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NSB #1

Night Shifts Black

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The powerful story no one saw coming.

His name is Luke. But nobody here knows that. He was an iconic musician before he gave up music. But nobody knows that either.

They also don’t know he’s twenty-seven, that he used to have an infectious laugh, and he’s way too young to be widowed. They certainly don’t know the rest of his tragic story.

All they know is that he comes into their café at the same time every morning and stares at the same empty chair at the same table. They know he’s strange. They know he interrupts their breakfast with a cold blast of air as he hovers in the doorway, mustering the courage to confront a piece of furniture.

No one asks why. No one cares.
He’s fine with that. He’s done with life. This isn’t even his story anymore.

It’s mine. I'm Callie Roland, the young writer who sat in his chair one day.

Please note that this book addresses depression, anxiety, and suicide in a compassionate, realistic manner. For a full list of content notices please visit my website. Night Shifts Black can be read as a standalone, but the story continues in Tracing Holland.

353 pages, ebook

Published March 22, 2016

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About the author

Alyson Santos

17 books949 followers
I’m a writer, musician, and cat lover. Not always in that order.

I write what needs to come out, whether it’s pain, tears, or laughter. I write people and relationships, about the beauty and horror of what we do to ourselves and each other. I write Love. Vengeance. Compassion. Cruelty. Trust. Betrayal. Forgiveness. Darkness, and the incredible way humans destroy and heal each other.

I like to eradicate barriers, refusing to be confined by the laws of physics or limitations of reality. I will befriend a vast population of possibilities and introduce them in ways that might surprise you.

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43 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 474 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,136 reviews34.8k followers
April 28, 2019
4 stars

 photo IMG_3710_zpsrjpaymtl.png

Night Shifts Black was not your traditional rock star romance. I liked that it was so different, and honestly the first half of the book I loved so much I thought this would be an easy 5 star read. Then something shifted in a big and unexpected way .

Luke and Callie meet at a cafe when Luke asks for her chair. They both change each others lives in ways that are unimaginable at the time. Luke is severally depressed, it’s obvious. Callie doesn’t know what he’s been through but it’s something big. Callie is a bit of a loner and needs a friend. They become that friend for one another.

This is a book about healing, friendship, and love. I really enjoyed Alyson Santos’ writing and I’m looking forward to the next in this series. I listened to the audio book and the narration was great!!
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,483 reviews5,321 followers
October 3, 2016
3.5 Stars

"He's just broken and lost and doesn't care if he's bending the rules about how to behave in a restaurant."

I was very impressed with Alyson Santos’ talent. Her writing style is fascinating and captivating. If you would have asked me anywhere before the forty-five or so percent mark in the story what my rating was or heading for, I would have said it has five star potential.

"I needed to know why he's sad. Why he's afraid. Why he's ok being weird when he's clearly not. I need to understand the chair."


Sadly, when the love interest shifts to someone totally different I was very disappointed. The course of the story thereafter was a bit slow/boring (no spark with love interest and band writing and scenes too many) from this spot on as they are quickly pushed into coupledom, and my guy all of sudden becomes the mutual friend.


I am however very excited that the character who I wanted to be the love interest will be the star of the next book which is already released.

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,109 followers
September 13, 2016

I found this book accidentally
and what I didn't expecT was to like it so much .This was a unique,emotional and intense story.Luke was a complex hero that made me ach for him.I wanted to comfort him all the time


Callie and Casey were also amazing characters they cared for Luke and wanted to help him and see him happy again!!The best part about this book is the fact that I didn't know where the story will take me!!!
Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews221 followers
March 26, 2016
3 Stars!
Well shit! I loved the first half of the book! It was 5 stars! I was so excited! Then Casey the drummer came in to the picture and well...I no longer cared about the book.

Callie is a writer and one day she's sitting at a cafe having tea when a man comes in and asks her if she would change seats. The man looks at the seat then leaves. The next day Callie doesn't sit in that chair and the man comes back. They both wind up sitting at a different table and talking. Callie can see that Luke is so broken but she's not sure why. Everyday Callie goes to the cafe waiting for the broken Luke to show up. They become friends. They don't talk about anything personal for a while. Then one day some girls see Luke and want his autograph. Luke is the front man of a rock group. Slowly Callie starts piecing together things about Luke. Then one day Luke brings in his friend Casey. Casey warns Callie that Luke is not a good person and for her to not fall for him.
But it's a little too late for that or is it?

I loved Luke, Callie and Casey! I loved how Callie was helping Luke with his depression. Luke broke my heart. Casey was the total opposite. He was funny and sweet with his sexy smiles. He was a very good friend to Luke and I could tell he was hurting right along with his best friend.

What I didn't love was the

That's why this one gets a big fat 3 stars instead of 5! I hope we get more of these boys in the future:))

If you don't mind insta love in your books and no sexy time this book is all for you!
Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,277 reviews475 followers
August 14, 2016
This is my first book by this author and I've read amazing things about it so my expectations were super high. I really wanted to love it.

The first half of the book is amazing. I was hooked, I couldn't stop reading, I needed to know more about these two people and what got them there. And then the story takes an unexpected turn, a new character is thrown into the mix, and I just didn't love it anymore. The second half of the book just left me disappointed, unfortunately.

