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A new enemies-to-lovers standalone.
Byron Crowne is a gentleman on the outside, and a pure savage on the inside.
I detest him.
I can't resist him.
He’s awakened desires I didn’t know I had.
When he touches me, I need to fight him . . . and I need him to win.
Our one night stand bruises my skin and leaves dents in the walls, but the sheets aren't the only thing we shred that night.
And suddenly, the stakes are higher than ever.

Olivia Monroe lights a fire in me that died a long time ago.
I’m a different man when I’m with her. I need to own her, take her, mark her as mine.
Everything changes when she might be pregnant and for the first time in my life…I’m powerless against this stubborn, untamable woman.
She’s the one in control and I have an impossible job:
Prove I’m worthy to be a father.

299 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 15, 2019

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About the author

C.D. Reiss

114 books9,406 followers
CD Reiss is a New York Times bestselling author. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn't pick up she's at the well hauling buckets.

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master's degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels.

She's frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut which is flattering but hasn't ever gotten her out of chopping a single cord of wood.

If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.


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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews14.9k followers
November 16, 2019

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! Iron Crowne (stand-alone). While on opposite sides in a lawsuit Olivia goes head-to-head, body-to-body with playboy and ruthless businessman Byron Crowne!

Better review when I have more time!

Hero: ★★★★★
Heroine: ★★★★
Plot: ★★★★1/2
Storytelling: ★★★★★
Sexual tension: ★★★★★
Sex scenes: ★★★★★
Story ending: ★★★★1/2
OVERALL RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Angst: | LOW FOCUS |
Darkness: | LOW FOCUS |
Kink: | HIGH FOCUS |
Romance: | HIGH FOCUS |
Sex frequency: | MEDIUM FOCUS |
Suspense: | MEDIUM FOCUS |

ARC provided to me by author C.D. Reiss in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for C.D. Reiss.
Author 114 books9,406 followers
November 15, 2019
I am five star happy with how this book turned out.
And I wrote it, so I should know. :)
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,144 reviews13.2k followers
November 17, 2019
He was a mixed message. A loophole in a rock-solid contract. The coexistence of lies and truths.

*looks around the room desperately*
Oh, excuse me. I can't write my review right now. I'm too busy looking for my ovaries. Those suckers exploded about 40% into this book and I haven't seen them since. I don't know whether to send CD Reiss a thank you or my medical bill. I'm leaning towards the former, though, since the woman did give me Lord Byron. And oh hubbah hubbah! *insert drooling emoji here*

Oh how I've missed CD Reiss books. It's been way too long since I indulged and this book really served as an incredible reminder about what made me fall in love with her writing in the first place. The woman can take pure filth and write it with poetic prose. She can also create some of the most enigmatic alpha men I've read to date. And let me tell you, it just doesn't get more enigmatic than Byron Crowne.
Flattery is such a blunt tool, Mr. Crowne.”
“Call me Byron. Please.”
“You can call me Ms. Monroe.”

It's no secret that I love me a good enemies to lovers romance and this one seriously delivered. You have two sharp witted adversaries pitted against each other in the line of their work. Olivia and Byron had an instant chemistry the second they appear on the pages together. Byron is everything I love in a good alpha; arrogant, demanding but with a shadowed painful past. Olivia is a woman after my own heart. She's rabid when it comes to winning and pitted against the likes of Byron, the sparks fly immediately.

Friends, this story was hot. And I mean it was SERIOUSLY hot. Granted some of the descriptions were a tad out there for my persona tastes. But I couldn't care less considering the story was riveting. Everything about this story sizzled; the characters like live wires drawn to each other while they both stand to lose everything.

But if you're thinking there's only one Crowne, you're mistaken. There's siblings. And I'm already rabid to get my hands on Logan's book. But I digress. This book? Everything I could hope for from one of my favorite authors. A sizzling page turner that I absolutely devoured from beginning to end. I'm so here for this series, it's not even funny. I can't wait for more!

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,323 reviews2,040 followers
May 4, 2020
3.5 Stars

The writing is great, the characters were well developed but God that push and pull and indecision it gave me major anxiety. It was tiring and I was oscillating back and forth from “ok, finally we are getting somewhere” to “not this again!”

I don’t think I’ve read about people who are more confused than these ones. Although, it feels a bit wrong to call them confused because rationally they knew what they needed to do it’s just that they gave in to their desires/wants/passion, whatever you wanna call it, way too often.

