version of my review cause I cannot be bothered typing all of it again.)

So, I read this book in January and I somehow completely forgot to write the review for it.

Overall, I was not very excited by this book, I kept skipping a lot mainly because I found a lot of things in the plot as well as the characters pretty ridiculous.
Also, the mix between high-school meets mafia did not work for me very much. Majority of the plot was full of classical high-school tropes embellished with mafia background. I cannot say that I was a fan.

For some time I considered continuing the series if only to read Lucca's but since it's nine months since I read Nero's book, I do not believe that's going to happen.
Besides Lucca there was also one more character I liked, I believe but I cannot remember who she was.
Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,615 followers
October 13, 2017
I thoroughly enjoyed this unconventional love story. Nero and Elle have captured a special piece of my heart. Their story was sweet and, at times, full of teenage melodramatics. Nonetheless, I devoured it.

Much like the characters from 'Fallen Crest High', these young characters seemed to be much older. I had to keep reminding myself that this story was set in high school, because the power and resources that Nero and his friends wielded was tremendous. In that regard, it was a bit unbelievable, but otherwise, it was wholly entertaining.

High school seniors, Elle and Nero came from opposite ends of the social hierarchy. Nero was a sort of God at the elite prep school that they attended. Elle, on the other hand, was a social pariah that spent her school days trying to go unnoticed so that she wouldn't draw the attention of the bullies that frequently targeted her.

Setting Elle further apart from her over-privileged classmates, is the fact that she is not wealthy. She is only able to attend the elite school because she has a scholarship that covers most of her tuition. She works as a waitress to pay the remaining costs.

When Elle witnesses a murder one night, she draws the attention of the Mafia Boss. As the son of the Boss, Nero is given his first job...Get close to Elle and find out what she knows. Nero didn't anticipate growing fond of Elle. His only focus was on finishing the job so he could secure his place within the organization.

Of course, as Nero inserts himself into Elle's life, he finds that she slowly imprints herself on him as well. Before long, the two are inseparable. It becomes clear that their relationship is no longer based solely upon the job, but their relationship may not survive the betrayal and lies.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. Although it was unbelievable, it was great entertainment. I'm looking forward to future books in this series to see how things work out for other key characters. Chloe's story, in particular, is calling to me. I'm sure I'll be continuing this series soon.

Check out more of my reviews at www.bookaddicthaven.com
February 9, 2017


#3. Teenage Drama Queen Much?

In the beginning, Nero is quite the teenage drama queen, as Elle and her BFF Chloe are repeatedly beaten and bullied by the richest, most popular kids in school:

“ 'I have a mess.' Cassandra pushed Elle’s plate off the table. Then, her high-pitched voice screeched, 'Clean it up, waitress.'
The cafeteria grew silent. That word waitress made Elle’s skin crawl, and yet it might as well be her birth name here as far as they were concerned.
'Bitch, I know you hear me.' Cassandra took Chloe’s plate and held it above her head. 'Clean up the mess like a waitress is supposed to, or the little freak will have her own mess to clean up.' " ~ Cassandra, Elle, & Chloe



But fear not, dear readers. For, in true Lohan fashion, the story quickly morphs into…

#2. Oh So Fresh & Sweet!

Right before the OTT drama gets tiresome, Nero and Elle share a kiss in the school’s art supply closet; and, the contrast between his vast experience and her obvious naiveté is oh so fresh and sweet:

" 'I’ve never been kissed before.'
Nero rubbed his thumb across her jawline. 'All right. The first time, I’ll take a small kiss.'
Elle’s heart stopped beating. 'Here?'
Nero nodded and leaned his face down, his mouth an inch from hers. 'Here.'
Elle’s stomach filled with butterflies. She closed her eyes. For a brief second, his lips closed over her bottom lip, then they were gone. When she opened her eyes, the fluttering in her stomach didn’t stop." ~ Elle & Nero



From there, it’s a Lohan-esque free-fall into…

#1. Full On Grool Mode.

When Elle’s BFF Chloe meets Lucca (aka The Hottest Made Man Ev-Ah), Nero becomes the perfect combination of great and cool:

“Lucca was a million times more handsome than Nero, and a billion times more frightening. His bad-boy appearance said, ‘cross me and I will murder your entire family.’ [...] He rolled his lighted Zippo between his fingers and Chloe became entranced by the flame. [...] Suddenly, he flipped the lighter closed, and moved to let her pass. Keeping her eyes on him, Chloe turned sideways, and carefully inched past. Even in heels, her face only came to the middle of his chest. Once free, she walked as fast as she could back toward the house.
‘You can’t run from the truth forever, darlin’ '.
Chloe walked faster.” ~ Lucca & Chloe




Lucca catapults Nero straight out of CUTE-TEEN-ROMANCE-VILLE, right into THIS-SERIES-IS-GONNA-BE-HAWT-LAND! So, if you can overlook the teenage melodrama long enough to get to the fresh and sweet stuff, Nero is a pretty grool read.

Nero (Made Men #1) by Sarah Brianne: 3 “Shades of Lohan” Stars.

For information about my rating system, see my profile page.

Links to my reviews of Made Men #2-4:
Vincent (MM #2): CLICK ME BABY
Lucca (MM #4): ONE LAST CLICK!
March 19, 2020
Basically a reverse bullying story!

Elle is witness to a Mafia murder by a boss, an underboss, and another made man. They only find out later after seeing the tapes of the alley where it took place, that she was present and are not sure what she saw or heard, but they have a mob law against killing kids and she is still only seventeen.

So the Boss gives his son Nero the job of finding out what Elle knows before her eighteenth birthday and if he does a good job, he will be a “Made” man. Nero is basically the king of Legacy Prep, the high school where both he and Elle go to School. He has slept with almost every willing female in the school and everyone loves him.

Elle and her friend Chloe are bullied and tormented on a daily basis. Elle is a scholarship student who works at a diner for the rest of her tuition because she doesn’t want to leave Chloe to fend for herself. When Nero starts paying attention to Elle, he and his friends begin to see the kind of bullying the girls have been subjected to and help them deal with it.