It's really hard to explain what I didn't like without spoilers so read the spoiler at your own risk:

Anyways, this major shift in the direction of the story was hard for me to overcome. Also, the story lags at parts, there's these detailed descriptions of music concepts and music lingo that I found distracting. The main character sometimes sounds like a teenager, and some of the dialogue is juvenile. There's very little romance and the sex is fade to black. Not to mention, the epilogue is not really an epilogue and the ending just feels incomplete. I would love to read a follow-on book, maybe from Luke's POV.

Some parts of the book were beautiful, and the book tackles some very heavy issues like depression, self loathing and suicide in a very classy and respectful way. The first half was 5 stars for me, while the second part was 3 stars. The beautiful parts were not enough for me to overcome the changes in the direction of the story but like always, this might be a case of it's me and not the book. I still recommend it to everyone!
Profile Image for Denise - Shh Mom's Reading®.
959 reviews394 followers
September 3, 2016
http://amzn.to/1UMV2mR OMG 5 stars..
Night Shifts Black by Alyson Santos 5 stars

This was 5 star read for me truly the kind of book that moved you as read. I am going to try to relay my love for this book, a book with no sex, yes if you know that is so rare, this book is a small elite class of 5 star reads with no sex for me, ok yes I am rambling… back to Night Shifts Black, how do I rely my love o his book without giving away the story, an amazing story about pain, and healing, the power of friendship and the power of love.
This is a well written, realistic book, one that touched me so deeply it is still running through my head as struggle to find the words to compel readers to give this book a try. Oh and I should say I love finding new authors and Ms Santos is now a must read for me!

From the moment I read the blurb I was drawn to this book, I re-organized my review list to dive in and I am so glad I did

When a good friend who has a shared loss by suicide told me how amazing this was, I dove in and was so thankful I did, it is a phenomenal story, that may a time catch you off guard but in the end creates a beautiful woven tapestry ash the characters’ lives intertwine.

This book will offer you a look into the darkness, a look into depression, life altering, pure to the bone pain that this deadly disaese causes, this it is a long passage below, I am going to let Ms Santos words speak for themselves:

“It’s a curtain,” I say quietly.
He doesn’t respond, but I know he’s listening. I turn and glance at him briefly so he knows it, and has to accept the fact that I’m not leaving until I’ve finished my speech.
“Depression, that is,” I continue. “People who’ve never experienced it think it’s a mask, but it’s not. It’s a curtain. And when it falls, it shuts you off from your life, plunging you into complete darkness. There you stand, arms flailing around you, reaching for anything to find your way back. But after exhausting yourself, grasping at only more darkness, you give up and drop to the floor in resignation.
“And so you sit. You and the blackness. You and the accusations. You and the self-hatred, the lies that become truth, the failure and pain and hopelessness and black thoughts that twist through you, impaling you to the floor. There you bleed, alone in your black hole, convinced the audience on the other side of the curtain has given up and gone home. The show is over.
“Before you know it, you realize the curtain has turned into a cement wall, and you couldn’t escape the darkness even if you wanted to, but by now you don’t care anymore. What’s the point? There’s nothing waiting for you on the other side, and even if there was, you’re such a useless waste of space that you wouldn’t dare to contaminate the world outside with your cancer anyway.”
I stop, my eyes burning, my voice heavy in my throat.
“You feel like crying all the time but you rarely do. Depression isn’t sadness; it’s numbness. You don’t have the energy for sadness. You can’t sleep. You don’t eat. You have no desire for the things you used to love, but it doesn’t matter because you can’t love anyway. You feel nothing, just a dull, heavy ache that makes it hard to breathe sometimes, let alone get up to start the search again. You fantasize about disappearing, just erasing your pointless existence and sparing the Earth from your toxic presence. By now you’re so exhausted just from the effort of living that there’s nothing left to live it.”

This is just glimpse into this author’s beautiful use of the english language layered into the story are song lyrics that will move you to tears and poetry that will touch your soul even if your life has not been effected by mental illness.
You see I am a sister left alone by a loss to suicide, losing my brother and only sibling almost 12 years ago. Ms Santos showed me a window into my late brother’s soul, yes I heard my brother’s pain echo in the words inside this book. The author took such care and poetic grace as she shows the reader the depth of the pain depression causes both the person affected and those close to them that this book touched me soul.

Ms Santos is true to this disease, love does NOT make everything better, Luke is not fixed because he loves Callie and as the blurb says be warned this becomes her story
"This isn’t even his story anymore. It’s actually Callie’s, the young writer who sat in his chair one day.”

Oh the chair…. yes this inanimate object plays a central and haunting role in this story…

As I mentioned this book does look at friendship, the power of that love, a new friendship and old friendship and the depth you will go to pull a friend back from the brink. Yes, crypt but ugh please read this book!

Ms Santos I so hope we get more of this cast, because yes their is a happy but I feel there is so much more room for your voice to continue this journey for Night Shifts Black (trust that makes more sense when you know how the book title plays into the story)

As the character says in the book words can effect people, I hope this book opens eyes to mental illness and maybe just maybe raises additional awareness for the deadly disease that is mental illness.

Oh one last thing I freaking loved Casey, I can’t write a review without saying that, though I will not tell you who Casey is .. read the book!
Profile Image for dreamerinexile.
737 reviews4 followers
December 13, 2018
One moment, one look, one life that changed 10 million stars

Callie was just a small town girl living in the city, she was having her cuppa tea at a café she frequented when he entered and changed everything. It all started with a chair, a simple chair that was battered and bruised and it held a mystery that brought Luke and Callie together.

