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Животът не може да бъде по-щастлив за Никълъс Лайън.
Той е адвокат по бракоразводни дела и любящ съпруг на Мал - успешна авторка на готварски книги, която съчетава писането с отглеждането на трите им разкошни дъщери и безкрайните домашни задължения.
И точно тогава Сара Каплан - умна, жизнена и обещаваща млада адвокатка, връхлита в живота на Никълъс Лайън и експодира като сексуална бомба. Той е шокиран, зашеметен и ужасен от силното си привличане към нея. Въпреки, че химията между тях е осезаема, той трудно признава "забранените" си желания. Едва след преживяното по време на терористична атака той захвърля всичките си задръжки. За Сара Каплан всичко започва като леко увличане, но много скоро се превръща в болезнена битка за сърцето на Никълъс с жена му Мал. А тя от своя страна се оказва изправена пред голямото изкушение и трябва да реши какво иска и дали си заслужава да се бори за него.

286 pages, Paperback

First published January 5, 2007

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About the author

Tess Stimson

18 books508 followers
Tess Stimson frequently contributes to newspapers and women's magazines. Born in England, she graduated from Oxford before working as a television news producer. Stimson is also the author of Hard News, Soft Focus, Pole Position, The Adultery Club, The Infidelity Chain (UK)/One Good Affair (US), The Nanny (UK)/Who Loves You Best (US), What's Yours Is Mine, The Wife Who Ran Away, The Lying Game and An Open Marriage, which will be published in July 2014. She is also the author of two works of non-fiction, Beat the Bitch: How to Stop the Other Woman Stealing Your Man, and Yours Till The End: The biography of a Beirut Hostage. She lives in Vermont with her family, and is currently at work on her next novel, The Wife-in-Law.

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Profile Image for Dinjolina.
533 reviews524 followers
June 13, 2011
I read this a long time ago.
As is normal on goodreads, I started clicking at random trough my friends shelf, then going trough the ratings…blah blah…
Eventually I landed on the page that had The Adultery club.

There I saw, to my shock, that people like this book and rate it moderately high.
I guess there are women (because lets face it, this is a chick lit book) out there who get off on the adultery and cheating theme.

I don’t. It’s a real life factor and I understand it, but my romance radar is broken after one party indulges in cheating. In league with this happy ever afters that include cheaters are not plausible for me.

But my personal view of this theme was not the reason I rated this book so low.
It was the fact that it was crammed with clichés.

The book was told form 3 POV. The man. The mistress. The wife.

The wife was almost nice, if she stopped being a pea-goose and left her husband for her first love aka the man that wanted her with all her baggage and the children form an other man! (OMFg, where do I get one of those? And,yeah, I know! She decides to go back to her husband! How stupid could she be? How brainless? Sheeeesh!!!!)
But other then her, the husband and the mistress were…its like the author took all the labels and clichés out there and pasted them in to the fibers that made these characters.

The man, or hero, is a 40 something divorce attorney. I guess this is supposed to be an oxymoron because he should know better. But it's not really inventive. :/ He has a happy marriage and small children. But then he meets a 20 something pretty chick at his office. Page after page we read about him having hard on-s when ever she around.
I may be a woman but I surely understand physical attraction.
That strong of an attraction to a person you don’t really know? To a person that is not superb or outstanding in any way? But hey, that may be just me. Heeeey, wait! That still does not explain why a 40 year old is behaving like a 17 year old boy. Why would he go crazy at the sight of her knee? Really? Why would he?
It's like telling a woman would die of sexual frustration if she sees a good chest that belongs to a likable man.

Give me a brake!

The future mistress of this book does not understand the word no. As many times as the hero says no , she still goes back like flies on bad meat. It's kind of creepy.
Me? If I would have embarked in an affair ? I don’t think I would ever choose a person that is so bluntly indifferent to my wishes, or integrity, and for sure has no respect for my marriage and kids.
In this book her aggressiveness was the thing that made the hero brake. That and a totally unrealistic terrorist threat that makes the hero think of his mortality.
Again…cliché much?
Maybe I am just not a cheater at heart (because I will not stand and let people tell me this is all because the cheater is a man- men are the same being as us. The standard ‘he could not resist’ excuse in this kind of literature makes me sick!) but this is all very fairytale like. Lets face it. Most men that face death think first of all about their kids. Not about the boobies of the 20 year old stalker. Further more, the ‘I had to have her, because the temptation is too much and I am male’ is a (false) feminist notion that makes all men sound like morons controlled by their penises. I have a male friend that told me how he always feels the need to kick the person that says ‘For women sex is more then sex, and for men it is just a means to an end.’ By this we are making men in to these savage animals that have no brain , no inhibitions and can not understand the difference between sex and love, need and superficial attraction. I am sure there are jerks out there that simply do not care for their partners and do what ever they like, but normal nice men? There are those too, you know. Also not all women are fairy tale princesses either.

