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Aмбициозен готвач, съдия и лъжица романтика...

Зоуи Харпър печели желаното място в кулинарно състезание по телевизията. Това разкрива нейния път към славата и богатството. Едва започнала, тя се оказва с твърде много неща на главата си. Не само трябва да се бори със свръхконкурентната и очевидно нечестна Шер, но и бързо развива увлечение към един от съдиите - наистина вкусния Гидиън Ървинг. Съвсем скоро залогът е много по-голям от кексчета и кордон бльо. Ще спечели ли Зоуи състезанието или изкушението Гидиън е твърде голямо? И дали Зоуи е наистина готова да рискува всичко за любовта?

264 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Katie Fforde

84 books2,178 followers
Catherine Rose Gordon-Cumming was born 27 September 1952 in England, UK, the daughter of Shirley Barbara Laub and Michael Willoughby Gordon-Cumming. Her grandfather was Sir William Gordon-Cumming. Her sister is fellow writer Jane Gordon-Cumming. Katie married Desmond Fforde, cousin of the also writer Jasper Fforde. She has three children: Guy, Francis and Briony and didn't start writing until after the birth of her third child. She has previously worked both as a cleaning lady and in a health food cafe.

Published since 1995, her romance novels are set in modern-day England. She is the founder of the "Katie Fforde Bursary" for writers who have yet to secure a publishing contract. Katie was elected the twenty-fifteenth Chairman (2009-2011) of the Romantic Novelists' Association. She is delighted to have been chosen as Chair of the Romantic Novelists' Association and says, "Catherine Jones was a wonderful chair and she's a very tough act to follow. However, I've been a member of the RNA for more years than I can actually remember and will have its very best interests at the core of everything I do."

Katie lives in Stroud, Gloucestershire, England with her husband, some of her three children and many pets. Recently her old hobbies of ironing and housework have given way to singing, Flamenco dancing and husky racing. She claims this keeps her fit. The writers she likes herself is also in the romantic genre, like Kate Saunders.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 392 reviews
Profile Image for Prabhjot Kaur.
1,059 reviews194 followers
February 21, 2021
Recipe for Love was a recipe for disaster. This was the worst Katie Fforde book I have read so far.

Zoe wins a cooking competition so she gets to go on a cookery show on television where she falls madly in love with one of the mysterious and alluring judges, Gideon. Cher was the bitch of the book and every cliche about being a bitch was associated with her that I was rolling my eyes the entire time.

Katie Fforde creates characters with no depth and they are all plain, stupid and naive to the point where it's just annoying. I didn't like any characters or the plot or the steamy romance or anything about this book. It was a complete waste of my time.

0 stars
Profile Image for DeB.
1,041 reviews272 followers
September 15, 2016
Ok. Here's the thing. I was sulking because NetGalley publishers weren't approving my requests. I had read about all of the READ NOW books that I could bear, but I had nothing active on my shelf. So I threw caution to the winds and requested a few "I'm not sure..." just to satiate my current NetGalley addiction. Gosh, it's like lottery tickets!

So... This is not the right cover nor publisher or date. I can't add another edition. So be it. This one is an Ebook reissue, by Bookoture, Sept. 14.

And I actually read and reviewed the silly little thing!

.....I'm rather fond of Chick Lit but somehow have missed connecting with Katie Fford's books until reading Recipe for Love. The author's spin is unique to the genre and I found this novel to have British charm and innocent romanticism.

Nervous but hopeful, Zoe enters a reality TV cooking competition where she is soon being sabotaged by her roommate, the vain and vile Cher. Cher doesn't like cooking but expects to become a television star by winning; Zoe, meanwhile, cooks her heart out and loses it to one of the judges, handsome food critic Gideon. Shenanigans of all sorts ensue, complications endlessly occur and the contestants cook.

More than Zoe and Gideon's romance, I was delighted with the food, the very English "flavour" (sorry, pun intended!) of the menus and ingredients and the trends which are very different to those of North America's. I couldn't wait to find out what delicacy or favourite item would be featured next.

At times, Zoe was irritatingly passive and naive. Her character could have been fleshed out more to give her more spunk and create some of the sassy humour that generally elevates the genre of Chick Lit. I appreciated some of the supporting characters, particularly Lord and Lady Gainsborough with their posh snobbishness and absurd rules; they added a great comic note.

But, in the end, hands off to Katie Fforde, because she expertly managed to twist and turn the conclusion of Recipe for Love, and it had me guessing. I wasn't expecting that!