It’s a very simple story yet it has hidden depths that I am coming to believe is Alyson’s specialty. She created two individuals that will draw you in, they will leave you rooting for them, and you will want to pick up the pieces of their lives. You will want to literally climb into the pages and live their lives. It was that real and that beautifully written.

As Callie spent more and more time with Luke, she started to fall for the man who was before he became the man who was shrouded under a dark veil. But being the person she is, she never gives up on their budding friendship. As the story progresses, Callie realizes how truly lost Luke is and vows to not let him endure the inner battle that is raging within him. Little does she know, the actual role she plays in his life.

Luke! Sigh. He breaks your heart. He just has this lost and sad look in his eyes, as if everything light in him has been extinguished. And it all has to do with a chair. You’re probably wondering what is wrong with him. Well sometimes, life happens and we lose our way. We do things that we regret. But as I said life happens and things go awry and all you can do it try to pick up the pieces. But with Luke he was hiding something very important.

Then came Casey. LORD HAVE MERCY ON ME! He was your typical R dude, not saying what R stands for. As soon as you start reading it, it will be revealed. Anyhoo, as I was saying, he’s your typical R and yet there’s more to him. He hides the sweet, insightful and understanding dude behind the R dude. His love for Luke knew no bounds and his friendship with Callie was sweet at best. I was swoooooning for Case and gave my heart to him forever to keep it safe.

Night Shifts Black is phenomenal. Alyson Santos does not shy away from the serious issue addressed in this book. She has given a perfect definition of what depression does to people, I was simply blown away by her insight. With this story she has simply stated how one single moment can impact you in a huge way. Maybe forever changing the course of your life as you knew it.

If you asked me if I would recommend this book to anyone, I would say EVERY SINGLE human being on earth needs to read it. I promise you, the next thing you will do is go hug someone. Cos that’s what I did and what I will keep doing. Whether Callie manages to help Luke with his past or whether Casey has a bigger role to play or if Callie’s past will come calling, that my friend will be answered only if you 1-click this beautifully written story about life, friendship, darker sides of our psyche and just being.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,033 reviews940 followers
October 3, 2017

‘He’s Luke Craven. A force. A god. He’s not real. Just a fantasy outside the grasp of our own realities. A face. A body. A cover. A story. A goad for aspiring models.’

First off, be sure to have Tracing Holland (NSB #2) on hand because, believe us, when you finish Night Shifts Black, you’re going to want to dive straight into book two to see how the story eventually concludes! We know we couldn’t have functioned until we devoured both!

We crave good rock star romances, in particular the ones that give us that ‘rock star feel’ , the ones that make us believe we’ve been allowed a backstage pass to peak behind the scenes of the rock star lifestyle. On that note, as far as the rock star feel of this story went, Alyson Santos absolutely delivered. This author’s clear knowledge and passion for the industry shone through making us feel as though we were part of the musical process of the band, Night Shifts Black.

We have to say, Night Shifts Black was different to what we had expected. We anticipated a gritty rock star romance but that wasn’t the case. What we read was a sad yet hopeful story of depression, self-loathing, guilt, about believing in yourself and demonstrates beautifully how one person, through a kind word, a show of compassion, a mere listening ear, can make such a difference. How one moment can impact our lives so dramatically….maybe even save a life.

“It all starts with believing in yourself. No, that’s a lie. It starts with accepting yourself.”

In retrospect, we found the ‘rock star romance‘ element in Night Shifts Black to be non-existent. Don’t get us wrong, there was a love aspect, however it didn’t come via Luke and Callie, instead their relationship was based on a beautiful, lasting and honest friendship.

“…don’t fall for him. Please.”
“Are you worried about me or him?”
“Both. He can’t be worshipped right now. He needs an anchor not a dreamer.”

We had initially expected love to eventuate between these two, however on reflection and at the time of reading we realised that Alyson Santos never lead us to believe there were romantic feelings between Callie and Luke so we weren’t blindsided in that regard as we always knew their relationship was born from compassion and a mutual respect. With Callie’s heart being stolen elsewhere…but it’s all good! We won’t spill anymore…but it’s okay…you’ll see!

“Promise me one thing though, Callie. No matter what happens with the two of us, we will always be there for him. I can’t lose him, too. I can’t.”
I squeeze his hand. “Neither can I.”

As we delved into Luke’s past, and as we slowly, very slowly, peeled away the layers and learnt Luke’s story, we realised Callie had demons of her own. Luke cut such a sad and lonely figure throughout Night Shifts Black and it was with heavy hearts we read, desperately wanting him to find the ability to forgive and believe in himself. In return we needed for Callie to learn her worth as a person which she discovered through her tenacious yet tentative quest, to see beneath the man, the rock star, never standing in judgement no matter what he divulged, and giving him the will to carry on with her selfless kind heart. Luke and Callie’s was a love story all of its own kind, in that we felt a genuine love, borne of deep friendship, and it was a relationship that was exquisitely written.

“What do you say to a monster you love who’s finally figured out what he is?”

This is our first read from Alyson Santos and she floored us with her enormous talent. Her writing was enriching, intelligent and unique as she unequivocally captured all the emotions associated with her subject matter. As soon as we finished Night Shifts Black, we had to devour Tracing Holland.

*Night Shifts Black Book One
Amazon US
Amazon UK

*Tracing Holland Book Two
Amazon US
Amazon UK

*Viper Book Three (Can be read as a standalone)
Amazon US
Amazon UK

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Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,868 reviews2,065 followers
October 3, 2017

‘He’s Luke Craven. A force. A god. He’s not real. Just a fantasy outside the grasp of our own realities. A face. A body. A cover. A story. A goad for aspiring models.’