So the affair starts. We, the readers are treated to a lot of sex. I know that Sara, the mistress was a heroine also (Or a psiho harlot moron, what ever rock your boat), but I so did not want to read about the ECSTASY that the husband felt while having sex with her. The 3 way point of view was supposed to give me a better feeling of the drama but sheeeesh, this? It just went in to the 'too much information' compartment. And I had this strong need to take a bath and clean all the nastiness form myself.

The mistress is clingy, pathetic, crazy and mostly scary. Well, to me at least. She lies and muddles trough the whole thing all in the name of love. She makes scenes. She is a pain in the ass and a moron.
The hero is kind of aware of that…well, he would have to be blind to not be, but he still buys her expensive stuff and plans a valentines day with her.

I understand that it seem like love. A bit. To him.
No wait! I don’t understand! It seem like meaningless stupid sex that had no point between to very different people! So duuuh…what is wrong with the man?
I have no idea, and that is just the point.
Maybe this book would have been ok if it was realistic.
It was not!
No sane person would take the things that girl did. No person would like her, and no person would not see trough her.
Also, it is so stupid of the author to make the hero give all the costly stuff to the girl while his wife has…nothing really.
And really, why would he do it? That is like, the oldest and most stupid cliché of them all! If a person is prone to giving stuff he will give them to any woman. If he is not, he just is not. No mistress could change that just with the fact that she is…well, a mistress!

We continue down this rocky road of absurd situations to find ourselves at the peak of trouble.
The wife know about the affair!
Oh noooo!
(What ever.)
The husband was just about to end it because he loves his wife when he is found out.
Naturally the only thing the said husband could do is…to go an grovel in front of the wife,right? Brake up with the clingy scary mistress?
You are wrong!
He goes to live with the mistress and leaves the wife.


Well, now you see what I mean about absurd situations and behavior that no normal person would practice.

While the wife goes off in to the sunset with her NORMAL first love that cares for her and her kids, the mistress and the hero have a tough time living together. The mistress lies that she is pregnant and the hero, again naturally, decides to have a divorce because of the baby so he could marry the woman he does not love. This would all be something I could maybe swallow (not really!) if not for the fact that his youngest child is less then 2 years old. So, tell me, how is the care of his small children ages from 2-8 less important then a newborn? Hmmm? He can leave them in cold blood but has to makes things right for a baby that was supposed to be born? Yeah, well… I think this is the culmination of the authors stupid premises campaign.

The mistress lied, but of course! The hero decides to make up with his wife. (Ummm...I do not seem to remember-why did he even leave? *shrugs her shoulders in confusion*) The wife decides to dump the nice man that loves her for who she is and goes back to the moron hero that kept kicking her when she was down. Also, she goes back to the man that cheated on her because he could not stop himself. The happy ever after end. Um….wait. How? How will it be a happy ever after? What will happened when he meets the next Sara? I don’t really think I want to know.

All in all a pretentious book that was supposed to show us how a real affair looks like. Well, boy oh boy… it looks like something out of a text book, it seems and a text book in which women are ditsy morons or young sluts that want married 20 years older men for no apparent reason and men are still stuck in the era where their free thinking is compromised. Veeery realistic….not.
Profile Image for Booklover.
646 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2012
I read cheating romance cause i am interested to see how the characters learn from their mistakes and how they change for good but this story is how people make mockery of their marriage vows instead of being mature and adult they act worse then teenagers,Nick knows what he is doing is wrong and is also ashamed but still he keeps on carrying the affair,Sara keeps lying and Mai instead of confronting chooses to be in denial and embarks on her affair with Trace

Nick and Mai are married have 3 daughters,Nick is a divorce lawyer and Mai is a chef they are happy and in love but then comes Sara who is attracted to Nick and Nick is lusted towards her,Sara keeps throwing herself at Nick and finally he gives into temptation and starts an affair,Mai has gotten many evidences Lipstick and ear rings but the excuses and lies that Nick tells she believes him

On a dinner party she comes to know about the affair but she does'nt confronts him,then one day Nick's father is really sick she drives to Sara's house and tells him about his father does'nt shows any reaction just goes,Nick is shocked then starts trouble in Nick-Sara's paradise they keep fighting the only thing that is holding them still is sex but soon that also starts to fade as Nick realises he loves Mai and what he felt for Sara was passion,Passion fades and Love last forever he calls n tells Mai he committed a huge mistake he wants to be back he is missing her and loves her he just wants a chance (all this while he is in Sara's house )

Sara listens everything and tells a lie that is she is pregnant and Nick proposes marriage she accepts then starts divorce proceedings and Sara is happy she got Nick but her parents condemn her,her mother totally is angry with her and refuses to even have anything to do with Nick,her mother says what kind of a man he is ,a man who leaves his wife and children for a floozy who lifts her skirt is really weak shallow and selfish which really angers Sara she leaves then she has a talk with her father and she starts questioning her relation with Nick