ARC from NetGalley and Bookuture Publishers
Ebook available Sept. 14, 2016
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books379 followers
February 3, 2017
After my last read I needed something light and entertaining. I can usually depend on Katie Fforde to provide that. This time the story concerns Zoe Harper who wins a place in a cooking competition. Now I am not one who ever watches any cooking shows but still it sounded a fun read. Zoe’s first encounter is with a handsome stranger and a car in a lane. Gideon ends up being one of the judges, and things develop in a way they shouldn’t between a contestant and a judge. However, you need to leave that aside and don’t think overly about that aspect because it ends up being necessary to the plot.
Among the other contestants is one who, given his temper and language, I was pleased to see thrown out of the competition early. There is another who tries to sabotage every else, especially Zoe, her roommate. Cher is one of those characters that you will instantly dislike and the more you get to know her the more you will dislike her. She is out to win no matter what. I couldn’t believe how often Zoe got sucked in by her antics. Zoe is a person who is always out to help others and that included the pregnant Fenella and Rupert who are owners of the bed and breakfast where the competition is being held and where some contestants are staying. Zoe also gets heavily involved with a wedding that looks set for disaster. Zoe is likeable but one of those that people too often take advantage of.
Some of the banter and situations are amusing. I never warmed to Gideon, the love interest. And it never made me want to get involved in cooking and fiddling with food to such an extent but it was fine to read about. All in all it was a fun bit of chick lit, as long as you didn’t think about it over much. Just the sort of read that you need sometimes to escape into.
Profile Image for Book Wonderland .
178 reviews66 followers
November 9, 2019
Beside reading, I also really like eating, so I loved the idea of the cookery competition.
The love story was also great and I was happy that this time the author didn't made the end too long with the misunderstanding between Zoe and Gideon.
My favorite food/dessert in the book was the croquembouche. I would like to try this dessert too.

101 reviews
January 24, 2014
Am very surprised at all the raving reviews on this book. I found the characters really boring - Zoe was a complete pushover. I can respect generosity and helpful natures, but bending over backwards to do so many tasks for people who give you nothing in return was just infuriating to read. There was no real depth into Gideon's character, and so the romance was a bit blah and didn't entice or excite - wasn't very believable to read that they had fallen madly in love when there wasn't much couple action apart from Zoe's constant fears at being not good enough, or the plentiful rambles on how their affair was scandalous and threatened her chances at winning. Cher's character was also unbelievable - the shallow, bitchy stigma was overdone to the point where it felt her superficial tendency was forced to portray her as being the ultimate bitch. And in the beginning, there was too much flitting between bitchy and weirdly nice Cher, and Zoe kept falling for it...
A very frustrating read - due to the repetitive rambles and frustrating characters - that dragged on a bit too long. The only enjoyable part was the cooking competition element, as the romance was just not romantic at all.
Sorry for the negative review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tiago | MrsMargotBlog.
154 reviews31 followers
November 21, 2016
"Recipe for Love" is a very colorful, lightweight novel that we read very fast, we find ourselves on a TV show to the genre of Masterchef and witnessed the forbidden romance of a contestant by the jury.
Although I find the character Zoe a bit annoying for being too good, I think she has the heart in the right place and Gideon meets all expectations for a good male protagonist, charismatic, with an accurate humor, irresistible and passionate.
A good novel for all those who like the chick-lit genre, pink novels for pretty gray days. And although I don't find it a masterpiece, I don't think it's a story that disappoints, it's very competent.
Profile Image for Bookread2day.
2,394 reviews63 followers
May 26, 2018
It always amazes me how an author can adapt something that they have seen on television in to a brilliant novel.[Wish I could do that too]
The story opens up with cookery judge Gideon Irving gets stuck in his car in the mud, help is on hand cleaver Zoe Harper helps Gideon get his car out of being stuck in the mud. Zoe had no idea that he was a judge on the cooking competition television show .
I loved the opening of this novel I found it such an unusual scene where the two of the main characters meet.
All the characters are so well crafted, you feel a connection with them all. The romance in this novel is so sweetly engaging it just draws you in.
Katie is such a jolly skilful writer and makes you turn pages after pages. This genuinely is a must buy novel.
Profile Image for MB (What she read).
2,398 reviews14 followers
July 9, 2012
Thoughts while reading: I am having a real problem with the fact that both of the main characters are essentially cheaters. Totally strips away the romance for me when I can't respect the characters. Basically she would have failed the marshmallow test as a 5-year-old (no impulse control) and he seems to have no personal integrity (or impulse control).

Not liking this one much.

Finished it: Still feel that way. I enjoyed the cooking contest but the romance was unromantic for me.