Even smart, strong minded people can have their resolve weakened by simple things such as love, lust or obsession. I think this was a case of that. And if I’m not wrong, perhaps that was the intention of the author, to show that we are all weak when faced with a brand of temptation we can’t walk away from.

Everything they said made sense, was logical and their thoughts followed a clear rational line BUT their actions?! That’s another story.

I’m exhausted from reading this, but the good, solid writing helped me finish this without throwing my kindle at the wall so yeah, at least there’s that.
Profile Image for Isabella. R.
952 reviews1,791 followers
November 17, 2019
4 Worthy Opponent Stars ⭐

Byron Crowne and Olivia Monroe are on opposing sides. Brought together by a legal dispute, their battle will burn hotter then either could imagine; and their passion may incinerate them both professionally and personally.

Olivia may despise Byron for all he represents, rich, entitled, corrupt; but her body and hormones don't give a damn about the moral high ground.

"The way he’d touched me as if he could—and would—tear me apart like a savage. The way I kept fantasizing about exactly that kind of scary, furious sex with him."

But their situation is going to get a lot more complicated. Olivia has been trying to get pregnant on her own accord. With a few failed attempts, getting pregnant naturally was never on the agenda. But when a night of pleasure throws them a curveball, there is a real possibility that Byron and Olivia could be parenting together. But can these two let go of all their distrust and self loathing to give themselves a chance?

"I wanted to own her, and that was going to take subtle work. I had to give her what she didn’t know she wanted…and exactly what she’d asked for."

Iron Crowne was simply enjoyable. The characters that CD Reiss created were complex with raging chemistry and broken ideals. What really impressed me was that despite Byron and Olivia's genuine loathing, they remained dignified adults which was a huge plus. They were able to be honest when it mattered which essentially made them perfect for each other.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,277 followers
September 28, 2020
5 Authentically C.D. Reiss Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free
This vanilla girl crossed paths with C.D. Reiss in 2013 by picking up a little book titled Beg. It was the first entry to the series Songs of Submission. It introduced me to Jonathan Drazen, the Drazen Family, and his obsession, Monica Faulkner. It was mindblowing in how it took me by the hand, led me to another level of interest, and allowed me to experience more than I ever thought I would in this lifetime.

I bring this up not to sound like a broken record of my devotion to Ms. Reiss...but to give perspective to this new book, Iron Crowne. Reiss has done it again. She has taken the idea of enemies to lovers to another level and with it created a love story which will take your breath away.

Both characters are complex and have inner concepts of why they are functioning the way they are.
Both are equals in every way. Both vulnerable and scared of Love.

And Both Cannot Keep Their Hands Off Each Other...Forget it could be a complication in business or career...Forget they have a dislike for the person...Forget it all...

Because being with each other is EVERYTHING...

Oh and then because the chemistry and way they interact aren't enough to keep you on the edge of your seat...uncomfortably...Reiss gives you depth and purpose. Yes, the story has real questions about what is important in life. How to achieve one's goals and when is enough, enough.

There also are families to become interested in. Other siblings to be curious about causing us to wish maybe a book or two to follow up.

Iron Crowne is a success in my mind in so many ways. It presents Reiss in all her glory...writing scene after scene with the detailed insight she is known for. It gives unbridled passion in all the ways humans can experience it. Mentally and physically. It is Pure Reiss in her element.

Iron Crowne by C.D. Reiss Iron Crowne
Crowne of Lies by C.D. Reiss Crowne Of Lies
Crowne Rules by C.D. Reiss Crowne Rules

~~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
Getting Ready to be taken on a ride with Passion, Surprising Need, and Unrelenting Love
❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️
Take a story by C.D. Reiss...
If you have Read Anything Before...
You Know there will be Complex Characters...

There will be Off the Charts Sensual Times...
Boundaries Pushed...
Unheard Off Sexual Releases...

And with this Tale...
The Tables are Turned...

Byron Crowne is used to Total Control...
But now Olivia Monroe has the Upper Hand...

She is who Byron wants...
Yet his Past may make it Impossible...

He will have to Dig Deep...
In order to Prove He is Worthy...
He will become...