“I have to know. Do girls really have pillow fights at slumber parties?” Vincent flashed his smile.
Elle rolled her eyes. Typical.
“Yeah, I wondered that, too.” Leo said.
“Are you all serious?” Elle looked at their faces. They looked serious.
“I wanna know,” Amo chimed in.
Nero turned and looked at her. “Do you?”
Elle pushed at his shoulder. “No, we don’t. We wear green face masks, paint each other’s toenails, and watch old movies.”
She looked around at their disappointed faces.
Vincent threw down the rest of his taco. “Wow, Elle, thanks for killing our fucking dreams.”

The story is good on many levels, especially the conflicts that develop because everything is based on a lie and Nero can’t help but develop feelings for Elle. There is some great humor and steamy romance! Hot! Hot! Hot!

Profile Image for Valentina "TinchyB" .
349 reviews76 followers
July 10, 2014
10 STARS! 10!

If you don't know me by now,I must tell you that I love my men mad ass possessive and batshit crazy! In books, too...
And when they are strong,sexy and protective,just like our hero in this one,we have a winner!


I really,really love this book!
I love how two main characters work together,and most of all,his crazy possessiveness!
And he's son of the capo di tutti capi...can a girl ask for more?


Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,485 reviews5,322 followers
August 24, 2014

"I think killing is way too fucking easy."

[image error]

I enjoyed this well written debut novel that told the tale of two high school seniors who are brutally bullied at Legacy Prep school and only have each other in this caddy school. Elle and Chloe have each other’s back and never rat. Sadly, the bullying aspect of the story was hard to stomach but the girls’ bond was pure and strong.

Elle witnesses a mob hit outside her place of employment that draws the attention of the heads of the Caruso crime family to see if she will talk. Nero Caruso attends Elle’s school and has never had any interactions with her but he is given his first job by his father to find out what she saw and if she’ll talk and to get close to her.

”This was his first job, the job that was going to adopt him into the family. Yes, his blood might biologically be a part of the family, but his blood didn’t bleed with the family.”

Elle was just his first job but quickly Nero finally sees the hell that school is for Elle and Chloe and so he asks his boys to help him provide safety while he puts the moves on Elle.

[image error]

Nero’s boys and Elle and Chloe become friends and with Nero heading the attack they get revenge for all those who have tormented the girls. I also loved the fact that Chloe has secrets that weren’t fully revealed in this book.

”I don’t care who has touched her, whether it’s dicks or bitches. We will do exactly what they did to her.”

Nero is one HOT alpha eighteen year made man. He was a dirty talker, he was fiercely protective and knows how to make Elle weak in the knees.

”Careful, or I’ll throw being a gentleman out the fucking window and watch your tits bounce in my face.”

Elle finds out who is Nero’s father is and things take a terrible turn for the worse while her life is still in danger. Nero and his crew kick ass throughout this story and I’m excited that all will be getting their own books but I’m most interested in reading Nero’s big brother, Lucca’s book.

Elle and Nero’s relationship was hot and dangerous and I love it. I was iffy about the idea of mobsters still in high school but the author's writing was so skilled that I'm invested in this series 100 percent.

This story was a made man’s first job while in his senior year of high school and I can’t wait to see what these boys are up to in the next book in the series when their school days are over.
Profile Image for bookaddict lass (kate).
100 reviews146 followers
February 17, 2022
3.5 stars. who cares he's barely legal if he's a made man, alpha, sex machine and overly possessive guy that will slash your bullies and enemies all in one😋🥵🙏

it was so enjoyable i wish more authors wrote heroes that way because for the most part they're asshole wimps, cheaters or boring profeminists🙂🙂🙂
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews2,996 followers
January 26, 2020
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Hmm I Still Like It Enough*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Second re-read:
The book centers around Elle ‘Elle-Bell’ Buchanan (17, turns 18) and Nero Caruso (18), who was basically the king of Legacy Prep. When Elle witnesses a murder, the Boss sends his son to find out exactly what she saw. To do that, he has to get close to her. Little did Nero know that there's more to Elle than meets the eye. Elle is hard to get to open up as she's been bullied for over three years, more bullied than necessary in order to protect her best friend.

Overall, I still like it, I do, however, there's so much I don't like. Like for example the insta-love feel. Most of the book is of a timeline of four-five days. This didn't work so much for me as the story went on. Then there's the fact that Nero didn't feel so ‘powerful’ compared to certain others in the family. And Elle's best friend annoyed me to bits with her weakness. Then there was the fact that I felt like I didn't connect so well with Elle this time around.

That being said, I like the concept. I do, but I wanted more ‘family’ bonding between the Caruso. I felt like they hardly like each other... That being said, I'm thinking of taking Nero of off my ‘favorite male character’ shelf. While he was hot, he wasn't that hot anymore... I feel bad for even thinking this, but I've changed so much that I'm not all that surprised.

Other Characters:
The list is somewhat long so I put it in a spoilers tag.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (New Adult) Contemporary Romance (M/F).
Series: - Series, Book One.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Nero Caruso.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Unsure, actually.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Yes, I think I would.
Will I read this again in the future? - After this one? I don't think so tbh.
New Rating - 3 stars.

Re-read: 20.04.2016
Still awesome. I want more books like this. More boys like Nero. I love him!
Rate: Same as before.
“I will fight. I will torture. And I will kill in my line of work. I knew I would join the mob ever since I could remember, and you have to accept that because I am not giving you an option. It’s a part of me, just how you’re a part of me, but nothing—nothing—will ever come before you.
No one will ever fucking touch what’s mine and not pay for it.”

First read review:

If getting on the ground is what keeps those good things in my life, then fine. But I will not crawl, I absolutely will not beg.

Meet Elle, 17 years old girl who gets bullied. You'd think she was weak, but hell no, she's a fighter and she's strong. Elle pretty much goes through hell to protect her bestfriend Chloe, who has gone through some hard shit, making her extremely scared. Elle has the biggest heart, she's kind and independent. She holds every pain inside of her, lies to her parents so they won't worry, and she keeps going through hell.
“Then I will enjoy watching you scream as I fuck you because, baby, I will pop that cherry very soon.” Nero must have read her mind as he gave another tight squeeze to her breasts. “I give you my word that my dick will be the first and only to slide in and out of your tight, wet pussy, and you will be the one crawling and begging for me to take it.”

