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The Silencer

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USA Today bestselling author RC Boldt brings us an unforgettable tale of betrayal, vengeance, and redemption in her new romantic thriller, THE SILENCER...

No one wants to admit that sometimes only evil can extinguish other evil.

Each time I drain the life from their bodies, I inch closer to purging my past.

Then a by-the-book FBI agent—one as astute as he is handsome—threatens my plans...and what’s left of my heart.

He doesn’t believe there are exceptions to breaking the law. That’s where we differ.

They once silenced me and countless others, but now I’ve reversed our roles.

Because, this time, it’s my turn to be the silencer.

**The Silencer is a dark and gritty romantic suspense that deals with sensitive topics which may not be suitable for all readers.

464 pages, Paperback

Published May 18, 2021

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About the author

R.C. Boldt

31 books1,903 followers
RC Boldt is a USA Today bestselling author currently living in part of the Costa Rican jungle with the love of her life and her mini-me.
If you're in the mood for some killer homemade mojitos or can't recall the lyrics to a particular 80's song, she's your girl.  


RC is not regularly active on Goodreads but if you're looking for updated release dates and book information, please check out her website at http://www.rcboldtbooks.com or follow her on Facebook and Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/rcboldtauthor

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Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,363 reviews9,523 followers
May 15, 2021
2e0pm6g 90ca45e7e7c6ddfa7f3d6d91a5f154bd-1-3-2
THE SILENCER: Is a stand-alone full length gritty romantic suspense book. Spoken in 'Dual perspectives.'

🎵 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐡, 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐫𝐲.
𝐈’𝐦 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐞. 🎵

As I skipped towards the grittiness I knew this book would throw at me, I literally cringed at the shear volume of this book, but it’s well worth every single second, minute, hours I took to read this because once you start you can't put it down.

At the age of sixteen when our heroines grandmother died her world turned into a story of horror, if it wasn't for one man and his trusted few who knows what would've happened to her.

A new life
A new identity.
A need to reign havoc on those that deserve it.

Today she's Dr. Kennedy Alexandre a fitting surname from the author of 'The Count of Monte Cristo' the main character like our heroine herself suffered betrayal and was robbed of everything which fuelled his thirst for revenge. Kennedy is lethal in her chosen field as a forensic anthropologist which enables her to save children who need it the most.

Landon Lattimer, an FBI agent is now required to work alongside Kennedy on a high profile case, both seeking justice. Even though she fights her attraction towards Landon it's not long until the temptation gets under her skin.

He believes everything is black and white
She goes rouge when the justice system fails.

I didn’t find this overly dark but the suspense had me by its hooks. This was such a unique, nail biting twisted read, throw in a hot romance and I was all in. They were from two different worlds, both fighting right and wrong but on opposite sides of the field.

“𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥.”

As I raced towards the ending with trepidation sitting heavy in my stomach a few gobsmacked twists came at me out of nowhere.

Profile Image for K.
135 reviews166 followers
September 15, 2022
〝No one can truly grasp the concept of evil until they’ve experienced it firsthand. You might be horrified after hearing someone else’s story, but it’s not the same.
Living a nightmare is far different than simply reading or hearing about it.〞

~ 𝖽𝗋. 𝗄𝖾𝗇𝗇𝖾𝖽𝗒 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝖺𝗅𝖾𝗑𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾

she made me want to cry.
i fucking bawled my eyes out.
she kept me on the edge of self-destructing.
i ungrudgingly threw myself off of said edge for her.

〝I see that justice is served, but I don’t mean letting them get three meals a day, access to a library, a gym, and a bed for decades on end.〞

my queen, kennedy alexandre, everyone.
the judge, the jury, and the executioner.
Profile Image for Mareeva.
381 reviews8,385 followers
May 21, 2021
2 stars

Buddy read with our queen of everything bloody - TJ

This book started out with a father telling his son a bedtime story about his murderous mother.

With a prologue like that, I was so sure I’d like this, but it only got progressively worse.