Sara goes to Mai to tell her she has Trace so to leave Nick but Mai gives it back to her and Sara realises what has she done and tells Nick she is not pregnant and Nick leaves and then Mai gets the divorce papers she is angry but realises she really loves Nick,breaks it off with Trace and goes back to Nick and they have HEA

all i got from this story was Nick makes a mistake but instead of trying to correct that mistake he kept on making more mistakes which destroyed his wife children and Sara,Nick makes a grave mistake by giving in his lust,the reason of his having sex with Sara is just pathetic,when a person is scared and is about to die he first thinks of his children and wife and all loves one but here this idiot thought of his lust,then embarks on affair when he is caught he moves in with Sara and when he realises he loves Mai and what he felt for Sara was lust but still goes ahead and proposes to her

Miss Sara what to say such a Lying Manipulative Horrible B**** throwing herself on a married man she knows he is not free to love but her thought my love will be enough for us(how i wanted to slap her)she does'nt wants to be a mistress but her actions are all that of a mistress and how she wants to be Nick's wife and her lies dear god but at the end she was the one who lost everything, her so called love Nick,her pride,dignity,respect and her parents trust and respect

Mai what do i say i was so so angry at her how can she go back to that man,yes she was the greater fool all evidences were in front of her but she was busy fighting her guilt cause Trace was back and she was having thoughts about him and wanted to go to bed with him-well lady you were thinking your hubby was doing it and then going ahead and sleeping with Trace and then breaking off and going back to Nick

Each characters were weak and selfish,each one used the other for their own selfish reasons and instead of learning from their mistakes they all went on making a bigger mistake leading to pain hurt anger,destroying so many life's and family and marriage

Ignore it
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,549 reviews553 followers
May 5, 2022
This was both enraging and very entertaining for the exact same reason. The author gives lots, LOTS, of inner dialoogue from the POV of the cheating husband and his incredibly entitled young fling. The wife's POV is in there too, but her POV has been done before by plenty of other books. I’m not a fan of cheating books, and am not sure where the rec came from so I’ll just blame it on Facebook again.

Stimson does a good job of showing how easy it is for the incredibly stupid husband to fall into the affair and completely implode his, his wife’s, and his three daughters’ lives. He’s unable to figure out how he got locked in a flat with a woman he has nothing in common with but sex. Go figure. He's a divorce attorney by the way, and one flashback has him pontificating on the errors that wives make when the find out a spouse has cheated. Oh the irony.

The OW, wow the OW, isn’t a my-feelings-overwhelmed-me kind of OW, but a sexual predator that creates a persona for the wife to make it easy to go after a married man. As a wife, it was frustrating but enlightening to read the justifications a woman could or would make to go after a married man. The wife has let herself go. There’s no passion anymore. They’ve grown apart and she lives for the children anyway. Contrary to the OW’s thoughts, she really wasn’t doing the wife any favors by taking the husband. And, no I don't blame OW in these scenarios. I blame both.

What turned this into a 3 star as opposed to just letting this go by with no review was the children. The evil, evil daughters that undermine the rosy, romantic sexfest the husband and OW are in. The ugly reality of children is jarring for the OW and was incredibly funny. Sabotages included ruining her sofa, ruining her suede jacket, ruining her new pumps and in general ruining custody weekends to the point they are a living hell, and the OW wonders, highly offended, how the wife has managed to manipulate them. As I said the entitlement with the OW is huge. I don’t think youth is an excuse.

The wife has a buddy of her own, but bottom line the marriage wins as does the hero. His fling is flung and probably out of his system and he gets his family back, But not his happy family. Plus I'd like to think that now that his older daughter has flexed her muscles for evil, that daddy may have to get his comeuppance at home.

No HEA feeling to this one.

The daughters remind me a little of the children that sabotage the relationship in the old movie,
The Battle of the Villa Fiorita based on Rumor Goden's The Battle of the Villa Fiorita. In that story, it's the wife that leaves for an Italian lover until reality and their children show up to puncture their balloon.
Profile Image for Tmstprc.
1,155 reviews120 followers
July 9, 2021
Reread 7/9/2020…

He’s such a jerk. Of course he is, he’s a cheating husband, and not a cheating husband in a troubled marriage. He’s happily married, loves his wife and kids, but lusts after a 20 something employee…

Well done there mister, let’s ruin a 10 year marriage, your wife and children’s lives for no other reason than you’re hot for an OW.

He’s an entitled d!ckhead, who then has the audacity to be jealous when his wife hooks up with her first love after they’re separated, tough to be you buddy.

I like to see the forgiveness and redemption process. His internal monologues and regrets and one phone call to an answering machine at 3:00 am does not equate to deserving any level of redemption. And the ass was ready to marry the OW when he thought she was pregnant, after he realizes what a huge mistake he’d made.