Iron Crowne- November 15th, 2019

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews24 followers
May 13, 2023
4.5 stars! I'm a huge fan of C.D. Reiss and needless to say I was totally lost in Iron Crowne and once I began Byron and Olivia's story I had a hard time setting it down. Review to come...
Profile Image for Chris  C - A Midlife Wife.
1,646 reviews334 followers
November 20, 2019
Straight up love it! Awesome story and characters! So hot too!!
This book! This book gave me so many feels.

I love when I find a book and it’s just exactly the type of story I love to read. This story introduces us to a extremely hot guy, with a bit of arrogance and dominance, and yet once you breakthrough to the internal guy, the vulnerability is there too. He was addicted to Olivia from the minute they met.

Olivia hated him and everything he stood for but yet she felt that pull and simply could not stay away. She fought it at every turn. Even at the risk of losing everything she knew they had that deep connection.

Reiss just nailed it with this book. I love the beautiful balance - the pushing and the pull; high emotions and the soft and sensual; the dominance and the submission. Perfectly balanced for an amazing read! CD Reiss is a master storyteller with her devotion to the sensual, dominant man and all that embraces.

Iron Crowne = So Damn Hot!

* copy received for review consideration
full review - https://amidlifewife.com/iron-crowne-...
Profile Image for Malene.
1,263 reviews708 followers
November 18, 2019

CD Reiss sure knows how to write dominant alpha males. Jonathan Drazen is an all time favorite of mine. Byron Crowne is all alpha and dominant in every aspect of his life. Including in the bedroom. He came close to overtaking Drazen’s place.
Byron knows how to take control and did so over Olivia very efficiently.
Olivia is a fierce and opinionated woman who knows what she wants as well. She has her career all settled now all that’s missing is a child.

Iron Crowne is an enemies to lovers romance. Olivia and Byron had the enemies part down. I enjoyed how they fed off other’s energy and the sexual attraction and lust was simmering beneath the surface. No doubt about their chemistry. They’re very sexually compatible.

Byron’s family was introduced and his brother Logan made an impression along with their parents. Logan’s story is going to be interesting.

I struggled with the premise of the book. Them having a child together and no relationship. Just sex. It was very insta lust which I was fine with but when Olivia all of sudden loves Byron despite how often she’s acknowledged her dislike of him it became an issue for me. Also Byron had an epiphany out of the blue despite his past relationship struggles and decided he loved Olivia too. I needed more development story and character wise for them loving each other felt believable. It resulted in the story feeling rushed.

Overall I liked Iron Crowne. It didn’t wow me but I’m intrigued with the Crowne family. I’m a huge fan of the author and will continue to read her work cause she writes some fabulous alpha male heroes. I have faith that Logan is all alpha like his brother.

**Advanced Reader Copy received **
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,789 reviews727 followers
November 9, 2019
Iron Crowne was a delicious enemies-to-lovers story about the big, bad real estate developer and the environmentally conscience lawyer. The moment they lay eyes on each other, they are squaring off for a battle that neither one of them plan on losing.

CD Reiss has got the magic touch. I don't know how she had these two in this epic business battle while cultivating a romance that was also kind of sweet. That may be just my take on it. I saw right through Byron from the start. The way he was consumed with Olivia had me convinced he was a better man than what he was presenting. I was right.

Olivia was so refreshing. She's a very independent woman who had no qualms about admitting how she was feeling. She never had to pretend to be tough. She WAS tough and could still be vulnerable. It's a great combination in a heroine.

I loved Byron's family. They aren't what you think they would be like when you learn how much money they have. Overall, this was such an enjoyable read. I want more from this world!
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,643 reviews1,357 followers
November 9, 2019
CD Reiss has given another reason for why I can’t resist her books! Iron Crowne was the epitome of what an enemies-to-lovers romance should be. Right from the start, the characters exploded with such potent amounts of hate and uncontrollable lust, this story was so hot that the words felt like they were being seared into my brain. The warped and nasty relationship that Olivia and Byron shared did absolutely nothing to make me like them (especially Olivia), but I couldn’t look away.

He towered over the men he spoke with, commanding and confident, copper-highlighted brown hair flicking in the breeze. He was thirty-five, six-three, and broad-shouldered with green eyes that seemed slightly larger than expected. They gave the illusion of sincerity and trustworthiness contrasted by the snide curve of his mouth. He was a mixed message. A loophole in a rock-solid contract. The coexistence of lies and truths.