First off, be sure to have Tracing Holland (NSB #2) on hand because, believe us, when you finish Night Shifts Black, you’re going to want to dive straight into book two to see how the story eventually concludes! We know we couldn’t have functioned until we devoured both!

We crave good rock star romances, in particular the ones that give us that ‘rock star feel’ , the ones that make us believe we’ve been allowed a backstage pass to peak behind the scenes of the rock star lifestyle. On that note, as far as the rock star feel of this story went, Alyson Santos absolutely delivered. This author’s clear knowledge and passion for the industry shone through making us feel as though we were part of the musical process of the band, Night Shifts Black.

We have to say, Night Shifts Black was different to what we had expected. We anticipated a gritty rock star romance but that wasn’t the case. What we read was a sad yet hopeful story of depression, self-loathing, guilt, about believing in yourself and demonstrates beautifully how one person, through a kind word, a show of compassion, a mere listening ear, can make such a difference. How one moment can impact our lives so dramatically….maybe even save a life.

“It all starts with believing in yourself. No, that’s a lie. It starts with accepting yourself.”

In retrospect, we found the ‘rock star romance‘ element in Night Shifts Black to be non-existent. Don’t get us wrong, there was a love aspect, however it didn’t come via Luke and Callie, instead their relationship was based on a beautiful, lasting and honest friendship.

“…don’t fall for him. Please.”
“Are you worried about me or him?”
“Both. He can’t be worshipped right now. He needs an anchor not a dreamer.”

We had initially expected love to eventuate between these two, however on reflection and at the time of reading we realised that Alyson Santos never lead us to believe there were romantic feelings between Callie and Luke so we weren’t blindsided in that regard as we always knew their relationship was born from compassion and a mutual respect. With Callie’s heart being stolen elsewhere…but it’s all good! We won’t spill anymore…but it’s okay…you’ll see!

“Promise me one thing though, Callie. No matter what happens with the two of us, we will always be there for him. I can’t lose him, too. I can’t.”
I squeeze his hand. “Neither can I.”

As we delved into Luke’s past, and as we slowly, very slowly, peeled away the layers and learnt Luke’s story, we realised Callie had demons of her own. Luke cut such a sad and lonely figure throughout Night Shifts Black and it was with heavy hearts we read, desperately wanting him to find the ability to forgive and believe in himself. In return we needed for Callie to learn her worth as a person which she discovered through her tenacious yet tentative quest, to see beneath the man, the rock star, never standing in judgement no matter what he divulged, and giving him the will to carry on with her selfless kind heart. Luke and Callie’s was a love story all of its own kind, in that we felt a genuine love, borne of deep friendship, and it was a relationship that was exquisitely written.

“What do you say to a monster you love who’s finally figured out what he is?”

This is our first read from Alyson Santos and she floored us with her enormous talent. Her writing was enriching, intelligent and unique as she unequivocally captured all the emotions associated with her subject matter. As soon as we finished Night Shifts Black, we had to devour Tracing Holland.

*Night Shifts Black Book One
Amazon US
Amazon UK

*Tracing Holland Book Two
Amazon US
Amazon UK

*Viper Book Three (Can be read as a standalone)
Amazon US
Amazon UK

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Profile Image for Sunniva Dee.
Author 28 books2,147 followers
June 11, 2016
Deep, Genuine, and Subtly Seductive.

I picked up Night Shifts Black on a whim after reading Alyson Santos' author bio on Amazon; it was unapologetic and different, not written to sell books, and through those few words, she convinced me of her talent as a writer.

She didn't disappoint!

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In this novel, we meet deep, complex characters that are so real they jump off the pages with their passion, their pain, and their love. They've got their scarred pasts and a present they live together. They've got insecure futures they might or might not choose ahead of them.

Already on the first page, I was sucked in by the intense way Callie, the heroine, studied a beautiful, mysterious man in a restaurant where she was a patron. Without knowing him, she connected to the point of reading his gestures and expressions, their chemistry there from the start.

Luke. Oh Luke.

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I love not knowing where a story will take me, and what I got from Night Shifts Black was layers to personalities, conditions and truths revealed in succession, until the characters took me for an unexpected loop. They developed and grew in front of me, and I applaud the author for leaving me with no option but to fasten my seat belt and read on. Until the epilogue, I didn't know how Luke would end up, and I couldn't have predicted Callie's choices.

But there isn't just damn solid writing and a great story to be had in this read. If you're on the lookout for a real rocker novel, one that takes you into their flippant and friendly camaraderie, lets you swim through the creative process of making music as well as performing it, this is it. It doesn't get more real than Night Shifts Black.

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I'm known for my extensive highlights in e-books, and in Night Shifts Black, I went all out. For fun, let me quote a few of the sentences that made me smile or showed the poignant, understated way Alyson makes important points about her characters:

Some of the quotes I adored:
"He can't be worshiped right now. He needs an anchor not a dreamer." His statement hits me hard. I want to be an anchor, but I'm suddenly terrified that I'm not. What if I'm a dreamer?"

This isn't an invitation from a lonely rock star to a desperate fangirl. This is a broken man reaching out to the only person he thinks might be willing to understand.

We walk back to his hotel. Him with his chair, me with my apologies to those we displace on the sidewalk as we march past.

I have no idea what to make of the shocking offer he's already seemed to forget.