And, the OW…. every woman should have an affair with a married man before she’s out of her 20s! What?? Sets out to get him and she does. She equates passion and love, and only understands the difference when the passions gone and there’s nothing left. She’s done, the wife can have him back.

OMG, my head is going to explode.
Profile Image for Mojo_Mama.
1,487 reviews723 followers
November 13, 2020
Wow...the homophobia is HIGH in this H. That’s a turn off for me in Romancelandia. This is a place about finding love...from sweet to angsty to dark to everything in between and beyond.

Fuck you for tainting who gets to do that here.

There’s enough of that IRL.

The H is on about his “throbbing cock” a good bit more than I need to know. Some writers can easily pull off excessive dick references and some should just not try.

Our H was so pompous and self righteous...the fact the h took him back without a struggle after everything that went on, no fucking karma there, my friends.

Add in zero grovel and I’m fucking out.

When we first meet the h through the H’s eyes in a phone convo she sounds lovely and sexy and he’s quite taken. When we “see” her for the first time through the eyes of the OW before she knows who the h is, she sounds so horrific.

Then the OW. Just...Fuck. The H/OW deserved each other. But, secretly, I LOVED to hate her ;)

In the end, I’m glad I could borrow this as the kindle price of $10.99 is more than fucking laughable.

QUOTE—the OW about married men.
“But at the end of the day, they’re the ones cheating, not you. A brief, passionate dalliance with someone else’s husband is almost a feminine rite of passage; no girl should leave her twenties without one. And married men are usually great in bed it’s the gratitude. But it’s one thing to have a quick fling and send him back home to his wife, self-esteem restored, wardrobe re-invigorated, renewed for another ten years of married bliss with a couple of new bedroom tricks up his sleeve (really, the wives should be thankful). It’s quite another to take an unbroken marriage and deliberately turn it into eggs Benedict. Sorry, but husband-stealing is a bullet-proof no-no in my book. It just wrecks things for everyone. Aside from the poor kids who’ll only get to see their dads alternate Saturdays in McDonald’s, in the long run it’s you who gets shafted. Leopards don’t change their two-timing spots: a man who cheats with you will cheat on you, so how are you ever going to trust him even if you do manage to prise him away from his sad-sack spouse?”
Profile Image for Manda.
34 reviews13 followers
May 24, 2014
First, let me note something: Look at my reviews. I don't really review books I'm not passionate about or really enjoy, because I just don't feel it's necessary as most others have covered it and I don't always have the time to write a review that doesn't really matter to me. Although, to be honest, I don't find THAT many books I don't at least moderately enjoy.

So when I say that this is the single worst fiction book I have ever encountered in my entire existence, please know I am not saying this out of a need to be dramatic.

I HATE, LOATHE, AND DESPISE this book and I truly feel the Author has a LOT to answer for.

Please note: I read this book almost six years ago. It was THAT terrible that these many years later, I remember it as THE worst book I've ever read and have that much loathing for it that I felt the need to come here and warn my fellow bibliophiles to RUN! Run as fast as you possibly can AWAY from this awful book!

Before we get to the meat and potatoes: This author actually used internet chain letter anecdotes to pad out the actions of the children in the story. I kid you not. As I read the first one, I went "No way, she didn't..." and then I read at least two more that I can remember offhand. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? What EDITOR allowed this to happen!?

Now, onto the actual story:

I picked up this book thinking it would be a thoughtful work detailing complex characters with a wide range of emotions, thoughts, and reasons behind their actions.

**Spoiler Alert**
Nope, it's all pretty clear and two-dimensional. Which, I apologize for my language, is bull****.

Sure, people cheat. But if someone cheats on their spouse who they have three children with and have been with for many, many years, their reasons don't tend to be completely shallow and base unless they're a terrible person. And in that case, their wife isn't going to just let them waltz back into the marriage bed because they say they're sowwy. They get PISSED.

The husband is a one dimensional prick with NOTHING to redeem him. He is a complete fucking cad who is selfish to the core and basically cheats because he is bored and feeling like less of a stud.

The woman he cheats with is a callous, cold hearted, balls of steel bitch who boffs him because she wants to get ahead in the company and likes the power trip.

The wife is the over-the-top Mary Sue with no real depth, and really, no personality to call her own. She is devoted to her husband and her children. She gives and gives and....has no personality.

These are not characters. They are piss-poorly portrayed stereotypical archetypes.

The Heartless Bastard who dismisses his devoted wife in favor of base pleasures. The Brazen Whore who has an affair with a married man to further her career and for, again, base pleasures. The Holy Mother who sacrifices and is wronged in return. The Prince Charming of an ex who is mostly there to: be filler, somehow make Holy Mother seem like something more than a mother, and basically not matter, at all.

It's completely bullshit. Life is not a stereotype. It is not bad fanfiction. Literature should reflect life, at least when it's a topic like this, not a twelve year old's interpretation of her father's extra-marital affair.