If you want more like this try Mary Kay Andrews' Deep Dish
Profile Image for Eva • All Books Considered.
425 reviews70 followers
September 13, 2016
Review originally posted at All Books Considered: 3 STARS

Although this was my least favorite of the three re-released books for kindle by Katie Fforde this summer, I still enjoyed this one. This book is essentially a romance taking place between a contestant and a judge on a cooking reality show: think Top Chef meets The Great British Bake Off. It was fun with the reality show stress, the cooking, the setting (the English countryside) and the characters. The romance did seem a bit rushed and on warp speed. Also, there were a few sub-plots that I thought were not necessary and were SO over the top but this was a fun and mindless sort of read for when you're in the mood for such a thing (I am sometimes)!

You can read my reviews of the other re-released Katie Fforde's HERE and HERE. I definitely recommend this author for fans of British contemporary women's literature/romance. If you're looking for other romance behind the scenes of a reality show, I loved Welcome to Paradise by Rosalind James. For more British cooking romance, The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella is fun! Recipe for Love comes out later this week on September 13, 2016, and you can purchase HERE.

Zoe worked out that she'd have to make at least a hundred choux buns and after discussion with Fenella decided to fill them with flavored cream and stick them together with caramel. She'd find some pink flowers or rose petals to finish the decoration. That sort of dramatic pudding might be just what she'd needed for the final challenge.
Profile Image for Margo.
2,052 reviews89 followers
June 29, 2021
Cute and low-angst. I liked the setting. This could be a safety issue for some people (SPOILER AHEAD) since the H is revealed to have one of those ridiculous plot contrivance marriages where they haven't seen each other for a decade but are still "good friends, darling," and just never got around to divorcing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Joana Gonzalez (Elphaba).
671 reviews35 followers
June 3, 2015
Opinião completa em: http://historiasdeelphaba.blogspot.pt...

A ficção romântica de entretenimento é, e espero que assim seja infinitamente, um dos meus refúgios para além do saber, um prazer sem compromisso necessário para o meu bem-estar e uma opção obrigatória, descomplicada, para associar a palavra leitura à felicidade. Digo-o sem preconceitos, apesar da minha formação académica, digo-o com a cumplicidade de uma apaixonada por histórias.

Com a apresentação do que procuro e encontro neste género literário, Receita Para o Amor é o que está exposto na sua sinopse e pouco mais, o mais vai depender do olhar de cada leitor. Receita Para o Amor é uma narrativa que mostra paixão, sabores e amizade através das suas personagens, caricaturas de emoções, e um enredo que aborda questões curiosas e sempre actuais.
Com um discurso fluido e descrições cuidadas que dão a ver inúmeros pormenores, cativando assim o palato e transmitindo sensações, Katie Fforde criou uma história bela, terna, que acentua laços e procura a empatia de quem lê, tendo sempre presente o seu foco central, os desígnios do amor.

Profile Image for Annika Lee.
100 reviews
February 1, 2014
Such a disappointment that it was not as good as i thought it would be.The cover certainly looks more interesting than the story itself.Too many unrelated stories.The romance was just ok,not enough for someone who really love romance novel like me.It's not addictive which is the reason why it took me so long to finish the book.I practically forced myself to read it to the end.
Profile Image for Xana.
701 reviews44 followers
July 21, 2015
A classificação justa seria 2,5*, mas como não dá e não me custou em momento nenhum ler recaiu para as 3.
Um livro levezinho, com "cheirinho" a verão.
A história em si é simples, mais um romance que começamos com a noção que vai terminar bem.
Profile Image for Kristin.
1,147 reviews114 followers
July 25, 2017
3.5 stars

Really enjoyable, well-written story, but the ending was a let down.
Profile Image for Sonia Cristina.
2,024 reviews64 followers
February 19, 2018
Esta é a minha segunda experiência com Katie Fforde e, à semelhança da primeira, foi bastante positiva. "Receita Para o Amor" é um livrinho delicioso, ou não falasse tanto de comida (LOL), com um romance fofo; no geral é um livro muito simples, sem grandes pretensões, cuja leitura proporcionou umas boas horas.

Gostei de ler sobre o desenrolar do concurso, as tarefas que tinham de cumprir; a Cher meteu-me uns nervos, que criatura mais odiosa; gostei muito da forma como Zoe e Gideon se conheceram e como se começaram a relacionar.

Achei o final tão lindo, tão querido, com
Profile Image for Maria João (A Biblioteca da João).
1,241 reviews194 followers
March 30, 2015
9 de 10*

Quem me conhece sabe o quanto eu gosto de ver programas e concursos culinários! E também é óbvio o meu gosto por livros. Ora, fazer de um concurso de culinária o cenário para o enredo deste romance de Katie Fforde faz com que, para mim, este livro tenha à partida um enorme potencial. E não me desiludiu minimamente!