Enter Nero, 18 year old alpha male, sexy, dominant, bossy, possessive, and he's the mafia bosses son. He's strong, protective and fierce. Nero's also fucking scary. Did I mention that he's possessive? So fucking possessive, but it's sexy as hell. He's the king of Legacy Prep, and with his two bestfriends Vincent and Amo, they pretty much rule the school.
“I don’t want to see you ever touch another guy again. You can kiss and hug your father and brother, but if I find out you’ve touched another guy—I don’t give a shit who it is—they won’t live to let it happen again.”

Now for the story. Elle has the most unlucky luck of it all, or the best, depends on how you look at it.. After a night's work, she witnesses a murder. The 'boss', and two others kills a man, without seeing that Elle is watching. When they go through the videotapes, they see her. The bosses son goes to school with her, and give him a month to find out if she's a rat. Because the moment Elle turns 18, she can be killed. Nero, Vincent and Amo suddenly becomes Elle and Chloe's protector and Nero becomes Elle's man. Drama unfolds, truths comes out and blood will be spilt.
"Jesus Christ." Elle heard Nero say.
"For fuck's sake," Amo chimed in.
"Motherfuckers," Vincent added.”

The story was surprisingly good.. I had expected the characters to be a lot different than they were. What surprised me the most was Nero, who I ended up loving. I love his dominance and his possessiveness. I love that he wants everyone who has caused Ellen pain to suffer. I love how he follows her to work to make sure she's safe. I simply love him. Elle surprised me as well. I went into the book thinking she would be weak, shy, and a bit stupid, to be frankly honest... But she was none of those things. She was awesome and a bloody fantastic friend. I want her to be my bestfriend and I want her loyalty.
”You need to stop questioning me. I’m the one with the dick, and the sooner you realise that, the easier this will be.”

The only thing that bothered me was how was things was going for Elle and Nero. If you know me, then you know I hate insta-love, in this case it was between insta-love and insta-attraction but if I looked away from that, then "Nero" was a great read! :)
Rate: 4 stars.
”This was his first job, the job that was going to adopt him into the family. Yes, his blood might biologically be a part of the family, but his blood didn’t bleed with the family.”
Profile Image for Alpha Possessive Heroes.
482 reviews823 followers
October 18, 2017

Holly Nero this was good! Alpha hero with a weak/abused heroine? I gobbled this shit up and I know what you all thinking..


For me this book is quite typical.. Hero is popular, hot, rich.. blah, blah! Heroine is weak, poor and thinks she's plain.. yada, yada!

Same old clichéd theme that we probably read like 13242735 times but something about NERO that really hooked me til' the end! H/h are in their 18ish.. so this book is YA genre but with a glorified sexuality.. Am I making sense? No? Ok.

I guess the main reason why I so loved this book is because of NERO. Fuckin NERO CARUSO! He's around 18ish.. (I know right? so young!) but he's very controlling, possessive and manipulative. He's one of those hero that makes you want to..


All kidding aside- despite the clichéd plot, I thoroughly enjoyed everything about this book! I just wish there was, I don't know.. more? Something that would have grip me intensely. But other than that, its a 4.5 stars for me.

This is a great start for a new series and I can't wait for the next book. I'm hoping its Chloe and Lucca!


I mean for awhile I shipped Amo/Chloe but the moment Chloe met Lucca? I felt the tension, I don't know what kind of tension.. but there was something deep in there!!

As you can tell, I am in love with Nero.. but Lucca? He's something else.. something dangerously hot. Lol!

Damn it. I need it now!
Profile Image for Raj.
273 reviews80 followers
June 19, 2015
4 'Strawberry' Stars

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Elle has one friend, and one friend only, Chloe. Elle puts up a part time job to pay off tuition, sucks up the bitches bullying, and always been the target because she doesn't let anyone or anything get close to Chloe. She's a true friend. One night Elle was taking out the garbage at work when she heard something in the ally. She hid behind the garbage can. She witnessed a man getting killed. Shocked and scared she so ran for her safety after they've disappeared. Turned out that she just saw the biggest mafia group in Kansas.

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They found out about Elle. They weren't sure If she saw their faces or not so they wanted to know. The "head" of the family knew what he was gonna do to find. He sent his son on a mission. If he succeeded on finding out about Elle and that night, he would official become a member of the family(mafia). So he sent out Nero. The most popular, terrifying , and hottest kid in school. A.K.A the bosses son.

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What would happen to these two, would Elle trust Nero? And
What happens if Elle found out why he's doing all of this and who her really is?

Nero is ALL alpha. That boy is HOT!

“I give you my word that my dick will be the first and only to slide in and out of your tight, wet pussy, and you will be crawling and begging for me to take it”

This book was really good. I really enjoyed it. Loved the side characters a lot. My blood is itching to find out Chloe's story. Overall really good read.

“I will fight. I will torture. And I will kill in my line of work. I knew I would join the mob ever since I could remember, and you have to accept that because I am not giving you an option. It’s a part of me, just how you’re a part of me, but nothing—nothing—will ever come before you.”

Profile Image for Arena♡.
404 reviews718 followers
September 21, 2020
First read: June 5

Re-read: August 25

Re-re-read: September 12

Re-re-re read: September 21
I'm bored out of my mind


Re-re-read: September 12:
As much as I loved Nero's protective and possessive side, I hated the way he talked about other girls. Though, I do appreciate that he wasn't with any other girl after he started pursuing Elle.


Initial Review:

Okayyy, so my initial rating had been 5 stars but now that I've read this book again, there were some things that bothered me. a lot. I think my feelings for this book are more of guilty pleasure because as unrealistic as I thought this book was, I couldn't help but fall in love with the beautiful world Sarah introduces us to.

So, in this book we're introduced to Nero and Elle. Elle is a senior at high school and is bullied all the while she went to Legacy Prep. She isn't rich and goes there on scholarship. She could've dropped out but the reason she stays is her best friend, Chloe. She works at this diner and witness a shooting one night, related to the mob. She flees the scene as soon as possible and doesn't think anyone saw her.