Olivia is thirty-two and she wants a baby. Treatment after treatment has led to disappointment and Byron, the man she can’t stand, the man she can’t resist, may be just the answer she’s been hoping for. His heart is untouchable; so is hers. He doesn’t want a commitment; neither does she. Iron Crowne is the story of two people who couldn’t be more right for each other and couldn’t see the truth of their perfection if it smacked them upside the head.

I didn’t understand him and I never would, but he was a complex taste I needed on my tongue again before it faded away. There was more to him than one mouthful could savor.

Everything that happened was either insane or ridiculous and I had a freaking blast reading it! I'm crossing my fingers that this won't be the last time I read about the amazing Crowne family!!

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Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews847 followers
November 11, 2019
4 “Lord Byron” Stars

I love enemies to lovers story. The line between love and hate is very narrow and the stories are usually layered with ferocious attraction and zealous passion. Byron Crowne and Olivia Monroe are very driven people, each with their own agendas. But when work leads these two to become adversarial, their instant attraction must be contained for the sake of their jobs and Olivia’s reputation. But their push and pull has a dynamic all of its own that drives these two to become sexually entangled when they know they shouldn’t be. Byron’s past and Olivia’s future wages a war between them that makes them begin to finally figure out who and what they want in their life.

Besides Byron and Olivia, I also love all the secondary characters. Byron is from a family of 6 kids so I’m thinking that everyone will eventually get their story told. His parents are loving and love all their kids. And Olivia’s mom, sister, and her best friend Emilio round out this romance.

I must say that this author writes exquisitely. Her words are deeply passionate and resonate with need, wants, desire and emotion. I love that both Byron and Olivia are both strong willed, have vulnerabilities, and both give as much as they take. Their journey of enemies to lovers is like a highway full of high speed, turbo charged race cars racing to see who wins.

*advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,109 followers
November 17, 2019
4-4,5 STARS

Such a great story, I fall in love with this one from the first pages!It has angst,a strong heroine, a sexy and arrogant hero and a sexy romance!The romance is slow burn with the best way.I loved how it goes.


Both characters have trust issues, it was intrigued watching them how they felt for each other but also trying to hide it.It was like a war between them with their feelings,passion and intensity! Byron is arrogant,cocky and sexy and Olivia is strong heroine!

They have a great connection and I enjoyed their story!This is one of my favorites from this author!I highly recommend it!


Profile Image for Julia.
623 reviews606 followers
December 1, 2019
Eh. It was fine.

Just an ok romance, but then topped with a hero who couldn't stop mentioning his dead fiancé. OH, and the fact that he kept telling the heroine that he would never be in love with her until the 99% mark. That was super enjoyable.


Safe for the most part.
*No OW/OM drama
*H has a dead ex that he loved. Sortof a manwhore, considering we got alot of details on his past sex life
*h only had ok past relationships
*Push and pull. H doesnt want h to have real feelings for him... and then she goes and does that.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,027 reviews577 followers
November 17, 2019
3,5 ❤️❤️❤️⭐️s❣️

I couldn’t decide which one was more appropriate for Byron and Olivia. Love to hate you or hate to love you!

Strong and independent characters yet with flaws who didn’t give up, with great chemistry, both carrying their own baggage.
Their relationship was a not an easy journey, they went through a lot of rough and smooth moments. The story was very well written, fast paced and dual pov.
Profile Image for Laurelin Paige.
Author 107 books15.4k followers
November 18, 2019
Iron Crowne is impossible to put down. CD Reiss nails the delicious alpha tension she's known for and unf it's so good! It will go down as one of my fav reads of the year, no questions asked.
Profile Image for Meggie.
507 reviews100 followers
November 18, 2019
4 stars ✨

He was an awful human. Period. I was better than this. That was his appeal and the reason to resist him. Somehow, I had to win this lawsuit without having sex with Byron Crowne.

I went into this SUPER excited. Even though I know early reviews are often skewed, I still was very encouraged by them because I usually love CD Reiss. The issue with that is that I have really high expectations and standards when it comes to her books. She has created some of my favorites heroes ever, her heroines are complex but still relatable, and her prose is just plain beautiful. So on that note, I’ll say that I really liked Iron Crowne. It wasn’t my favorite story of hers, nor did it have my favorite characters, but I read it quickly and was definitely invested in it.

”You’re nothing but hunger. Every time you talk. Every move. Every decision you make. Your need soaks through you. You think you have it under control, but all I see is how much you want everything you hate.”