To make matters worse, the plot is just...complete garbage, on top of it all.

Bastard (or "Husband") meets Harlot (aka "Other Woman"). Husband pretends for two seconds he won't cheat on Holy mother (or "Wife" as she will henceforth be known). Husband cheats on Wife.

Wife is at home taking care of children. She misses the most obvious signs of his affair and is completely oblivious to the point that one wonders if she is on lithium. Husband lauds his good fortune at Wife being oblivious. Keeps cheating.

Wife finds out husband is cheating (FINALLYYY!!!). Husband moves in with the Other Woman (which makes no sense, because he was never considering leaving his wife for her, never thinks he's in love with her and/or truly wants to stay with her, and so on). Insert weird, disjointed scenes where the children are forced to spend time with The Other Woman, mostly to show how "evil" she is. (Note: Somehow, in all this, the Husband is not made out to be wrong or bad, he is somehow the victim. Somehow, we, the audience, are supposed to feel sorry for him because he misses his wife).

As the above takes place: the Wife meets up with Prince Charming (or The Extremely Wealthy, Famous Ex) who we never really hear about until she is taking care of the kids solo while the husband is off doing his thing, and suddenly, The Ex swoops in and shows her paradise. Whiiiich, somehow....convinces her all the more she wants to be with her cheating bastard of a husband. Whose basically sole purpose is to make the wife realize she wants her husband back, no matter what he's done (Seriously: What?).

Husband & Wife begin to reconcile. OH NOES! NEED MORE DRAMA (for page count, of course).......The Other Woman IS PREGNANT and is somehow, SUDDENLY convinced she is in love with The Husband. This is news to everyone reading because there was no love on her part up to this point. This is completely left field. But...okay?

Other Woman goes to CONFRONT the Wife about HER BABY DADDY!!!! Word fight! And then: LULZ! PREGNANCY WAS FAKE! HAHAHA! She just *thought* she was pregnant, or she did it because she "loves" the husband or.....this never actually makes any sense. It never makes sense whether or not she genuinely thought she was pregnant or just made it up.

Next: Wife has pined long enough! Why should SHE be punished because of his infidelity? She must have him......SEXUALLY! (Again: WHAT?!) Wife goes to the husband's office in nothing but a rain coat (referencing an earlier scene where she'd done this years before) and seduces her husband.

And it's all Happily Ever After.

Seriously: What?

Honestly, I'm being generous with my plot explanations. It's really much more dull than all that.

The Author relies on stereotypes, chain letters, and the premise that society inherently hates the other woman and wants a happy ending with the original couple (even if the husband is a completely emotionless, mindless, piece of shit prick with no personality to speak of) to carry this book.

And I hate it. I really, really hate it.

And for the record: I do NOT think that people who cheat are inherently bad. If somehow, my sarcasm did not come across, my point was the fact that cheating is not just something that happens when someone is evil. It has happened to the vast majority of adults who have ever been in a relationship. I am not saying I think it is right or any such thing, BUT.....I do not think the people involved are necessarily bad people, either. This is my problem with the book, ultimately. The writing is terrible, of course, but the author insisted on making the husband and the other woman just be completely terrible people which is so far from reality and takes what could have been a very, very thoughtful, introspective topic and completely destroys it.
Profile Image for Ceara.
140 reviews6 followers
August 26, 2020
Every woman who has been cheated on and chose to stay with the cheater should read this book. I'm not sure if the author wrote this all by herself, or her husband helped her but the cheating husbands POV seemed very realistic. I thought she did a good job at showing us how a real affair looks like so kudos to Tess Stimson. This is not ROMANCE though and she should be ashamed for thinking it is. Technically the characters aren't real so it's fiction but the fact that most men are like Nicholas and that men are having affairs every day makes it not so fictional. I hate cheating and usually avoid these types of books, but I was in the mood to read a book that would make me feel sick so I decided to try it. I wanted to see how the cheating was handled, and like usual it's handled poorly.