“I will fight. I will torture. I will kill in my line of work… it’s part of me, just how you’re a part of me, but nothing- NOTHING- will ever come before you. No one will ever fucking touch what’s mine and not pay for it.”

Nero is the son of the mafia boss. He is ready to join the familia but in order to do so, he has been give a 'job'. To find out what he can about Elle and to confirm if she saw the faces of the shooter or not. He quickly realises that Elle isn't like other girls and will need some persuasion. But after spending some time with her, he has this sudden urge to save and protect her against everybody. He shortly realises that there is more to her than his initial thought and soon, she isn't just a 'job' to him anymore.

"I was never supposed to fall in love with her, but that was the best mistake of my life."

I loved how Elle was so protective toward Chloe and how she refused to leave her side. All the other side characters were amazing too! Vincent, Amo, Leo, Chloe and Lucca. All of them were wonderful and played an important part of the book.

Reasons it was a 4 star read for me:

○ The whole Elle not being a rat thing was too much. It was mentioned so many times!! like yeah, I get it, YOU ARE NOT A RAT! can you not say it so many times?

○ I got the whole Elle guarding Chloe thing, but this was too OTT, like I appreciated that Elle stood up for her, but it was like Chloe just wasn't her own person! Elle made e v e r y s i n g l e decision for her! controlling much?

○ Elle was shown as a brave person who stood up for herself but she melted like an ice cube with salt sprinkled on it, that was literally the only thing I could think of when Nero asked for something. Like whenever he said something, she just complied! where's all the 'standing up for myself' shit now?

○ Elle was attacked so many times in front of Chloe but she never helped/saved her. Like Elle did so much for her! imo, Chloe was too OTT.

○ The whole 'bullying' thing was taken to the next level. The Queen B attacked our precious little Elle by bashing her skull into the sink and there was so much blood Not only that, pretty sure she suffered 1345267854 concussions throughout the book. Also, did I mention that a guy beat her up, broke her nose and arm by repeatedly hitting her with a text book what joke of a school do you go to? ,

○ Elle's refusal to answer any questions, no matter how important it was, grated on my nerves.

○ The writing feels choppy and weird

Overall, I really enjoyed this book! I loved how possessive Nero was of her and how he always kept her safe, no matter what. Especially the essay in the end!! *fangirls*

"I will find out who hurt you today, and I will fucking enjoy them screaming in pain. I will find out every single thing anyone and everyone has done to you, and I will enjoy watching them all scream in pain."
Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews221 followers
March 1, 2016
3.5 Stars
This book was so unbelievable but for some reason I just kept right on reading it. lol I had to see what these high school mafia men were going to do.

Elle is bullied at school. Shes been through hell for almost 4 years. She stays at the prep school because of her best friend Chloe. She has to protect her. She does everything at school to take most of the abuse away from Chloe. Elle and Chloe only have each other at school. Nobody will go up against the popular kids and try and help her or be friends with her and Chloe.

Elle works at a diner next to the Casino. One night while taking out the trash she witnesses a murder while hiding behind the dumpster. When the boss man reviews the outside video tape from the Casino they spot Elle. They aren't sure if she seen anything and know just the man for the job to find out. Nero has a month before Elle turns 18 to see if she saw the men in the alley. He will get her to trust him and tell him what he needs to know before his father makes the decision to get rid of her.

Nero is popular at school. He has a different girl by his side or in his car everyday. He's defiantly never noticed the plain Jane Elle. But Elle notices him. When Nero and his boys plant themselves in Elle and Chloe's lives as their bodyguards things get better for the girls. But what happens when the boys aren't around? Will the popular girls still torment them?

I really liked the beginning of the book. Then the middle kind of dragged for me because nothing really happens. I wish I could say I was feeling the connection between Elle and Nero but I wasn't. I didn't feel like they spent any real time together outside of school. Then before I knew they were apart. The book picks back up at the end but by then I'm still not feeling a connection between Nero and Elle.

Poor Elle! Damn! This girl has been through a shit ton!! I hope this girl learns how to defend herself in the future! Ugh! She needed some serous boxing or self defense lessons! I cringed at all they did to her! I'm glad she had bad ass Nero!!

Not sure if I'm jumping right into the next book or not. I am curious though about the others. I'm defiantly curious about Chloe's story (3rd book) and Nero's older brother Lucca.

If you're like me and you like some high school drama with some very bad boys this book is for you! Hope you enjoy:))

Profile Image for Ainhoa.
432 reviews17 followers
June 18, 2021
Y’all, I’ll eat my words.

This got better, sooo much better!

I was put off by the High school thingy, the h, who clearly had gone through some heavy bullying and through shock and trauma, had been nodding to everything the H said or did, not even questioning his intentions the very first day he came and said ”don’t you dare apologize for something you didn’t do” or something like that, and I was rolling my eyes, counting all the money I lost buying this shit.

Buuuut... as I went on and kept reading the story improved, we get a little bit deeper into h’s previous years and the H was getting attached and you know how the story rolls... I ended up liking the characters, and you know how much I love a possessive asshole, someone who would beat the crap out of someone for looking the h the wrong way, imagine what Nero could do to her bullies... And despite it not being realistic at all because come on, high schoolers made men, and she suddenly was so mature, and their made men friends... OTT much?

Hey, even after a rocky start I ended up liking this one, and I plan on reading the next ones, because Chloe got me so intrigued and I don’t know if I want her with Amo or Lucca 🥺
Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews286 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
August 26, 2014
DNF @ 56%

I was almost positive I'd love this book. Lots of my friends have and it did sound intriguing. However, it was nothing like I'd expected and it was difficult even attempting to finish. Nero was completely unbelievable as an 18 year old son of a mob boss. He was almost over-the-top, acting and speaking like an older man cut down to fit into a YA plot line. His commanding tendency with Elle verged on abusive at times. These people are in high school for God's sake! Yet he made promises that fitted an older man. Elle was a bit better, she had a traumatic relationship with her prep school and the mean girls that ruled it, but she fit the description of an abused wife in the presence of Nero.
Basically this read like a much older story where the ages of the characters were changed to label it YA. Unrealistic, unbelievable, almost forced. Someone labelled this as juvenile...I wish I could even say that, at least that could fly as YA. The third person pov jumped between characters and I found the 'boss's' voice to be confusing and at odds with the rest of the story. Maybe this all changes, but I can't say I'm even remotely interested in finding out.
Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,441 reviews85 followers
July 20, 2016
Phew!!!! I'm still very emotional.....