Olivia Monroe is an environmental lawyer. She is also desperate to be a mother. Now, as I’ve said before, I don’t necessarily love storylines that revolve around babies, whether it be infertility or surprise pregnancy. However, I was okay with it here because the whole plot was unlike anything I’d ever read before. I loved Olivia’s independence and the way she decided to go after what she wanted regardless of circumstance. She was a kick-ass female, to say the least. My only complaint is that I thought she softened too quickly, but then again, this was a stand-alone romance novel. I’m not sure it could’ve been done any differently. She definitely was the perfect- and unique- mix of pliant in the bedroom but strong outside of it, and there was little doubt that was exactly what Byron needed. In the end, I was very glad that Olivia didn’t compromise what she wanted just to have Byron. And I believe Byron was too.

“You’re fucked up. You are one fucked up son of a bitch. You’re hard as iron. Sometimes you’re hot. Sometimes you’re cold. But still cast iron through and through.”

Byron Crowne is a real-estate developer that is obsessed with building the biggest and best projects just so he can “leave his mark” on LA. Really, the reader doesn’t get a good handle on who Byron is until well into the book. That being said, I’m not sure Byron himself knows who he is, either. He’s a vintage CDR hero: an emotionally scared, dominant alpha that wants things his way, which makes things difficult when he isn’t entirely sure what he wants. I had trouble with the whole idea of Byron being an asshole, though. He was always very honest about who he was and what he wanted. I didn’t blame Olivia for falling for him anyway, but that wasn’t on Byron, either. That being said, he didn’t seem to quite understand that just because he was honest about what he wanted, didn’t mean Olivia had to give it to him. They were both stubborn and bull-headed, but they had to be to be worthy of each other. They also had to be to make things interesting.

No one had ever spoken to me with the assumption that I’d obey. Especially not a lover, and I knew I didn’t want to ever live without it again.

She was clarity and desire and the only one with the strength to change me. The only one I wanted to make happy. She was hope.

This book didn’t have the kind of crazy suspenseful plot with twists and turns. It was more of a sex-filled romp with an emotional slow-burn, which I enjoyed. As always with this author, the sex is rough with BDSM elements, and while it’s scorching hot, it doesn’t steal the show. It’s more of a detail in a character study. As a side note, I really, really liked Byron’s family. They were like the Drazen’s but with far less dysfunction. Byron’s parents were lovely people that happened to have a lot of money and kids, which should bode well for more stories in this world. Olivia’s friends, family, and coworkers were interesting but far less noteworthy, which was probably by design. All in all, this was an enjoyable, hot, thought-provoking read by an author that can’t seem to go wrong!

”Let me ask you something. Do you do this shit to all the woman lawyers you’re up against?”
“Let me ask you something. Do your hands shake and does your breath get all heavy for every man you take to court?”
“Only the ones I want to destroy.”
“Good,” he said as if we’d decided something. “I only say this shit to women I want to destroy. But I don’t think we mean the same thing.”
Profile Image for Eva LeNoir.
Author 21 books558 followers
November 16, 2019
The master of filthy poetic prose has done it again.
I never thought I would say this but Byron Crowne has risen to Jonathan Drazen status with his cocky aloofness and bruised soul. He's dominant and cunning and prides himself in winning.
Enter Olivia.
Smart, focused and liberated. She knows what she wants and fears no one but herself.
It's fucking fire.
And explosion of wills and carnal freedom.
Iron Crowne is the epitome of Christine's talent. It's the reason I love her books and this one is fucking brilliant.
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,844 reviews1,460 followers
November 8, 2019
CD Reiss is synonymous with gifted storytelling and sizzling sexytimes. When I think of her one name always comes to mind: Jonathan Drazen. Well now after reading this book, a second name will without a doubt immediately follow: Byron Crowne. Jesus Christ this is one of my most anticipated reads in a long time and Reiss signed, sealed and delivered a phenomenal read and then some. Byron and Olivia were fire. Pure unadulterated sizzling chemistry on top of witty banter and reach for the sky brilliant storytelling. Iron Crowne is hands down one of the BEST stories I have ever read!

This story takes us on a journey of Olivia Monroe's quest to take life by the horns and live it on her terms. But along comes Byron Crowne, the one man that makes her ache and tremble from the inside out and owns her with the dominance she craves. They equally hate and lust after one another - enemies by day and lovers in the dark. But when a one night stand may lead to a baby, Crowne is in for the fight of his life to prove he is worthy of the love of his greatest opponent.