💉 Never smiles or laughs
💉Kills pedophiles in her spare time
💉Out for revenge
💉A renowned forensic anthropologist
💉A victim of child prostitution
💉Kidnaps kids (still no idea how she so easily got away with that but okay)

🥱 worst FBI agent to ever exist
🥱 CEO of bad jokes
🥱 He loves his mom
🥱 And he’s basically just there for no fucking reason

🙆🏼‍♀️ bored
🙆🏼‍♀️ Unbothered
🙆🏼‍♀️ Disappointed
🙆🏼‍♀️ Kinda hungry if I’m being honest
🙆🏼‍♀️ Needed 3 energy drinks after the 50% mark
🙆🏼‍♀️ Oh wow that tree is particularly interesting *gazes at it with my open kindle in hands*

💁🏽‍♀️ Quite literally walked her cat to avoid this book


The fact that Kennedy killed with a single injection of poison that she herself has perfected to the point of being untraceable was pretty genius.
Then it became repetitive, questionable and downright underwhelming

1. She injects them, sings her stupid song and then leaves. That’s it.

Why did she even sing it? To be creepy?

Hush little monster, don't you cry. I'm gonna make sure you will die.

I can write a whole separate review of my and TJs adventures with this song. I've read half of the book singing it in the wrong tune which therefore didn't rhyme. Safe to say we were bothered🙂but we figured it out.

2. So I don't know about you people but I recently got my covid vaccine, and the spot the needle left was there, red and throbbing. My question is....was there absolutely no mark when she injected them in the damn neck? Did anyone even look into continuous suspicious deaths of very powerful politicians?? Apparently not.

3. No excitement whatsoever or satisfaction. No one ever suspects her, even Landon (but we’ve already established he’s useless). The kills are super quick, she barely even talks to her victims. HER OWN MOTHER, who pimped her out didn’t know her daughter killed her. I'm guessing she hadn't even realised she was dying, that's how anticlimactic that was

I’ll give Kennedy credit where it’s due though, she was very thorough with her disguises and pretty calculative.


Landon was about as useful as Tim and that man made an appearance a total of 3 times.

fucked the heroine for 3 years
cared about her
ex FBI
had suspicions of how dark she is but still accepted her

fucked her for a couple of weeks
cared abt her
ex military
thought Kennedy was so skittish cause she had an abusive relationship but once he found out the truth said “gOodBye KEnNeDy” 🤡

Kennedy: goes on inner monologues about not being a relationship person or capable of romance.

Also Kennedy after one interaction with H:
Okay fine, she didn't react exactly like that. But she was soooo bothered by him after telling us how she will neeeeever be bothered by anyone. What made him so damn different from Tim??

Besides that Landon did NOTHING except say shit like “yes ma'am” or call h “Doc” during sex🥴

He had zero contribution to the investigation, none, nada, zilch. Let me note that, the only reason why he was in DC, working with Kennedy is because the VICE PRESIDENT of the United States himself requested for him. Apparently, he has a high success rate in solving cases. I call bullshit, not with his talent for observation.

He always just accepted the obvious.

The Vice President was the shadiest fucker of them all and what did Landon do?
Narrow his eyes a couple of times and then talk about VPs family values🙂

I get they have history but bro? Use your brain.


I skimmed every single sex scene after the first one. They weren't bad but I also found myself standing in a public bus reading this:

"That’s it. Show me what I’ve been missing.” Fisting my dick, my balls already drawn tight, I’m transfixed by the sight of her toying with her pretty clit. “Dip a finger inside for me. I’ve gotta know how wet you are.

with an expression that very much looked like this:


Every single character that I wanted to know more about was not there.

Javoris? Absent.
Rudy? Gone with the wind.
James? 6 feet under.
That random homeless bible guy? Still on the streets, never to be explained.


TJ almost guessed who Kennedy's father was from the first quarter of this book. That should tell you everything.


This was a thriller that failed to do the one thing that it was supposed to: thrill me

Again, Kennedy never once faced the threat of discovery. She was always so absolutely sure of herself and I was waiting for something to backfire, but no. She killed the vice president AT HIS OWN PARTY AND WAS DISCOVERED (by dumbo Landon but it could’ve been anyone) and still, no consequences.

Where's the action, the adrenaline, scenes that will have me at the edge of my seat with anticipation? I couldn't even anticipate the killings BECAUSE THEY WERE ALL BORING.


When Landon found out the truth about Kennedy he became a pouty bitch and I get it, your girlfriend is a serial killer and that takes time to process.......but we also knew you guys will end up together cause of that prologue so what was the point of leaving us in such prolonged “suspense” when the ending was clear.

My guy consulted his mother, his boss, Kennedy's ex fuck buddy💀 all to come to the groundbreaking conclusion: oh well🤷‍♂️ I guess she did kill pedophiles for the greater good, I suppose I'll take her back.