I feel so much joy because i started this book and i didn't regret it not once... But at the same time i feel sad not only because the development of this story but also because it just finished....
And now what??? What i would do without my Elle and my Nero???

Oh, guys!!!! I have to admit it!!!!
This book became one of my favorites and i'm a little obsessed with it!!!!
I couldn't help it!!! If you'll read it, you will understand me!!!
Also, i have to make it clear to you that from the summary plot, you would never understand the greatness of this story...
It was deep and intense... It was breathtaking and at the same time heartbreaking...

I know that this story was about mafia, but most of all was about loyalty, friendship, courage and love...
My heart aches that i have to be seperated from that book.....

This story started a little bit unexpected for me, since i thought that was about mafia...
It was but mostly "Nero" was attending the newly disease that has the lebel "Bullying".
In this book we were having bullying in one of the worst kind...

This was a story about a girl and a boy in highschool... How typical, ugh???
But with both of them nothing was typical and good...

Elle was sweet and kind and beautiful but nobody seems to see that... She surrounded by mean and ugly people... A hand of them treat her and her friend Chloe bad and all the others just laugh and turn their heads from the other side when ugly things happened to them.
For the last three years, she lived her life with fear and struggle... But she is trying to be strong for Chloe... She is trying to be there for her and she has turn her body to a shield for her friend's sake. All this years were so terrifying that they have develop strange habits...
Cloe always walk behind Elle. Elle when the bell is ringing ran the hell out of the class to get quickly to Chloe's class. In the school's cafeteria, they always pick the line with the less scary people even though they won't like the food. They sit always in the table near to the door in case they have to run quickly and they are doing always things like that...

I know, that's so sad and devastating, but that's their lives....

Well, Elle's life outside the school is no good either. Her parents are in their own world since her father's accident, who forced him to be in a wheel chair. So, from the fact that her father is unable to work anymore, she has to working herself every single night in a restaurant for getting money for her being able to pay for her school, because remaining there as a student means that she will be able to protect Cloe...
Well, one night while she get out of the work, she witnessed a murder from some mafia members... and that's when our story begins....

Nero is the handsome and popular boy of the school. He is a little bit scary, but no girl could ever been able to resist him.
His father is the boss of the local mafia circle and Nero's true wish is to join it. That wish is ready to come true if he manage to earn Elle's trust and find out what she really saw that night!!!! He has a deadline for one month....
That's why from nowhere, Nero entered Elle's life and Elle entered Nero's... and then everything change...
I won't tell you much more about that book, but believe me when i tell you that you have to read it!!!!

I have to say that i admire Elle's character... I didn't like that she took all the bullets in her shoulders, but i admire her loyalty not only to her friend, but in everyone... I'd liked the way she was trying to protect Cloe. But i didn't like when she was trying to protect her torturers...
I liked Nero's change. In the beginning, he didn't care for anyone except himself but when he start to know Elle, he changed... He became more protective of her, more gentle... Yes, he was still bossy and demanding, but it was for her own good...
I liked the development of their relation, even though in some point i just couldn't breath...

I also have to talk about Amo, Vincent, Chloe, Maria and Lucca... Every single one of them were unique and i loved them... I really have a lot of questions about Chloe...but i have the feeling that in some point i will take my answers...
Maybe could we expected a book about Lucca and Chloe??? Sarah???

That's all for now... I have to admit that i feel lost and i don't know how i will overstep that intension that was build inside me from reading that story...

But I want some more....

March 22, 2017
This book is odd. It's like a diet YA version of the mafia genre. But it's not the diet where you think you don't even notice the lack of sugar, no, this is like one of those rice cakes that tastes like styrofoam and eating it you realize that you rather die from an overdose of lard than eat another styrofoam bite.

Elle is a poor high schooler going to a fancy prep school and she witnesses a murder by some mob guys. The boss wants to know if she saw them, so he sends his son, Nero, also a senior at the fancy prep school to infiltrate her secrets and find out what she knows. When he succeeds he'll be a made man. That's the plot.

Let's address the ridiculous in this book
1. How is finding out what Elle saw going to finalize Nero's spot as a made man in the Italian mafia. That seems rinky dink. You have to kill people to get your stars in the Russian Bratva, so talking to a high school girl and finding out her secrets = made man. Hell, that's it? I could be a made man in a second.
2. Elle has gotten the shit kicked out of her all of high school and not just pushed around, no, she's had bones broken and endless bruises, but no one ever notices. How does not one teacher ever notice this? That seemed super far fetched that the teachers or any person of authority was never around.
3. Why does finding out what Elle knows seem to be the only mafia thing Nero has ever done? He may have experience fighting, but he seems like a regular hs kid besides it. I don't seen him as very mafia-y.
4. Chloe is the mayor's daughter and somehow that holds zero clout for her. It literally matters to no one, students, teachers, etc. I don't see that being true at a fancy and expensive prep school.

The rest of the plot of the book is all about Nero and his gang protecting Elle and Chloe from all the bullies. That's the rest of the book. Yay for them doing so, but again, it seems crazy intense the type of bullying that Elle is suffering. Maybe if this was some inner city ghetto school where they're overcrowded, underpaid, understaffed, etc., but this is a fancy prep school. How is there never any one around.

Nero was both nice and a controlling douche. Elle was what she was, a victim in a bad situation with no friends, but Chloe. The book wasn't bad, but it was really odd reading a high school mafia book. It kind of felt like a show you'd see on the CW for teens, TV-14 because they do get frisky. The ending is ridiculous.

If I read anymore in the series it'll be for Chloe and Lucca. I want to know what happened to her face.
February 8, 2019
"Elle was dreading lunch. The students hadn’t been able to pick on her and Chloe since the last day before break, which meant they were all going to let out their pent-up aggression on them. God help them."

It was all just so absurd. And I mean REALLY absurd and yet I didn't care. The book took me on a ride and i enjoyed every single minute of it!!!!! AMAZING! Absolutly LOVED it!