Goddamn. CD Reiss can write a story. Iron Crowne is sexy and fiery but more importantly it is filled to the brim with emotion. I felt Olivia's despair and sense of loss and Crowne's frustration at his inability to prove himself to the woman that saw past his public playboy A-hole veneer. Not since Songs of Submission have I been in love with a story like I am with Iron Crowne. Reiss' writing was edgy and provocative and almost poetic at times. She killed it with Iron Crowne and once again knocked it out of the park. Bravo! 5 stars! ~Ratula 
Profile Image for Snow.
2,252 reviews693 followers
November 22, 2019
hawt damn!!!!

wait, I'll say it again!


one of the best written pent up, sexually intense, angsty scenes I have read lately!!!

for that alone, I give 5 star rating, everything else is just the bonus!
Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,064 followers
November 19, 2019
An enemies-to-lovers standalone.

The opening chapters of this story very much reminded me of the early writing of CD Reiss and I was excited to watch the development of the characters and their story.

Byron and Olivia are the protagonists at the heart of, 'Iron Crowne.' Olivia has a plan for her life and future, which was not supposed to include a man like Byron but sometimes plans need to be broken.

The highly erotic narrative of this story showcases the characters attraction to each other and the push and pull of their relationship. There's a lot of sex, soul searching and chemical attraction making this story a must read for erotic romance lovers and fans of this author.

Advance copy received *
Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,277 reviews475 followers
January 28, 2020
I love this author lots and some of her books are fantastic but this is not quite it. It could be more of a me and not the book, but I found it to be a hot mess and all over the place. The plot was weird and the heroine was insufferable. I didn’t really get the angst you normally get on enemies to lovers stories. Both MCs were pretty childish and it was just hard to connect.
The audiobook narration is pretty good though and of course the writing is always solid. I just wish I would’ve gotten more feels.
Profile Image for Simoloverosa.
327 reviews19 followers
June 15, 2021
Byron ed Olivia sono due personaggi ardenti, carismatici, esplosivi ed agguerriti. Si scontrano, si sfidano, si minacciano, si divorano anima e corpo nella vita e fra le lenzuola dove esprimono il loro meglio in grinta e passione. Avere una relazione con il proprio nemico non era in preventivo ma già dalla prima volta che si conoscono l' attrazione è palpabile tra le parole dure e gli sguardi carichi di disprezzo reciproco ma infuocati dalla lussuria.
Nella vita hanno obiettivi totalmente diversi che li pongono agli estremi uno dall' altro ma, se gli interessi li dividono, la connessione sessuale li attrae perché potente e pazzesca. I loro corpi si bramano, si cercano, si divorano tanto che arrivano a stilare un accordo che li avvicinerà sempre di più.
Ho amato questo libro per tutti i brividi e le emozioni che mi ha fatto provare. Le scene hot sono
straordinariamente sexy, selvagge, primordiali ma assolutamente non volgari ed i protagonisti insieme sono lava esplosiva, raggiungono una carica erotica incredibile per cui ad ogni scena ti ritrovi a boccheggiare per riprendere fiato. Byron ha un cuore di pietra chiuso ormai da anni a lui non interessa l' amore, gli affari sono la sua ragione di vita ed è pronto a distruggere chiunque ostacoli il suo cammino. Ma ad ostacolarlo legalmente sarà proprio Olivia, una bionda statuaria caparbia, tosta e determinata a disintegrarlo.
Lui è un vero squalo spietato e disonesto, gli piace giocare sporco soprattutto a letto dove è piacevolmente osceno, sfrontato, predatore e dominatore...eccitante come mai potreste immaginare con un corpo che promette tanta estasi. Olivia saprà fronteggiare il suo ego smisurato colpendolo a suon di azioni legali per la difesa dell' ambiente che gli impediscono di procedere con il suo lavoro da immobiliarista. Lei è una donna eccezionale, matura e indipendente ha studiato duro per laurearsi.
Ha forgiato il suo carattere per combattere pregiudizi e messo sotto chiave la sua effervescente femminilità per affrontare e superare anni di umiliazioni e molestie ma ora è una donna forte e sicura di sé e sa ciò che vuole raggiungere e Byron non fa parte del suo futuro. Presto scoprirà che dietro quell' animo d acciaio c è però dolcezza e sensibilità e forse potrebbe essere proprio lui l' uomo giusto che l' aiuterà a realizzare il suo desiderio più grande. Olivia mi ha commossa, l' autrice attraverso la sua storia ha affrontato un argomento che tocca profondamente il cuore di noi donne la maternità nel suo mondo complesso fisico e psicologico e qui scoprirete un Byron diverso amorevole, protettivo, premuroso che si farà amare follemente. I dialoghi sono incalzanti feroci ed ironici, la scrittura è limpida e scorre come un torrente in piena, i protagonisti due titani e i personaggi secondari ottime spalle simpatiche, tutto da scoprire assolutamente Logan, fratello di Byron, freddo, diffidente e misterioso al punto giusto.
Un bel libro che lascia il segno con una storia che travolge e una sensualità che vi farà toccare le stelle.
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
1,681 reviews151 followers
September 24, 2021
I struggled with this one- the characters didn’t seem to have any chemistry and the odd little gnomic utterances this story was peppered with left me wondering what was going on much of the time. Not for me. Complete story.
Profile Image for Jypsy .
1,524 reviews56 followers
March 28, 2020
In partnership with @SocialButterflyPR,⁣
I would like to introduce this sexy entertaining ⁣
read for your consideration!⁣