He nods, but doesn't chastise me. I don't know if he forgives me or just doesn't care. Maybe both.

If I were his manager, and my client could market sex the way he does, I'd never let him wear clothes in front of a camera. Never.

If you love protagonists that come to life, unconventional and beautiful relationships, hop in both feet first.

Profile Image for TeriLyn.
1,363 reviews438 followers
May 1, 2018
5 "I'm Callie Roland..." Stars

This story shifts my whole view on "rockstar" romance. I can't even in good conscious label this book rockstar romance because it's much more than that. The level of care in which Alyson Santos crafted this uniquely reverent story touched me deeply. It's thought provoking in it's decadency, inspiring in it's desperation. It's not your typical boy meets girl romance. It's the journey of a girl becoming her own woman at the aid and while aiding two men she meets through happenstance. But even happenstance doesn't feel right because Alyson Santos constructed that fateful morning meeting so richly with so much feeling that it feels predestined and so very right. It's the story of an incredibly strong, broken girl with nothing to lose and everything in the world to gain because she's into the very souls of those who can help save her. I'm in awe of Callie Roland and her steadfast, loyal, accepting heart. The girl has so much soul it oozes out of Santos' gifted pen.

"When I say 'I'm no one' it's not even about self esteem. I just don't know who I am, what I am. I wanted to be no one so I could start fresh and hopefully be someone else one day."

Told from the insightful first person point of view Callie Roland, Night Shifts Black bulldozes through dark times of depression. It's a beautiful flower blooming ever so slowly as sunlight infiltrates it's system. We see a reemergence of greatness after suffering tragic blows. We see deep, meaningful friendships. And we understand the power of love in the many different shapes it comes in. And feel the power of the relationship Callie builds with two men that change her life forever and vice versa. This book shows the strength in the deep connections we forge with those closest to us. It shows us forgiveness and understanding and patience. I'm in awe of the breadth and depth of the words of Alyson Santos. She makes a huge impact right from the start and she led me through an emotionally invigorating, powerful story I never saw coming. Unique, breathtaking, and fulfilling - I highly recommend this story to readers everywhere and I can't wait to continue with the series.
Profile Image for Malene.
1,263 reviews708 followers
July 9, 2018
Night Shifts Black is definitely a different rock romance and exactly why I enjoyed it. This story is all about the characters Luke, Callie and Casey. It’s their story. They are incredible. All three of them. I was hooked from the moment Luke enters Jemma’s cafe and asks Callie for her chair. I was mesmerized and intrigued. What was going on with Luke and why was that certain chair so important.

Callie is a fantastic character and tries so hard to not frazzle Luke and just gives him time. Their silences holds so much emotion and tension and that’s all because of the fabulous writing from Alyson Santos. Luke is a broken man and he finds hope in Callie. A light. Their friendship is something special. Casey who’s Luke’s closest friend has so many layers and I just enjoyed peeling them off one by one.

Night Shifts Black deals with heavy topics such as depression and suicide which gives it a dark emotional feeling at times but I liked that.
Luke, Callie and Casey are all in their own way lost and together they find hope, passion and love. A wonderful first book in the NSB series.

4 BadAssDirtyAnchorStars
Profile Image for Jean.
801 reviews50 followers
July 19, 2016
I really loved this book! It was so real and it dove into the effects of depression on a human being who was drowning in hurt, regret, and guilt. Luke was lead singer of a popular band, but was ready to give that all up.

Luke and Callie are brought together at an unlikely location and their friendship slowly built between them. The fact that Callie had no idea who he was made the story that much better. The character development was excellent! I will admit that with Luke as the main character, I just expected Callie to be with him romantically. Enter Casey, who was the greatest kind of friend to Luke through all of his heartache. And while I didn't expect the book to go in the direction it did, it totally worked for me! These three became great friends and that friendship definitely saved Luke in the end.

The chair.....I was so curious to know the meaning of the chair and when I finally found out, it just broke my heart!

This was such a unique storyline and I feel like I'll never forget it.
342 reviews168 followers
March 30, 2016

The first half of this book sucked me in, big time. But then the main male character turns out not to be the love interest and this just throws the first half of the book off for me. Why spend all of that time getting to know Luke? It make all the feelings I had invested in Luke and Callie's friendship seem unnecessary.

And then Callie ends up with Luke's best friend, Casey. Which was fine, but he should have been a bigger part of the story from the beginning. And do they even sleep together? I'm not sure because this book was more then fade to black, it was use your imagination.

I found myself skipping parts because there was too much internal dialogue. But, I couldn't DNF it, although I considered it, because I had to know what happened. That's why I'm giving it 3 stars instead of 2.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kim Person.
530 reviews180 followers
March 27, 2016
Honestly one of the most REAL books I've ever read