I won't go into detail, because it inevitably involves spoilers for those who may wish to try this story.... If you love bad boys, mystery, or stories about the mafia this book is it.

To the author: Pleaseeeeeeeeeee make Chloe and Lucca a couple..... OOO I SHIP THOSE TWO !!!
Profile Image for AleJandra.
836 reviews413 followers
June 10, 2017
4 Mafia vs Bullyng STARS

"I see three made men standing, I shall not tell.
The Boss.
The Terrifying.
The Scary.
I shall not ever tell."


Me encanto este libro, Nero ya entro rápidamente en mi top book boyfriends. Es adolescente, pero ya todo un Alfa male, en toda la extensión.

Toda la historia de la mafia fue sencilla y a pesar de todo el drama del bullyng me agrado mucho.

El final, wow mi escena favorita de la protagonista. Me encanta que las historias YA tengan escenas eróticas. HOT HOT HOT HOT

Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,161 reviews1,714 followers
January 13, 2019
I'm in the mood to read for a mafia romance books and this has been on my kindle for years. Originally, this is one of my entries in smutathon but I wasn't able to finish it due to my busy schedule. It's also my first Sarah Brianne novel.

Trigger warning: Bullying, Violence, Abuse

Nero reminds me of Inferno by Catherine Doyle and Paper Princess by Erin Watt. A mafia themed book loaded with drama and cliques. The story is about Elle Buchanan. She's a senior high school student at Legacy Prep. High school is supposed to be memorable and fruitful, that isn't the case for Elle. It was horrible and traumatic. She's bullied by everyone and she's defenseless just like her best friend, Chloe Masters. Being a working a student doesn't help her case as well. Good thing she has a scholarship, at least that lessens her burden.

One night, she witnessed a crime at the diner and it caught the Caruso Mafia Boss' attention. He puts Nero Caruso on his first task by gaining Elle's trust and extract information about what she saw that night. Unexpectedly, he falls in love with her and he wants to protect her at all cost. However, he needs to fulfill his job in the mafia family and he wants to prove that he deserved to be a part of it.

I don't know about you guys but my main problem in this book was Nero himself. He's a jackass and I can't stand his possessiveness over Elle. THEY WEREN'T EVEN DATING. UGH. How he treats Elle was absolutely disgusting:

"Oh, I got her on her knees, but I want her crawling."

But the last straw for me was this line:

"You need to stop questioning me. I'm the one with the dick, and the sooner you realize that, the easier this will be. Trust me, baby, you'll start to like that way."

YOU SEXIST ASSHOLE. He's problematic and abusive. For his years of stay, I'm SURE he's aware of the rampant bullying going around his prep school and he just decided to protect Elle on their 4th year? DUDE. It's impossible. He even ignored Elle during those times until he was given a task. I dislike this guy even if he redeemed himself for Elle.

As for Elle, I wish she has more backbone instead of being a martyr and enabling those bullies to be their personal punching bag. What she and Chloe went through was disturbing because it's really brutal. They're physically, mentally, and emotionally abused. The rampant bullying was awful. I pity them to be honest.

Overall, it's an okay start but I wish the series gets better and less dramatic. I have my eyes set on Lucca Caruso and Chloe Masters. Omg those two have chemistry. I prefer Lucca than Amo. It's twice better if this was written in first person than in third person.
111 reviews14 followers
February 10, 2022
dear Tanaz,
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀image: description
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,823 reviews407 followers
February 4, 2019
Spoilers and a lot of ranting ahead 😂

I've read people raving about this series for months so I put it on my to read shelf. On Friday evening I saw a post in a trusted Facebook group raving about the books so I Ipurchased Nero and settled in for what was sure to be an amazing series. It's now Sunday at 10:17 pm and I've finally finished this epic fucking disaster! On an average, I'll read between 4-7 books on a weekend. All those reading hours were wasted as I determinedly plod through this mess. Why I did not stop I really can't say.

*This isn't a manwhore/virgin type story. This is an epic manwhore and a completely untouched virgin story. She's never been kissed, touched or had an orgasm 🙄

So Elle is a 17 year old senior at a prestigious prep school who's suffering horrific acts of bullying that no one helps her with. Only one teacher seems to work at the school and she suffers silently with the bullying. Her only friend is Chloe who she tries her best to protect.
Nero is the 18 year old son of a mob boss. He and his crew are Kings of the school. He fucks anything that looks at him and only speaks to Elle at his father's command.
While working , Elle witnesses a mob hit, Nero is commanded to get close to her to find out exactly what she knows. He's ordered to not be with any other girls during this time.

Let me start by saying this is the weirdest writing style I've ever encountered. It read like the author was confused as to exactly which tense she had planned to use. Confusing and frustrating as fuck!

Then there's Nero, to say this boy was a manwhore is an understatement. While there are not explicit details we are left in no doubt as to what he gets up to. It isn't until the half way point I think that he realized he only wanted Elle. I'm not upset that he fucked everything that moved really because he and Elle were not together and when they finally got together he was loyal.....no what upset me about Nero was that he was there at the same school where Elle was being bullied every single day and though he might not have known just how ugly it had gotten he knew that she was being bullied. Then when they got together he started seeking out all her bullies to put the hurt on them? Motherfucker too little too late!!! I cannot respect a hero who stood by and allowed that shit to continue for as long as it did!

Nero and his guys were trying to get their button but they were supposedly bad asses nonetheless. However I don't think I've met more ineffective badasses in my life. They tried threatening people to find Elle's abusers but it wasn't until Lucca stepped in that anything was done.

I'm not sure why Elle allowed things to get so bad, her dad was in a wheelchair but I would think that a school counselor or he principal or the police would've been able to help? I want to say I liked Elle but I'm still not sure I did. She was strong at some points other times she was annoying as hell, she was mature sometimes other times she was not. So it's a 50/50 shot with Elle.

Elle's parents were ostriches, they saw nothing and so did nothing though their daughter was bruised and battered and even had her hair cut off? Much of the plot of this book was utterly unbelievable. Even in fiction there's comes a point where a reader thinks the plot might be plausible, nothing here was believable at all.