I hated everything about it, the story, characters, writing, etc. For the whole damn book we have to read about happily married Nicholas' affair with the OW Sara. Not like I was surprised or anything, since I knew what to expect going into this. Before he actually cheats, he spends a few chapters lusting after Sara and fantasizing about her while he has sex with his wife. It's realistic, because cheating always starts with lust and his dick didn't just magically land in her vagina (oops how did that get in there??) like cheating assholes like to convince us. He still tells himself it's all harmless, and he isn't going to act on his feelings because he loves his wife so much. So then a terrorist attack happens and he is with Sara and his dick is hard so they have unprotected sex. Does he feel guilty for cheating? Not really but he does feel bad about not giving her an orgasm so they go up to her apartment where he goes down on her and they have sex I think 4 more times and he spends the night with her. He turned his phone off too so his wife couldn't get a hold of him and had no idea where he was, if he was hurt, etc. He feels a little guilty in the morning when he goes home and realizes he didn't shower and still had Sara's bodily fluids on him. Yeah she's a squirter too. She is every mans fantasy. It is stated several times how no man would be able to resist her. Sadly in real life it's probably true. Anyways they say it's a one time thing (or 4 times) but they can't sleep together again. Obviously that doesn't last long and they embark on a passionate affair. He even says it is the hottest sex he has ever had. He does keep saying he loves his wife, but I didn't see it. He is also still sleeping with her during all of this. While this is happening his wife is sorta having an emotional affair with an ex, but she didn't have sex with him until they separated. I started to skim at that point. The wife finds out about the affair, and instead of grovelling, he moves in with Sara and leaves his wife. So she starts seeing OM who is a great guy and wanted her despite her baggage and all. So the OW tells Nic she is pregnant and he proposes. Later on she tells him she lied and that she knows he doesn't love her, and he still loves his wife and pretty much breaks up with him so he goes back to his wife. Does he grovel now? Nah. The wife decides to break up with OM and take her husband back! Because men make mistakes and it was only sex! All that hot, passionate sex he had with Sara meant nothing to him and did not take away his love for his wife. Since he was a man, he just could not help himself when it comes to beautiful, younger women. She took some of the blame for the affair too, because that's what doormats do.

There is so much cheating in this. Sara's father had an affair with a neighbor when she was younger and the mom found out and chose to stay with him. Her best friend has been having an affair with a married man for years. Nicholas' father was also a serial cheater.

Tess Stimson is obsessed with cheating. I was reading reviews for her other books and most of them are about cheating, specifically cheating husbands. I always question why women write these stories and how some can actually enjoy reading them. I try not to judge readers preferences but seriously, why is there a market for books that romanticize cheating? If you are going to write a cheating book about an affair, at least don't make the wife forgive him and take him back. That's not a hea. I'd much rather read about a woman that was cheated on, and leaves her husband and finds a better, faithful man. But I'm weird like that. I just think these stories should end with the cheating bastard staying with the mistress or have him end up alone and miserable.
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,068 reviews64 followers
February 13, 2022
Това вече си е диагноза - пристрастена. Уви, така е , харесвам някои автори много и ми е мъчно , че вече не ги издават. Може би, нямат други добри книги или и аз не знам защо. Но това е поредната добра авторка, която никой не издава тук.
Обичам тази книга.
Четейки я сигурно за 10-и път, имам чувството , че се спускам шус по някоя писта. Не ти остава време да дишаш.
Има всичко в нея - секс,еротика,любов,разум,мъдрост.
Невероятно чувство за хумор и много знания,умело вплетени в книгата.
Очевидно е , че идва от сърцето.
Намирам всеки път нещо ново,което ме кара да се замисля.
И не ми омръзва да си я препрочитам.
"Мъжете са като обувките:или секси ,или удобни,никога и двете."
"Пътят към сърцето на мъжа минава през егото му".
"Как е възможно все още да има жени,които са убедени,че да си с мъж,дори и с най-противното копеле,което не ти принадлежи, е по-добре ,отколкото да си без мъж?"
"...мъжът трябва да има акъл,за да разбере , че е глупак."
"Боговете не ни позволяват едновременно да обичаме и да сме мъдри."

"....прегръдка , която лъха на нафталин и менопауза "

Препрочитам тази книга почти всяка година , откакто я открих, защото според мен е написана виртуозно. Разбира се и съдържанието й ми харесва, но най-вече стила на авторката . Много трудно откривам толкова добри автори, колкото нея. Уви,напоследък властва посредствеността.
Profile Image for Ditchthebun.
42 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2015
Let me start by saying that it was probably stupid of me to pick this book. To me adultery is a no, no. If you are having serious feelings for someone other than the person you are married to then there is something in your marriage that needs addressing… before you start an affair… not after. But, I am doing this whole, ‘try something new’ thing so I picked it.

Here’s the basic blurb… Husband is a divorce lawyer who is happily married to Mal and loves their little family (young children), he would never do to his wife what his clients do to their other halves. Then a 20-something woman comes to work in his office, apparently she is okay looking, but he turns into a 17 year old hormonal freak whenever he catches a glimpse of her knee (I mean come on you guys, seriously? A knee? I can honestly say I have NEVER been turned on by a persons knee, but whatever, different strokes and all…). The story is told from 3 peoples points of view, Hubby, Wifey and Mistress, pretty much the only likable characters in this for me where the wife Mal and her ex boyfriend. I just wanted to smack Hubby and the mistress around so much!

The mistress at the beginning seems like a normal chick, then she becomes the mistress and it is like she is replaced with this braindead clingy, whingy thing that kind of looks like the character at the beginning of the book. She tells lies, she does some serious manipulating, I mean, she pretty much does everything a person should not be doing in a relationship!