This is my second time I read NSB. I stumbled upon it the day it released quite by accident. See I was searching books that had musicians in them and found something so beautifully haunting that I can relate to. I suffer from severe depression it's not fun and it does lie to you every day. On the outside, I have a beautiful life more than I ever thought but I so lucked out with my husband and family. I strongly recommend this book to everyone! It is such a moving read ~ the ultimate hidden gem I'm always searching for. Definitely one of my most favorite reads. I applaud the author for her honest approach while writing Luke, Callie & Casey's characters. Absolutely brilliant and the writing is exquisite!
Profile Image for Nicole  Sands.
331 reviews8 followers
March 22, 2016
It’s not often a book will completely catch me off guard in the best possible way. It’s beautifully written, and overflowing with raw emotion, which truly captured my heart. This book felt extremely real. The characters, the journey, the struggles, it was all very powerful at times.Callie and Luke had me utterly intrigued, and completely invested in their story, which made me NOT want to put this book down once I started. So if you’re looking for a book that’s addictive & captivating, intense & passionate, heart-breaking & hopeful, and will leave you with a powerful, uplifting message, this is the one! I highly recommend!!!!!
Profile Image for JAIME LOUISE.
380 reviews242 followers
February 4, 2017
I'll start by saying that I really enjoyed about the first half of this story. I like how the back story was kept hidden while it dealt with things like loss and depression, and how sometimes is not about trying to pull a person out of their head but about supporting them while they get their head around 'it'. It was nice, I cried a bit, and I could feel the 'sweet' in the story just starting to build.

Thennnnnnn, I don't know what. The story just out of the blue took another direction. like, actually out of the blue. So much "wait, what??".

The story was still good, I definitely wouldn't turn people away from it. But, for me, the change in direction made the book feel disjointed, and I lost interest a little. I also have no desire to read the second book, which is unusual for a series where I gave the book 3 stars, and I blame the same event for that lack of interest.

Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews409 followers
April 9, 2016
04/04/2016 --

So, at first I was intrigued and felt hopeful. I read on .. Then, I was a bit puzzled. I read on .. A bit more and I was bored. I read on .. until I just couldn't anymore.

I think it had potential until it lost its' purpose. It just fell apart and couldn't get it back together in time for me and I lost interest.

Not for me. Maybe you will feel differently.

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Rebecca.
222 reviews33 followers
September 4, 2020
4.5 stars rounded up to 5... a super sweet - but also sad (at the beginning, at least) - story of loss, forgiveness, redemption, friendship, and love. Lots of moving poetry/song lyrics interspersed throughout. I loved these characters! Beautiful story!!!
Profile Image for Chiara Cilli.
Author 62 books627 followers
December 16, 2018
Era l'11 settembre del 2016, quando ho aggiunto questo romanzo nella mia TBR, e fin da quel momento sapevo con assoluta certezza che lo avrei acquistato. Non sapevo quando, ma questo libro sarebbe arrivato nella mia libreria. Ed eccomi qui, più di due anni dopo, a parlarvi di come mi sono sentita leggendo questa storia sorprendente.
La prima frase della trama dice: «La potente storia che nessuno aveva previsto».
Cavolo, è davvero così.
Quando vi ho mostrato un estratto, due martedì fa, vi ho scritto: «Sono ancora a pagina 70, ma non perché non mi stia piacendo, anzi. Il bagaglio emotivo che queste pagine si portano dietro è davvero pesante e persino una virgola è in grado di metterti KO. Insomma, c'è questo ragazzo, Luke, che ogni mattina si reca in questo bar perché c'è questa particolare sedia. Sono sicura che nella trama c'è qualche informazione in più, ma io, se la lessi prima di acquistare, non me la ricordo proprio. E non la voglio andare a rileggere. Voglio andare alla cieca e scoprire questo personaggio parola dopo parola, come sta facendo Callie ♥».
Ebbene, ora vi posso assicurare che la trama non rivela nulla di ciò a cui si va incontro con questo libro.

  «Posso esserti d'aiuto? Hai l'aria sperduta».
  I suoi occhi cambiano di nuovo, riempiendosi di pesante tristezza. Paura, forse. No, terrore. Non mi muovo. Ci stanno guardando tutti.
  Scuote la testa. «Non mi sono perso. Speravo soltanto di poter avere la tua sedia per un po'».
  «La mia sedia?»
  «Ce ne sono tante altre vuote».
  Ce n'è una proprio di fronte a me. Non ho un motivo valido per non spostarmi, né riesco a immaginare di rifiutare quella semplice richiesta con lui che mi guarda in quel modo.
  «Certo, nessun problema».
  Spingo il mio piattino dall'altra parte del tavolo e mi alzo con fare solenne. Mi fissa, scioccato, forse con un pizzico di divertimento, mentre lo aggiro e mi siedo dall'altro lato del tavolo.
  «Così va bene?» gli chiedo, e quando le sue labbra si increspano nel fantasma di un sorriso, qualcosa di bellissimo accade al suo viso. Ma svanisce tanto in fretta che mi sento davvero triste.
  «Mi hai preso alla lettera».
  «Sei tu che hai interrotto la mia colazione».

Oh, avrei così tante cose da dirvi! Vorrei fare la fangirl fuori controllo, ma poi intuireste tutto xD
Posso dire che non è il classico rock star romance: da parte dei protagonisti, non c'è sesso, non c'è sballo, non c'è quell'esagerazione che ruota intorno a chi è una celebrità ed è abituata a un certo stile di vita.
Qui ci sono solo tre anime inseparabili e la musica che le ha unite.

Step back, fast, I'm coming for you.
Step back, you can't handle what I've got.

Ho amato particolarmente la relazione tra Callie e Luke, il modo in cui lei gli si è approcciata. A volte lo ha fatto in punta di piedi, quasi avesse avuto a che fare con una tigre, altre volte gli si è avventata contro come un tornado. Oh, e ho amato Casey, il migliore amico di Luke. Loro due sono più che fratelli. Non so neanche come descrivere il loro rapporto.
Casey è la roccia.
Callie è l'ancora.

Riusciranno a salvare Luke da se stesso?