I'd have liked to get Chloe's story, to find out about her scars and such but really if after this disaster I waste my time and money on another book in this series I deserve whatever I get 😂

Nero smiled. Elle, I am going to have fun with you.
Nero heard the bathroom door open right on cue. Stacy came out, showered and dressed. She headed for the door. “See you tomorrow, Nero.”
“Did I give you permission to leave?” Nero grabbed her hand.
Stacy beamed and jumped on top of him.
No, he was not quite done with her tonight; he had only grown harder at the thought of Elle. Nero was sure he would fuck Stacy until the thought of Elle disappeared.

Elle had decided long ago, no matter what changed, she wouldn’t be with anyone at Legacy Prep High because not one of them gave a shit about her. All the times she had been bullied, all the laughs and stares—she blamed them as much as the ones causing the actual pain.

“No, I didn’t teach her shit. She learned to walk behind me when everyone started bullying us.”
“We never bullied you.”
“No, but you all sure as hell didn’t stop it. Come on, Chloe; we’re leaving.”

He couldn’t complain to her because he had asked Amo to hook him up with a girl tonight. However, yesterday he had decided no other girl was going to satisfy him. His dick craved Elle. It will have her, too.

His balls officially hated his guts. His dick had been inside so many girls, and then, when his dick had finally gone inside Elle, there was no comparison. He couldn’t even try to fuck someone else. It wouldn’t have done shit. Nero had to take a freezing-cold shower, one right after another, to ease the pain in his groin.
Profile Image for Rheeza.
401 reviews214 followers
January 16, 2016
**4.5 stars**

“I was never supposed to fall in love with her but it was the best mistake of my life.”

Damn, that was good!

It was exactly what I needed! I was hooked immediately and I couldn’t put it down!

I know, it was a bit unrealistic but I didn’t care. I enjoyed every single minute of it!


She’s fiercely loyal and has a strong sense of endurance. The things she suffered and willingly bears to protect her friend, Chloe is so admirable.

Nero Caruso

He’s protective, dangerous and captivating. He’s an alpha male but also very sensitive and thoughtful especially towards Elle. I loved that about him! He really cares for her and once he decided he wanted Elle, he commits 100% and sought retribution for all the bad things that happened to his girl. He’s pretty badass so you don’t want to mess with this guy and his friends who always have his back.
“I will find out who hurt you today. And I will fucking enjoy them screaming in pain. I will find out every single thing anyone and everyone has done to you, and I will enjoy watching them all scream in pain.

I had expected not to like the characters because I know the plot is a recipe for a disaster. Instead, I found myself totally absorbed with the story and the characters surprised me too, I ended up loving them.

“I will fight. I will torture. And I will kill in my line of work. I knew I would join the mob ever since I could remember, and you have to accept that because I am not giving you an option. It’s a part of me, just how you’re a part of me, but nothing—nothing—will ever come before you.”

This story was different from a lot of mob type books I’ve read, maybe because it is set in high school? I don’t know but it worked for me. It was a fast paced, suspenseful and sexy read!

Profile Image for Melluvsbooks.
1,359 reviews
November 11, 2023
Reread 11/10/2023 - love it every time 😍


Reread 08/29/2022 - Still hits all the right spots. I just love this book. The writing is rough, but it's worth it to overlook the awkward debut writing. Nero is so freaking swoony. No passive hero here. He's perfectly aggressive and that ending is so worth the wait EVERY. DAMN. TIME. Love it.

I love this book so hard. I’ve read it countless times, and it never gets old. Nero is amazing. Unabashedly j/p... but ONLY for Elle.

If you are a little concerned that this book is a bit YA. Just hang on. Things take a turn. Nero comes into his own. We get to see him morph from a boy into a MAN in this book. And Lawd Jebus, What. A. Man. 👀😍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

I need Mooooooore High School mafia with alpha jealous/possessive Hs and sweet innocent hs. They are my FAVORITE. 💗💗💗
Profile Image for Ashleyjo.
826 reviews481 followers
April 2, 2016







Bully, Bully, Bully, & More Bully

Elle, the FMC, and her BFF, Chloe, are high school outcasts. They only know two things- being bullied or being ignored for four years.

We're told that Chloe is a beauty with scars on her face and can't stand to be touched by anyone, but readers are unsure exactly what happened or why these two are bullied by EVERYONE. Elle is basically Chloe's armor, taking on all the bullying for her unstable friend who hides behind her.

The mental fears here felt very OTT for me.
The level and frequency of violence going on in the school , like actual broken bones and people laying in pools of blood, is OTT to me.

That said, I have to say that I was a tall and well liked athlete in high school. I was never bullied... nor a bully. I'm just not familiar with the environment, mentality, or response.

"Anyone who has never been bullied could never understand what she and Chloe went through five days a week."

No, I couldn't. So, I will refrain from passing any judgment on believably other than to say three personal FEELINGS on the bully plot:

1) It felt very OTT to my very novice self.

2) Chloe's mental state does add an extenuating circumstance here, but I don't feel that this 100% 'do nothing' 'tell no one' and 'run, run, run and hide' response to bullying is the right message to convey to younger readers.

3. Yes, they are mob princes, but retaliation to this bullying by Nero's crew is also highly OTT for high school, especially considering the recipients are rich kids with rich parents.

Set In High School

This setting is ify' for me as an older reader and a lot of the goings on are... Well... juvenile.

I mean we have almost an entire chapter on the dynamics of walking to class, from class, to class, from class while...


We have lengthy discussions on the pizza line vs the chicken patty line.

"If the lines are even, then we pick the line that has the least scary people in it."

"Jesus Christ." Elle heard Nero say.

"For fuck's sake," Amo chimed in.

"Motherfuckers," Vincent added.

"Does that mean they don't want piz---"

"Shut up, Leo! Nero, Amo, and Vincent all said it at the same time, making Elle and Chloe jump.

"From now on, you fucking eat what you want to. Do you both understand?"

"Chloe, if you want fucking pizza, you eat fucking pizza, got it?"

But, I gotta say that I got a laugh out of it & that teenagers are gonna swoon their mfing asses off over this cast and plot.

• "He went from Brad Pitt to Rambo in two seconds."

• "I bet you can't even aim your piss in the toilet."