I think the biggest kicker for me is that I don’t think that the husband learned from his mistakes, I found the end very unsatisfying. I won’t say too much in case you guys want to read it and like I said I am really against adultery so I am likely biased, but this was definitely not a book for me.
Profile Image for Cc.
1,079 reviews131 followers
March 7, 2021
Thank you JP!!! I read this so long ago, before goodreads, that it wasn't in my books and I've been tearing my hair out to find.
Yes, this husband is an ass. No, it's not gonna make anyone who dislikes angsty, cheating novels a convert. But if you want a well written angtsy, heart rending, beat your hand against the chair arm, madness inducing pain gooey goodness ~ this is your book~. I DO NOT REC FOR SAFETY GANG MEMBERS. If you read and then abuse others who like or the author for writing, well that just shows you character, not ours, lol.
It's not 5 stars because I wanted an epilogue or more closer. Hope you can find at a decent price. Mines a paperback, like I said, read a long time ago
Profile Image for Maria.
789 reviews53 followers
March 2, 2021
O carte cu și despre adulter, o poveste scrisă simpatic și ușor de citit. Pe alocuri e amuzantă, iar autoarea a redat foarte bine trăirile celor trei personaje, cu stările lor încărcate și emoții de tot felul.
Dacă aveam vreun dubiu, am înțeles încă o data că bărbații gândesc cu orice altceva și nu cu creierul.
Nu m-am identificat cu niciun personaj și nici n-am empatizat prea tare cu vreunul, pentru că nu am fost de acord cu alegerile pe care le-au făcut.
El este tiparul bărbatului care în clipa în care dă cu nasul în decolteul altei femei, uită tot ce a trăit alături de soția și mama copiilor lui și începe să se dea în bărci.
Ea este o tânără frumoasa, plină de mofturi, egoistă și care se pune mai presus de orice, crezând că de fapt ceea ce face este un joc.
Soția este o femeie normala, cu vise și un program încărcat, care la rândul ei face niște alegeri cu care nu sunt de acord.
Nu o sa va spun cum se termină, dar pot să vă spun că nu e o carte rea. Mie mi-a plăcut.
Ii dau 4 stele.
147 reviews4 followers
April 11, 2015

but if you do love and willing to take back the man who cheated on you badly and done evrything to his mistress as in buy her a diamond t&co while the wife got nothing, and he willing to divorced his wife bcoz the mistress said she is pregnant, while he ALSO has 3 LIL KIDS AT HOME, then go ahead! me ? just pray to god, i never crossing road w/the author of this story, or i swear to God, i will smack her brain for this trashy imagination of hers
31 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2010
With respect to Tess Stimson, the author, this is not the sort of book I enjoy. There seemed to be a sense that these people were being set up as the last people ever to have an affair, and yet they seemed very typical to me! I knew far too much about what was going on in the man's trousers, far more than I did about what he was actually feeling.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Vygandas Ostrauskis.
Author 6 books134 followers
April 18, 2021
Nėra ta knyga tokia bloga, kiek daug vertinimų viena žvaigždute. Bet ir ne šedevras. Turiu savo bibliotekoje ir nesiruošiu išmesti. Bet kad ji kai kam gali ir nepatikti – sutinku 100 proc. Tada, kai skaičiau, knyga tiko mano nuotaikai. Bet dabar – antrąkart – skaityti nebesinori. Būna ir taip.
Profile Image for Carol.
397 reviews
January 9, 2017
A well written book on the tragedies of adultery. Emotional and at times thought provoking on how split second decisions can torture the ones we love. It was very funny in parts as the children get up to their antics before their world is turned upside down and the cracks appear in their parents marriage. They become victims of the emotional turmoil that exists around them whilst the women who has caused their upset becomes painfully aware of what she has started and reaps more pain than she could have imagined. The husband is so selfish and naively thinks he can support this secret life style and carry on being the perfect spouse and father until fate lends a hand. Then the story diverts to the strains and repercussions that can be dealt for wanting more than what you need. I loved this story it kept me interested all the way through as the author managed to impart each main characters experience of this soul searching subject.I look forward to more from this author very soon.
Profile Image for Booklover N.
47 reviews13 followers
March 16, 2016
Ocjena 3.5
S jedne strane knjiga mi je bila depresivna, klasična priča "sretno zaljubljeni", vijerni suprug sve dok se ne pojavi atraktivna 'sekretarica'. Jadna supruga, ljubavnica bez savjesti, suprug koji se kaje... Velik broj erotičnih scena, na početku je knjiga bila čak i dosadna.
Sve u svemu, knjiga je pročitana radi izazova "Knjiga koju sam davno počela čitati, a nikad nisam završila". Sama činjenica da je započeta prošle godine, a tek sad završena govori nešto...
Ipak, stil pisanja iz tri perspektive, sam splet događaja i iznenađujući kraj, daje ocjenu malo veću od trojke. Definitivno nije knjiga koju bih ponovo čitala.
Profile Image for Paula Sealey.
515 reviews84 followers
July 14, 2012
I'm a big fan of Tess Stimson, and find her writing style involving and interesting.