I'm the anchor drowning you.
I'm your infection, better get back.
I'm the hurricane, angel, shred those wings.
Step back, better get back.

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Profile Image for Jen.
771 reviews117 followers
March 30, 2016
Roxie and Jen's Review

10++++++ STARS!!!

When we read the blurb for Night Shifts Black we were immediately intrigued. After reading the sample, we were hooked. We dropped our TBR and forgot the world existed until we read the very last page of this story.

Grief. Pain. Loneliness. Depression. Feelings that are had by so many every single day. It's a wonder how they get out of bed, how they keep going. What moves them forward? Who do you turn to when the clutches of despair hold your heart and mind so tightly you feel as though you can't breathe?

We meet Luke Craven. He's lost, broken, and has taken to solitude only venturing out to Jemma's Cafè where he clings to memories he wants to forget yet, refuses to let them go. No one notices or acknowledges his pain. Day after day, they look through him.

Callie Roland is a young writer who is lost. Having no clue what to do with the rest of her life, her one constant is visiting the cafe every morning for breakfast. Who knew the day she'd sit in a certain chair her life would be forever changed.
"He looks at me then, searching my eyes, and I catch my breath at my own glimpse into his soul. There’s so much depth, so much pain, I’m paralyzed for a moment."

One morning changed it all. Call it destiny, fate or serendipity. People come into our lives for a reason. They may stay for a short time or forever, but their presence will make an imprint on our souls.

Luke and Callie meet and the world shifts a little. Their paths colliding at that cafe change the future not only for them, but many involved.

Alyson Santos gave us a breathtaking, heart-hurting tale of a man who was ready to give it all up, a girl who wasn't sure who she was and everyone around them who were helplessly holding on as Luke spiraled into the deepness of guilt, pain and desperation.

This book will give you hope and make you believe. One smile can make a difference in a strangers life. One hug can lift up a broken spirit. Kindness and compassion matters to every human being and we can all start making a difference today.
".......sitting here watching two broken souls repair themselves because of the way I formed a string of letters together. This is what words do. So often they tear apart, but they can also form miracles."

This book is not a love story in a classical sense. It's more. It's an ode to humanity. It's a song to all the broken people. It's a warm healing balm to the souls of the families and friends who lived through this kind of anguish. It's a love letter to all the humans who sometimes need a Callie in their lives.

Alyson Santos, we are in love with your talent and we can't wait to read your stories for many years to come.
Profile Image for Darlene Avery.
953 reviews4 followers
February 26, 2016
Night Shifts Black by Alyson Santos is absolutely phenomenal. It's one of those books that completely catches you off guard with its depth of character and storyline.

Santos tackles serious issues, including severe depression and suicide. These are hard subjects to tackle, but she does so with grace and compassion.

Callie is a young woman trying to find her own way when she meets the mysterious Luke. Together they forge an unusual friendship, that neither one of them realized they needed. But will be what either destroys them or saves them in the end.

This is one of my favorite reads of 2016. These characters have completely captured my heart forever!

5 Brutally Heart Stopping Stars !!!
Profile Image for Nic Spears.
588 reviews41 followers
September 16, 2016
You need to read this book. It is such a beautifully emotional, intense and heartbreaking read. Your heart will hurt but you hold out so much hope at the same time.

The characters, the story itself...it was REAL. One of the most Real books I have read in a long time.

A book that will capture your heart and stay with you a long time after.

...and the song...

This is exactly how I heard the song in my head when reading the poem in the book. It gives me shivers listening to it.

Profile Image for Eli.
154 reviews4 followers
March 22, 2016
Night Shifts Black by Alyson Santos may be a fictional contemporary romance but it feels so real. The characters she has created with Luke, Callie, Casey and the members of Night Shifts Black truly touched my heart. The development of these characters is so well done that the reader is totally emerged into the story within the first few pages. As questions start to form you can't turn the pages fast enough to find the answers. Why is Luke at the diner? Why is he obsessed with a diner chair? Why is Callie at the diner? Who is Night Shifts Black?

"He’s not crazy. He’s not far away in some alternate universe. He knows exactly what he’s doing, where he is. He’s just broken and lost and doesn’t care if he’s bending the rules about how to behave in a restaurant."

The more Callie and Luke are together the stronger their friendship grows. It is apparent that both have lived things in life that give them both insight into a dark place. A place many people outside of the book world unfortunate know all to well.

“You feel like crying all the time but you rarely do. Depression isn’t sadness; it’s numbness. You don’t have the energy for sadness."

Sure I do not know how the life style of how a rock star feels, however depression has touched my life. I found myself relating mostly to Callie and Casey as they watch their friend Luke wrestle the darkness that he can't seem to climb out of.

I don't want to give away to much of the story. I will tell you it makes you FEEL...FEEL...FEEL DEEP! I loved every word...every page! These characters will stay in my head and heart for a long time. I appreciate that Alyson Santos wrote about a subject that a lot of people would rather avoid. Depression cannot be swept under the rug. It is real. It affects people we love. Thank you, Alyson Santos. Thank you for taking depression and writing about it. Thank you for being real. I can't wait to read more.

I received an ARC for an honest review for Page Turning Addiction.
Profile Image for Grey.
442 reviews47 followers
April 2, 2017
I received a copy of this book from the author, by way of the New Adult Book Club, in exchange for an honest review.