Wow, you are one observant cookie you know that Landon?

In addition, his mother’s reaction and advice to Kennedy being a murderer KILLED ME

"there's nothing to say." She holds up a finger. "Except for maybe, 'Welcome to the family.'"

WHAT THE FUCK kind of advice is that???🤣 His mother didn't choose the thug life, thug life choose her💀


1) The heroine. Didn’t love her with everything I had, but she was cool.

For starters, girl talks about murder to her poisonous plants:

"We're going to kill another monster tonight," I whisper to them.
They say talking to your plants helps them thrive. No one ever said it has to be a normal conversation, though.

And sometimes she would say things that kind of fucked me up, it made me understand her character more:

I have nothing to offer anyone aside from my body. That's all I've ever been good for, even when it was taken against my will.

Probably the only quote in this damn book to incite a strong emotion out of me.

2) The snippets of online anons gossiping.
I swear some random ass dudes with usernames like “PedosNeedToDie” HAD MORE DETECTIVE skills than Landon.

And of course, the important questions: did I compare this to The Risk? Sometimes, but this book is not even in the same league, so it wasn’t much of a problem. Both works obviously have similar tropes, but The Silencer had a completely different vibe. It didn't at all feel like I was reading mindfuck

Would I have enjoyed it if I hadn’t read mindfuck? NO. This book wasn’t mediocre because mindfuck was good, this book was just mediocre.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,146 reviews13.2k followers
May 18, 2021
I do bad things for very good reasons. Because some people need saving and some need killing. I do both.

Wow. Just wow. This book...wow. It caught me completely unaware and hit me over the head like a two by four full of emotion and depth. I'm absolutely blown away.

Now I will say, as a survivor, this story hit a bit different for myself. It dealt with an incredibly dark and difficult subject matter and was handled absolutely flawlessly. Reading about an elite ring of pedophilia is a subject that hits home for several reasons, especially in our world reality. It had a dark undercurrent without going into shock value or gory details, which I appreciated, because it lost none of the impact.

If there's one thing I love its a badass heroine, and it simply doesn't get more badass than Dr Kennedy Alexandre, a forensic anthropologist by day and vigilante by night. A survivor who experienced the depths of human depravity and hell, she's put everything into making sure she protects innocents and punishes the vile and untouchable elite when the system fails. A new case brings her head to head with a handsome FBI agent who does everything by the book.

The chemistry was immediate and so incendiary that I couldn't get enough of these two. Kennedy is a closed off loner who dedicates herself to her job and saving innocents. Landon is a charming FBI agent who doesn't play well with others when it comes to getting his job done but never above the law. They clash epically, but beneath their banter is a chemistry and I thought their slow burn just may kill me. There's just something so boyishly charming about Landon, yet he still has alpha vibes a mile long. He's sweet, protective, and impossible not to love.

The story was a twisty thrill ride of epic proportions and even though I saw the big twist coming, it never took anything away from the story. RC Boldt gave one crumb after another so you spend each minute and each page turn just waiting for the other shoe to drop. And when it does? WOWZA!

If you're looking for a romantic thriller that packs a heck of a punch with a heroine impossible not to root for and a hero that you'll fall head over heels for, you need this book in your life.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for TJ ☾.
724 reviews1,673 followers
May 21, 2021
if 'epstein didn't kill himself' was a romance/thriller book, it would be this one right here. and quite frankly i love that 😌

~🔮but that's about the only thing i loved🔮~

buddy read w my partner in crime anna. i'm too lazy to thoroughly review when i already know i'll agree w everything she'll say in hers, so pop on over there cause whatever she ends up saying, she right!
Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,029 reviews578 followers
May 29, 2021
3,5 ❤️🖤🖤🌟s❗️

A great dark suspenseful romance read.

Kennedy was sexually abused since she was 12 y.o. and was able to escape five years later.
At the age of 28 y.o. she had studied forensic anthropology and had made a name for herself in the US, had been exceptionally trained, and her ultimate goal was to inflict pain and suffering on those who play a role in the depraved abuse on the innocent.

Landon, an FBI agent, was assigned to work together with Kennedy and oversee an investigation where the mayor had been accused of child pornography and sexual abuse of a thirteen-year-old girl.

Kennedy and Landon were strong characters and shared the same mission, to fight against bad and evil.

The story was very well written, it had action and suspense, romance, angst, twists and turns. While I enjoyed it, there was a little dragging and some plot holes and I wanted a few more pages with Kennedy and Landon together.