Adorei ler o livro e entrar nos meandros deste tipo de concursos, adorei o cenário escolhido, as personagens principais e secundárias. Adorei as ementas, as provas do concurso, o Croquembuche, o bolo do casamento e a prova final...

Comentário completo em:
Profile Image for Zoe.
2,050 reviews286 followers
September 2, 2016
All my reviews can be found on my blog at www.whatsbetterthanbooks.com

Sweet, warm and enchanting!

This is an uplifting story with lots of delicious food, familial dynamics, friendship, competitive rivalry, and love.

The writing is graceful and smooth. The characters are quirky, kind, and loveable. And the plot is interesting and engaging with a good dish of lighthearted drama, engaging wit, and lots of heart.

Overall, this is a lovely story that will have you daydreaming of the english countryside and a nice hot cuppa in no time.

Thank you to NetGalley, especially Bookouture, for providing me with a copy of this story in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Angie.
1,157 reviews86 followers
September 16, 2016
4.5 chick-lit feel-good stars...

Loved this "Top Chef" style romance! As a fan of both Katie Fforde novels AND cooking reality shows, this was a delight. The usual British chick-lit humor that is typical in Katie's books as well as lots of yummy food talk. Definitely a light "feel good" book as described on the cover. If you are looking for something in the genre and give it a try, you'll definitely walk away with warm fuzzies as well lots of giggles! Highly recommended!

**Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC to review!**
Profile Image for Kelsey .
274 reviews41 followers
May 7, 2016
Lekker leuk en luchtig boek. Heb hem gelezen als Libelle Bookazine, en die dingen zijn enorm handig als je onderweg bent. Ik heb hem alleen wel in de tuin gelezen op een lekkere zonnige dag. Ja, aanrader!
Profile Image for Renita D'Silva.
Author 13 books351 followers
September 13, 2016
I absolutely LOVED this wonderful book about love, life and cooking competitions. Funny, warm and entirely captivating, I was won over by this beautiful story. Highly recommended. An enjoyable, feel good read.
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,068 reviews64 followers
November 12, 2020
Сама съм избрала да чета разтоварващи книги, но това не означава елементарни.
Уви, накъдето и да се обърнеш ще те залеят със свръх елементарни книги, ако въобще могат да се нарекат така.
Тази освен всичко останало, имам чувството , че е преведена с гугъл преводач и редактирана от някой в 4-ти клас.
Защо по дяволите стигнахме до тук, при всичките претенции , които имаме?
Profile Image for Jeannie Zelos.
2,825 reviews56 followers
September 16, 2016
Recipe for Love,  Katie Fforde

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Romance, women’s fiction
 I discovered the wonderful world of Katie’s stories years ago, in the pre kindle days...they’re perfect reads for when I just want an easy and light escape from reality with a perfect HEA. You’d think that writing a certain style like this would mean the stories would get “samey” after a while, but each one I’ve read of Katie’s has been fresh and original.

So, this time we’re in the world of “reality” TV. Something I’d never watch – in fact I don’t watch TV at all now, haven’t for maybe 5-6 years, give me a book any day, Never the less I love reading about this type of event, whether its cook offs, DIY disasters or some kind of survivor type games...makes for awful TV IMO but fabulous stories!

Zoe wants to open her dream shop, a very individual deli, with good, properly sourced foods and a range of ready to prepare and ready meals made from those same ingredients.
Money though – that’s always a bar and she’s tried for this TV show with its financial prize that would make her dream come true. She’s astonished to get through, but decides to do her best and hopefully enjoy the experience.

Being the ever helpful person she is she helps a surly driver while she’s waiting to be let in to the place the contest is being held. This guy has got himself stuck in a ditch and it takes plenty of mud and sweat before they get his car out. He goes off and ...later when everyone is there she learns he’s one of the judges.
Somehow they keep getting thrown in each others orbit and of course romance blooms. they have to be circumspect though, and he tells her outright it means he needs to be even harder on her than on the others.
Zoe’s also made friends with the owners of the ramshackle but gorgeous place they are staying. Fen and Rupert are doing it up with a view to opening as a B&B, and events venue. Somehow Zoe is always in the right place to help when disaster strikes, some would walk away but she’s a “helper” by nature ( I know that type – that’s me, can’t walk away when I can do something to help) and soon gets to be good friends with Rupert and a very pregnant Fen.