I really wanted to love this book... it had so many of the characteristics that normally tick my boxes. A bit of a mystery surrounding 'the chair' right off the bat - check. A hot, reclusive rockstar - check. And I did like it; however, it was a bit tame for my tastes. Plus it was almost like the author changed her mind right in the middle of the book about a major situation as well... A couple proofing spots popped out at me, too. The insider info into the music business made me feel like I was right there, even though a lot of the shop talk did go right over my head, LOL!

3.5 stars music heals all wounds stars!
Profile Image for Tissy.
217 reviews
June 2, 2017
Started off promising but then took a turn, not for the worse but just not that interesting anymore.
Profile Image for Julie Solano.
Author 4 books44 followers
June 17, 2016
Wow. How can I put into words, the way this book moved me? It was unlike anything I’ve read before, so naturally, it had me hooked from the very beginning. “What is this Night Shifts Black?” I thought to myself. “Is that some powerful metaphor for something? Why is the only thing I’m seeing on the teasers a chair? A chair?” My friends kept telling me, “You have to read this book.” I thought to myself, “My TBR list has hundreds of books on it. Why is everyone so desperate for me to read this one about a chair?” I must say, between the teasers, the cover, and the urging of my friends, I was very intrigued. So, the moment I had a chance, I opened the book and just started to read.

And read… and read. I couldn’t put the thing down! Boy, what a treasure I found as I began turning those pages. As one paragraph swiftly and effortlessly melted into the next, a powerful story of friendship, despair, courage, and loyalty jumped from my Kindle and absolutely took my breath away. A chair. Ohhhh that chair. A worn and tattered, ratty old cafe chair, held the mystery that shrouded every event, every emotion, and ultimately unlocked the secret behind this powerfully heartbreaking, yet healing story.

And what a beautifully written story it was. As a matter of fact, I feel like I was granted a VIP backstage pass into the lives of real musicians. Through the eyes of the charming, yet unassuming character, Callie, I got to live beside the band’s frontman, Luke and his best friend-drummer, Casey. These two multidimensional characters ultimately taught me the meaning of loyalty and what a true friend really is. At times, it was gut wrenching as I listened to their thoughts, felt their pain, and experienced their tragedy. At the same time, I was overjoyed when I experienced the grace they were shown by beautiful, Callie, which ultimately led to their renewal of self, hope, and healing.

Night Shifts Black, was an incredible gift to the world of literature. Along with an authentic storyline about a rockstar who has hit rock bottom, it was a lesson. The story of Luke, Casey, and Callie reminded me that every person has value, a purpose, a reason. Nobody’s unique qualities should ever be overlooked or taken for granted. This was a story that went beyond the superficial rockstar life. It dug deep into the heart of friendships, and the core of human connectivity. It was one of those books you read, that when you finish at the end and finally look up, you tell yourself, “Wow, that book just changed me.”

Night Shifts Black was brilliant in every sense. I was blown away by the songs, characters, and the creation of lyrics and music through the inspiration of what seemed to be real life, real people, and real events. Every element was craftily stitched together by Author Alyson Santos. Impressive, is not a strong enough word to do this book justice. It is definitely a must read.

I award Night Shifts Black five heart-shifting stars.
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,225 reviews13.5k followers
January 18, 2022
Wow..why have I never read this author before? Give me a hero that is broken in a real way, and I’m all in! I don’t even know where to begin with this review.

“This is a broken man reaching out to the only person he thinks might be willing to understand.”

This is a story about Luke, a famous musician from the band Night Shifts Back. Something extremely tragic happened to him, and this shows a real side of depression that I appreciate.

“Depression, that is,” I continue. “People who’ve never experienced it think it’s a mask, but it’s not. It’s a curtain. And when it falls, it shuts you off from your life, plunging you into complete darkness. There you stand, arms flailing around you, reaching for anything to find your way back. But after exhausting yourself, grasping at only more darkness, you give up and drop to the floor in resignation.”

“Depression isn’t sadness; it’s numbness. You don’t have the energy for sadness. You can’t sleep. You don’t eat. You have no desire for the things you used to love, but it doesn’t matter because you can’t love anyway. You feel nothing, just a dull, heavy ache that makes it hard to breathe sometimes, let alone get up to start the search again. You fantasize about disappearing, just erasing your pointless existence and sparing the Earth from your toxic presence. By now you’re so exhausted just from the effort of living that there’s nothing left to live it.”

I loved this book, and I can’t wait to finish the series. This is second chances, Redemption and love. Such deep feels!
Profile Image for Sharee.
184 reviews1 follower
March 27, 2016
Wow! I’m gonna say I teared up a little bit with this one. It was so emotional. It takes on a really intense subject, but does it in a very relatable way. I love a good brooding and emotionally scarred character so when I read the blurb I had to know what was making Luke so sad.

This book takes you on such a journey. Every character that we encounter has so many layers that are slowly peeled back as we get deeper and deeper into the book. Callie meets Luke in a diner because she was unknowingly sitting in a chair that haunts him. Callie is super observant and deduces rapidly that he loss his wife. This was mentioned in the blurb and I don’t think i’m giving anything away because there is so much backstory that we learn as as the story progresses. I enjoyed finding out everything when Callie did, so I think I won’t say anything specific. Although this book tackles a heavy subject, there is funny banter throughout. Callie is a little sugar with the medicine basically. Overall this is an amazing story of love and friendship that kept me glued to my kindle for majority of the day. This book didn’t go exactly in the direction that I expected to and it totally made sense once I kept reading.

5 Stars!!!

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