The mob violence set to the high school drama; packaged in an odd friendship; and tied with a young, hard, and fast first love was something that I just had to unwrap for myself to see if the author could possibly pull it off.


When the popular MMC, Nero Caruso, suddenly shows Elle attention, she immediately deducts:

"Either way, he isn't going to fool me. He wants something, but I'm not going to find out what it is, and nice is the last word I would use to describe him."

She ends up being curious, but cautious. She asks the right questions - why? - and takes the answers with a grain of salt.

She's intelligent, but also very young and naive and innocent and inexperienced and Pollyanna and 'kill em' with kindness' and hormonal and smitten-kitten and ... You get the point ... young.

"She needed Nero because without him, she was nothing."

Yeah, young .

She's loyal and fiercely protective of her friend, Chloe. She's also way to much of a martyr and too carefree with her own safety.

She's down to earth, but also feels all the typical teenage angst running amuck in her brain.

Nero .

Elle witnesses something that aligns her and the boy'ho mobster prince, Nero.

Nero, Nero, Nero. I'm not sure WTF to say about this 18-year-old MMC.

I get that he's the son of a mob King and all, but his voice is NOT that of any high school dude I have ever known.

Very cocksure & Very dominant....

" I will be here tomorrow morning to drive you to school. If your ass gets on the bus, there will be repercussions. I dare you to ride the bus tomorrow because, either way, I'll win."

Very, just plain old asshole...

"You need to stop questioning me. I'm the one with the dick, and the sooner you realize that, the easier this will be. Trust me, baby, you'll start to like it this way."

Very leading man sweet swoon...

"I couldn't sleep here until you were in the bed beside me where you fucking belong."

Eh, kid doesn't sound 18, and, it would kinda disturb me if this was the voice of a high school boy.


Eyes here>>>> He's basically the perfect fantasy asshole, dominant, protective, bossy, thoughtful, bad boy with a good heart ... He's just too fucking young to ogle appreciate believe.

Again, younger readers are going to eat this book up with a spoon.

Meanwhile, mama's are going to 1) slap themselves for entertaining some dirty MILF thoughts & 2) lock their hormonal teen daughters away in a closet.

Anyway, they fall in love and he has to choose where his loyalty stands - Elle or his family.

The upside is that there is a late twenties brother for a secondary character. He can do zippo lighter tricks & helps a lil brother out with true love - BRING his story straight to my doorstep!

A Few Plot Holes That Need To Be Cleaned Up

Uhm, Nero's dad is the The Boss in the mob and this fact, if by nothing else his last name, isn't a known fact at his school? Come on now!

School, teachers, parents don't notice, report ANY of these kids coming home a bloody pulp? Come on now?

Her parents at the end? WTF?

The Storytelling Is Good

Overlooking the teen angst and melodrama, the author is actually a really good story teller. I like that she surprises me with plot points like Chloe's role and keeps me on edge wondering Wtf??? I'm actually fuming that we didn't get Chloe's story, but I guess that wasn't really Elle's to tell~ When Maria walks in at 95%... Again, wasn't expecting that. So, kudos for keeping me interested and not being predictable.

Oh, and that's probably one of the best last sentences for a HFN ending ever! Loved that!

Bottom Line

I think that this being set in high school and having a lot of high school drama holds the story back and is likely to leave older readers, such as myself, scratching their heads on wtf to rate it.

That said, it's advertised as high school romance. I chose to read it, and I certainly won't punish it for delivering just that. My deductions are for plot holes, pulling off the mob set to high school plot, and Nero's character believability problems.

3 High School ;) stars.

** I'd really like to read a NA, erotic, or mainstream romance from this author.

*** thank you, BG;)

Profile Image for Lindsay.
2,223 reviews509 followers
January 18, 2018

Nero was perfection in fictional form. And more than that, he is perfect for me. I don't make that statement lightly. I'm going to go out on a limb here (and probably get tar & feathered for it) but for me, the way people talk about Kristen Ashley's heroes, Nero was all of them rolled into one...with none of the irritating issues I have with KA's guys. He was absolute perfection. I've had book heroes that I've loved before, and some that I've joked about wishing were real, but seriously, if I had my choice of 1 guy that could walk out of my kindle and come to life, it would be Nero. He was pure perfection. He was completely alpha (but not in an annoying way), he was protective (oh boy was he protective!), and he sought justice and retribution for wrongs committed against his woman. And once he committed to me Elle, he was committed. He only wanted her, she was the only woman he could think of. I can't think of any other hero that actually made me giddy at the mere thought of reading him.

I'll be perfectly honest and say, I didn't read the blurb before reading the book. I had two trusted friends rec it to me (aka torture me) and decided to jump in blindly the first time I read it. So I wasn't prepared for the bullying aspect of the story line. But the author did a fantastic job with it. It was heart breaking and awful and Elle was amazing for having dealt with that for so long. I have so much respect for her. And I think because of everything Elle had been through, that made me love Nero so much more because of his feelings when he found out the extent of her torture. And it wasn't just Nero, Vincent and Amo's reactions were amazing. They were just as upset as Nero at Elle and Chloe's treatment. Vincent and Amo definitely gave me some warm fuzzy "Awwwe!" moments, which might sound odd since they were contemplating revenge but I'm also the person that holds grudges against fictional characters and have an irritable acts list that leaves me wanting to go all Dexter on someone.

I loved how Nero's feeling for Elle kinda snuck up on him and then completely took him over. And that's what I loved about him. ❤❤❤ And don't get me started on how I felt when the retribution was carried out. They were pure genius! And masterpieces! And the way Nero set out to gather all the information he could and systematically went about achieving retribution was what I've wanted from every alpha in every book I've ever read. As for bullying, I know there's at least one popular book out there with that as a theme, but since bullying typically comes with angst and I'm not (typically) a fan of that, I didn't read it. And I can't say bullying will ever be a type of book that I would seek out, but I'd definitely be willing to give said book a try in the future.

I'm dying to read his book. But like you, I can't wait for the rest of the series. Not only is this going to be a new favorite book, I can tell this is going to be a favorite series. And I may be a little presumptuous but I can totally see Sarah Brianne being my KA.

My Nero:

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