Can someone tell me what was exactly the role of the homeless guy with the bible and what happened to him??...
Profile Image for Natasha.
326 reviews518 followers
May 19, 2021

You know when you're reading a book and you're so into it that you don't want to finish it but want to know that happens in the end?😭😭
Yeah me neither😩

    "This is my journey. My mission.
      My fucking cross to bear.
      Some might say I’m the monster—that I’m the evil one. But it’s all in perspective.
      I do bad things for very good reasons. Because some people need saving and some need killing.
      I do both."

I have a new favourite h and her name is Dr. Kennedy Alexandre. She is a forensic anthropologist, wicked smart, beautiful and freaking badass.
She is a survior who endured so much in her younger age, so when she finally escaped she took the matters into her own hands and has become someone who fights for innocent  children by day as a successful doctor and by night as a vigilante. (She reminded of Dexter a lot😂)

   "Sometimes, it takes becoming a monster in order to kill one."  

Landon Lattimer is an FBI agent who gets assigned on the same case with Kennedy to find evidence against the mayor who sexually assaulted a young girl.
There was an obvious tension and chemistry between them from the first time they met!! Slowly Landon took down all of her walls and I just loved how sweet and protective he was!

      “Can I be honest?”
      Kennedy eyes me with suspicion and draws out the word, “Okay…”
      “I just wanted an excuse to have another minute with you.”

Also the steam between them was of the charts HOTTTT🔥🥵

I also need to give a shoutout to Landon's mom who was one of my favourite characters here, the speech she gave him in the end was so true and I loved her perspective!

This book gave me serious "Mindfuck" vibes but It was pretty different from that series. I think the only thing that was the same was Landon being an FBI agent and the revenge plot.

Also my only problem is that it wasn't explicit and disturbing enough lol. I would've liked the killing scenes to be more dark and described, maybe throw some torture in there. 😂I think for what they did to poor Kennedy, they deserved much worse deaths. That's my main problem why I didn't give 5 stars.
Otherwise this was nearly perfect revenge book!
Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,430 reviews399 followers
May 21, 2021
“Being open and actually listening to someone else’s idea is a part of growth. “You might disagree with it, and that’s okay. We’re human, and we all have different ideas. Being respectful of them is what people often forget to do.”
I knew it! I loved this story, it was so heartbreaking and beautiful.
The characters were perfect! Everything was perfect!
YES! It’s worth the reading!
Profile Image for ❤️ Nanda ❤️.
743 reviews400 followers
May 19, 2021

Edit To Come

I've finished this book last weekend, but I was so immersed on Kennedy's story, that I thought it was best to wait a couple of days to write a review without spoilers, because yeah... I wanted to spill all the beans! 😂

I still don't know what to say without giving too much, so I'll be short.

My first impression with the blurb was that this book would be something like Mindfuck series, and since Lana is one of my favorite female character ever, I was super excited to read The Silencer.
But their only similarity is that the FMC is a vengeful serial killer and was abused, and that the MMC is a FBI agent too.

I think it's important to mention this, because a lot of my friends thought the same, but this story is definitely original and different, and I love it the same way!

My heart broke with all the pain and suffer that Kennedy went through during years,  and throughout the hands that should shelter and protect her!
I loved how the author exposed a side of the power and political world, that are always only present in conspiracy theories.

Kennedy became her own weapon to fight against abusers and to protect other kids from her same fate. Where justice failed to protect those kids, she stepped in and did her silencing without a trace.

I loved her methods and she did what everyone think of doing everytime that we heard about a child being abused, because let's face it... The book is a story of fiction, but the pedophiles are not, and sadly, they're everywhere.

Landon is our hero and I'm completely in love with him and his dirty mouth!
He was the good guy through and through, and as Kennedy, he worked to protect kids and make sure that their abusers paid for it, but he was only on the right side of the road. No blurred lines for him.
There was insta-lust between them, and their chemistry was out of this world!

I loved how he made Kennedy feel loved and protected, and how he made her trust that there was good men out there too. That they weren't all trash abusers.
He was a perfect mix between a smoking hot dirty talker, with a smooth and protective sweet guy. He was everything that she needed and more!

The book goes around Kennedy's revenge and their work together trying to legally punish another pedo politician, but the romance and family aspect ain't lost on the story, and I really enjoyed all the layers and the development of all characters.
Everyone was important and even though I kinda of knew who was the big bad wolf, it didn't make the story any less interesting!