The Adultery Club is a very honest account of, well, someone committing adultery and the ensuing effects. Told from the perspective of the husband, wife and mistress, you get a really well rounded story of the age old 'love triangle'.

I was a little disappointed with the ending, but I guess that is the romantic side of me coming out, not wanting the...well, I don't want to spoil it for you! Let's just say, in reality, it's probably the most truthful.

Profile Image for Jen O'grady.
210 reviews16 followers
May 30, 2013
See I have read some of the previous reviews for this book saying its unrealistic, but for me I don't think it is I know lots of people who have had their heart ripped out but an adulterous affair and still gone back to their spouse. I thought the writing was brilliant loved that it was written in the three people POV, and after all it's an extremely touchy subject to write about so I'm guessing maybe the author has se experience in the field, for me I thought it was a good book and one I would recommend, after all who knows what the future would hold for Mal and Nicholas??
Profile Image for Ana Fernandes.
456 reviews
September 2, 2015
Quando me emprestaram este livro e li a sinopse, não me despertou muita vontade de o ler, afinal o título dizia quase tudo. E na realidade trata-se de uma história igual a tantas outras e até previsível, mas espantosamente, dei por mim "embrenhada" neste enredo, numa mistura de dor, raiva, tristeza, compaixão e solidariedade que só me apetecia continuar a ler. Não é espectacular mas merece mais que as 3⭐️ que costumo dar, quando para mim, um livro é mediano.
97 reviews2 followers
March 13, 2020
What happens when a happily married man in his 40s meets a 26 years old who is going to work at his office. You get a fractured marriage and three sad children. I hate giving this book 5 stars. I read it years ago and reread it several times hoping his wife would do something different. She never does. I think it is a “perfect” example of why learning to say “No” to yourself really is the smartest decision.
Profile Image for Laura Pollard.
5 reviews
January 28, 2018
I only got a few pages in. Far too much sexism from the get-go and as soon as homophobia started to show up too I was outta there! Don't bother.
Profile Image for Elise a.k.a. PAPERNERD.
439 reviews30 followers
November 11, 2022
I loved the book "The new house" - gave it 5 stars...but this book here was awful, and let me tell you, why:
I somehow thought, that this book might be just as explosive with action and suspense.
Well - it's far from it.

When it comes to the writing style, it was awful and like it was written from someone else.
The timelines crashed onto each other and the only reason why I read it to the bitter happy ending was, because I was still waiting for something to come...but it never did.

I should have DNF-ed this book from the get-go, but obviously I was very optimistic.

Now here's my deal:
I am not into romances, or worse: Smut.
And that is what this whole book is about: Cheating and smut !

Also, as I already mentioned:
The timelines are all over the place, going back and forth in time, but you never know, where you are right now.

I am happy for the author, that she evolved, because how else would you be able to explain, that her latest work is 5-star, but this book here is like real crap.

It took too much time for me to read this compared to any other books - and this is not exactly a looooong book !

Would not recommend, unless you are a smut lover and are interested in lots of drama, due to the adultery theme.
Profile Image for wrkatreading.
1,155 reviews21 followers
April 7, 2021

This book was so well written. The author did not make me forgive the male MC but still a page turner Well done.

On the cover is this book it asks what side are you on. I was on wife and daughters side no question.
Profile Image for Shannon Brown.
298 reviews1 follower
August 3, 2020
Cultural differences.

I have noticed that euro-writers express nothing when it comes to love and romance. I think it has to do with control.

Anyhoo, I just don’t like this story. It was bland in parts and totally unbelievable at the same time.

This is a really British book. The love story of husband and wife is functional. It lacks passion after so many years. I almost did not finish this book twice. Once when the wife laughed over her husband yelling out another woman’s name during sex with her. I soldiered on. Then at the very end I almost quite when the wife and mistress meet and a cuppa tea is made. Since I was nearly at the end, I soldiered on. I decided to up my rating to 3 stars because this is a well written book. I just don’t think I am the target audience, so the story fell flat for me.
Profile Image for Å. T. .
157 reviews1 follower
November 3, 2019
Lagana knjižica, pročitana za par sati. Knjiga je o ljubavnom trouglu sa jakim emocijama. Suprug voli svoju zenu i tri cerke.. ali bez obzira krece da svrlja. Supruga iako joj se namece prevara cak ni ne misli o tome da sumnja u njega. Do kraja se ipak tako namesti da sazna.. suprug je poceo ziveti sa ljubavnicom ali je sve to bilo kratkog veka. Mislim da je ovo neka klasicna prica o prevari. Nije lose da procita i muski i ženski rod, cisto da imaju uvid u to kako moze biti ;)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 159 reviews

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