The other contestants are a fun mix, but poor Zoe gets lumbered with the beautiful, arrogant and shallow Cher as a house mate. Cher is determined that first place is to be hers, not because she wants the money, she doesn't need it, but winning the show will be her stepping stone to fame she’s decided. She’s not above some dirty tricks to win, and sees her main completion and person she can disadvantage easiest is Zoe.
There really are people like that, horrible though it is, and I love them in a story! The other contestants are a fun mix, and each have their own quirks and personalities that crop up in the story.

I loved the descriptions of the food – not so much the foraging stuff.... but the rest, the cheeses, the home made pancetta, preserved fruits etc and of course what they made from those ingredients, that croquembouche(sp??) was so mouth-watering! I'd love to try making one of them – I'd be eting it all week though :-)
The towering – literally - masterpiece was the cupcake wedding cake, when a wedding was taking place at the venue and the cake maker let the planner and bride down.
Once more Zoë stepped into the breach, in between trying to cook her own competition canapés. That cake sounded amazing!

In between helping Fen and Rupert, trying to get past Cher’s tricks, and keep her place in the competition the fledgling attraction and romance between her and Gideon paced forward swiftly. What was it though? A quick fling ? Or could there be more? Questions Zoe asks herself, would a man like Gideon really want more or should she just appreciate the moment and enjoy what they have now and not worry about where it may go.

Of course nothing goes as planned, and its such a fun read with drama, disasters, devious tricks and distractions that it makes for a great escape from reality for a few hours.
Its a fun light flirty type read rather than deep drama and introspections, and I really enjoyed reading about the characters and the quest for the winner.
Its a book I would read again when I’m in the mood for an easy escape, a read to relax with and let my brain shut off. there are times when we all need that and a good book is my way of doing it.

Stars: Five, a perfect escapist read.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publisher 
Profile Image for Rea Cobb.
431 reviews701 followers
March 6, 2012
Take one aspiring cook, one judge, and a spoonful of romance...
When Zoe Harper wins a coveted place in a televised cookery competition she's thrilled. It's a chance to cook her way to fame and fortune and the little delicatessen she's set her heart on.

The first task has hardly begun when she finds herself with rather too much on her plate. Not only has she got to contend with the fiercely competitive and downright devious Cher, but she's fast developing an inconvenient crush on one of the judges - the truly delicious Gideon Irving.
All too soon there's more than canapés, cupcakes and cordon bleu at stake.

Will Zoe win the competition or is Gideon one temptation too far? And is Zoe really prepared to risk it all for love?

My Opinion
I have recently finished Summer of Love by Katie Fforde which I loved and so when I got the chance to read her latest book Recipe for Love I jumped at the chance. Katie is back again with her beautiful cosy writing style which instantly draws you into the story. I am sure most of you are familiar with Katie Fforde’s work but for any of you who have yet to read one of her books let me explain that Katie’s writing style is like a massage in writing form!

What I found different with this book compared to her previous books is that it had more of a modern feel to it and with this it brought different characters. For the first time in Katie’s books there was a character I did not like from the word go and that was Cher. This wasn’t a problem as her character is not meant to be liked after the situations she put Zoe in but she really did grate on me and I just wanted to shake Zoe and get her to stand up for herself more as I am sure most people would in her situation.

Zoe was a very warm and caring character and would do anything to help other people even if it meant putting herself in risky situations. I also loved the character of Gideon the judge although I did find him very similar to some of Katie Fforde’s previous male characters but it’s that age old saying if it’s not broke don’t fix it!

The storyline was something completely different to the authors previous books with the whole cooking competition which is what gives it a more modern feel but not to worry if any of you are like me and love the cosy country setting that Katie usually creates as there is still a good helping of this throughout the book.

So yet again our Queen of cosy chick-lit provides us with another must read. Thank you Katie Fforde let’s hope it’s not too long for the next book!
Profile Image for Bron.
283 reviews3 followers
June 8, 2012
Another fantastically simple, yet engrossing read by Katie Fforde! I love the straight forward romantic plots, the Englishness of her books, and the unusually handcrafty type jobs all the leading women are given. This story included all of those traits, and was the story of Zoe, who had entered a cooking competition with the aim to win, and open her own deli.

The story takes us behind the scenes at the cooking competition, where we meet Cher the very gorgeous and determined competitor, get a slight feeling of what it is like behind the scenes, and watch our selfless heroine run herself ragged in an attempt to help anyone that is in need. In the process Zoe makes friends and enemies alike, including meeting the gorgeous judge Gideon. As with any good story, the plot takes on a few complications before happily ever after can happen.

This book is a definite must when all you want is something very light to read!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 392 reviews

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