I'll say again that I want more of them!
And I want a book for my precious Joaquin!

Highly recommend it!


Profile Image for M.
650 reviews269 followers
May 18, 2021
ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review -

This book was really good, but I had to take my time with the words and pace my heart. There are some sensitive topics so be aware before diving head first into the book. It damn near broke my heart. Page by page found it being mended back together though.

If you're brave enough - you'll be immersed in a dark and dirty world of vile corruption, secrets and lies and actions. It's also a story full of survival, redemption, justice, hope and love.

Kennedy was fierce and determined. Landon brought out the good in her and showed her just how worthy she was. Her job fascinated me. She was a survivor and did not shy away from the evil in the world. She welcomed it and sang it a lullaby.

Kudos to the author for writing something so captivating and raw. Thought provoking and intense. It makes you question which side of the law you want to stand on.
Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
992 reviews1,153 followers
May 22, 2021

"Sometimes, it takes becoming a monster in order to kill one".

R.C Boldt never ceases to amaze me when it comes to the depth of her writing. Every detail, every plot is well thought out in her eyes and then she gives it to her readers so we can indulge. The Silencer takes on a more darker and sensitive theme than her previous stories and even though this wasn't my all time favorite read from this author, I still loved that she took on a story like this and made us listen.

Dr. Kennedy Alexandre is the best at what she does in her line of work. With a 87% conviction rating, this woman does not rest until justice is served whether judicially or her own way. Every case is personal for her and even though it makes her want to crawl out of her own skin sometimes, she never stops fighting for the victims. When she gets a high profile case with one of the top FBI's agent, Kennedy knows that from here on out, things are going to get even more complicated and even deadlier.


This story is not for the faint of heart and I'll be honest, I felt like my heart was tore open a few times at the mention of certain things but this author did a wonderful job with portraying this sensitive subject matter. I loved the fact that the heroine was a warrior in her own right. She never wavered when it came to dishing out her own type of punishment and she tried her best to prevent anyone else from having permanent scars that time nor distance wouldn't heal.


Now even though I really liked certain things when it came to this story, a lot of other things quite frankly just didn't work for me sadly. I enjoyed the first half of the book but for some reason when that mark came, everything slowed down and became predictable. There was no element of surprise and suspense and that alone left me feeling disappointed. I was expecting a lot more when it came to the execution of the story and sadly I didn't get that.

I think that if you've read this author's work in the past, then you're still going to enjoy this story but keep in mind that this deals with some heavy subject matter. If you're looking for semi dark mystery romance, then this one might be for you.


Profile Image for Lucía.
179 reviews238 followers
May 21, 2021
“Hush, little monster, don’t you cry. I’m gonna make sure you will die.”

Since reading the Mindfuck series (which if you haven’t what are you waiting for?), I’ve been wanting to read something that had a similar feel, and this was exactly it.

Kennedy is a victim of years of abuse and pedophilia. She manages to escape her perpetrators and spents years focusing on revenge. She will avenge herself and every little kid with the help of justice or without it.
In one of the cases she is helping with, Landon, an FBI agent, is assigned to supervise her.

“My vengeance craves more. I don’t simply want to rain down on them. I want it to be a flood of epic proportions. Not of water, but of their own blood. And I want to watch them drown.”

This book kept me hooked the whole time, although the plot is predictable, seeing the heroine battle her demons was an adventure on its own.
I just wished she wasn’t as lienent with her killings. A syringe filled with poison injected to their dicks was not enough for me 🤷🏼‍♀️

It was fun to see a grumpy h/sunshine H trope, when normally it’s the opposite way.
Landon had the personality of a golden retriever and brought out the best in Kennedy bringing down her barriers, and in the end, they made the cutest couple 🥺 and their chemistry 👀

Let’s hope the author writes a book about Joaquin, because I want more! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Profile Image for Raquel Costa.
184 reviews23 followers
May 17, 2021
** Arc received in exchange for an honest review **

***5 estrelas***



Preciso dizer que sem dúvidas esse é o melhor livro que li da RC Boldt até o momento, adorei os outros 2 livros que li, mas esse me pegou em cheio no no primeiro capítulo e quando vi já estava rendida.

Kennedy sem dúvidas é uma das minhas mocinhas favoritas. Ela é forte, corajosa, inteligente, e mesmo que não saiba ou até mesmo não reconheça, ela é sensível e tem um coração enorme. Uma mocinha que você quer abraçar e proteger, mas ao mesmo tempo torce para ela não mudar seus planos.