I received a complimentary copy. ⁣
I voluntarily reviewed this book. ⁣
All opinions expressed are my own. ⁣

Iron Crowne ⁣
By: C.D. Reiss⁣

*REVIEW* 💋💋💋💋⁣
Daytime enemies and nighttime lovers-an apt description of the relationship between Olivia Munroe and Byron Crowne. They are locked in a legal battle yet desperately attracted to one another. Olivia is a fiercely independent intelligent woman, and she is determined to live life by her own standards. She is, however, not immune to the charms of Byron Crowne. Who can blame her? This guy is sinfully sexy, delightfully dirty and a tantalizing treat-the perfect combination of just what Olivia needs. Byron is an arrogant playboy with tons of money and a thick boundary of protection surrounding him-no vulnerabilities found here. Then, Olivia enters his life and flips it upside down when one night of fun turns into something shocking. Now, Byron must prove he is more than just sexy on a stick, and he does have sticking power. Olivia is in her own conundrum and despair, and I felt for her because she deserves to be treated well. Byron owes more to himself than just a playboy jerk mentality, but is it all too much for him and Olivia? This story has varying degrees of hotness and all the feels. C.D. Reiss has written another sharp engrossing story for her fans to enjoy! ⁣

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Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,912 reviews16 followers
November 11, 2019
Iron Crowne by CD Reiss is the story of Olivia Monroe and Byron Crowne.
Byron is the Alpha male, bad man who has put up his shield of protection to prevent anything hurting him. Olivia is you sweet heroine who is strong and fun loving who is so hard for the anti-hero to resist. This is a start reading book and you won't be putting it down. So don't start it until you have the time to read until the end. I absolutely loved it and I would recommend it and of course always Ms. Reiss's writing!

Profile Image for Bookish Lauren.
Author 1 book183 followers
October 30, 2019
Wooooow. Let me catch my breath. It's no surprise that finishing a CD Reiss tale has left me nearly gutted. Feeling raw and exposed.

Byron Crowne. Oh Lord Byron. Not only is he a commanding, alpha male, but he's also got an endearing and vulnerable side. Our past shapes who we are, especially when we experience intense emotional trauma. That said, I appreciated that Byron was able to eventually work through it. Oh, and he's definitely the epitome of filthy. He gives Jonathan Drazen, the original Reiss hero, a run for his money.

I love the fearlessness and independence of our heroine, Olivia. She is fierce and in out of the courtroom and doesn't take Byron's shit in battle. She's also smart and compassionate and loves her family with everything she's got.

Both of our characters have great supporters around them, adding to their character development.

Iron Crowne is a standalone and the start of a new series from Reiss centered around the Crowne siblings.
Profile Image for Deb.
639 reviews
May 23, 2021
4 stars ⭐️

I enjoyed this story, but I got lost in the emotional turmoils of Byron and Olivia. My goodness, so much thinking would give me a migraine 😉. Olivia knows she is in love, Byron has trouble recognising his feelings for what they are. They are opposing councils in a court case, so how will this work. It’s a very emotional ride, so prepare yourself.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 681 reviews

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