Eu amei Landon e a forma que ele tentava proteger Kennedy, e adorei ele todo cadelinha por Kennedy, e não o julgo porque eu também fiquei. Os dois juntos pegam fogo e a autora soube dosar bem o livro com as cenas deles juntos sem tirar a investigação do foco deles.

Landon e Kennedy são protagonistas, mas em nenhum momento eles tiram o brilho de um do outro no livro, e a cada página você quer um pouco mais de cada um deles.

Resenha Completa
Profile Image for Varya.
767 reviews106 followers
May 26, 2021
I can describe this book with one word. Boring.

1) Everything was fine...the Hero was a mushy-hearted FBI agent and the heroine was a vigilante serial killer. The heroine took proper forensic countermeasures...so she's pretty smart and well trained and this book had been written after good research. But that was the thing....everything was FINE, methodical and calculated. There were no highs and lows. 😫

2)There was also no chemistry between Landon and Kennedy. It was "hot animal sex, I am lusty for your body" sort of thing...no intimate love chemistry.

3)I couldn't understand why she rejected Tim but loved Landon. Believe me, Tim was much more interesting character than him. 😏

4) As for comparing it to Mindfuck.... there's no comparison. That book was emotional and dramatic with a great revenge plot.
This one feels like a House of Cards and FBI TV show crossover from a serial killer's perspective....and the serial killer's POV is pretty bland tbh. Also, this doesn't have a revenge theme to it... It's more like vigilante work with an opportunity for revenge.

Like I said earlier.....it was fine Fine and boring. 😑
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,531 followers
Shelved as 'not-interested'
July 29, 2021
I've read Mindf*ck series, which were awesome and this book sounds like one with a similar topic.
I am sure if I read this book, I will compare them all the time and I don't think any book will come close to the Mindf*ck series. I believe I have already read the best, so why bother...?
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
699 reviews1,122 followers
February 28, 2024
Thieves of innocence are like cockroaches. There’s never just one. They slither and skitter, spreading their filth to everything they touch.

I’ll make sure they feel degraded and helpless. Tortured. Devoid of humanity. Devoid of worth.
“Hush, little monster, don’t you cry. I’m gonna make sure you will die.”

I finished The Silencer a few days ago but I had to honestly take a step back and think about my review. The subject manner in this book was hard to read at times and I went from being pissed off to totally wrecked emotionally!! Sexual child abuse and rape have always made me sick and the bastards that do it should all be castrated! The survivors of this usually get no justice and very few happy endings.But RC Boldt not only gave Kennedy the means to take her revenge but a truly great guy and a happy ending. We expect strangers to be the monsters but what if their your own mother and father and not only did they steal your innocence but share you with other monsters as sick and depraved as them.Dr Kennedy Alexandre was a 12 year old girl and what happened to her would make you sick! But not only did she get away but she became someone who not only brought other monsters down but one by one all those who participated in her stolen innocent!! They made her a monster.But sometimes it takes becoming a monster,to kill one. You will have to decide whether she's a monster or a victim who survived hell and got justice not only for herself but all their other victims as well. RC Boldt is a fantastic writer who's storytelling is exceptional and her characters unique and layered with flaws and true strength and courage. While Kennedy was totally shut down and afraid to give all of herself to her lovers all it took was a special man with movie star looks and southern charm and a record for going after child sex offenders and getting them justice to make Kennedy stop and take a second look. Their chemistry and steamy scenes and down the road falling in love just goes to show that no matter how broken we may seem theirs always someone their to put us back together and no one deserves it more then Kennedy! I what to end this with stating that RC Boldt wrote this with heart and it wasn't graphic but just enough to detail to understand. That takes pure talent and amazing writing to pull off such a terrible experience. Until next time Luv's😉💋

“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” —Harvey Dent
Profile Image for SimplyƝì₭.
602 reviews295 followers
May 19, 2021
This was such a wild mental trip. Read this book if you have a strong stomach, haven't read spoilers and want an erotic trip. I have never read her before but it was brutal , epic and just a page turner. It will spook you in places.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,735 reviews530 followers
July 7, 2021

NOTE: Full review added on July 7, 2021.

A twisty, edge-of-your-seat romantic thriller . . . to say much more would ruin the sheer anticipation of all that is ferociously good in this succinct thriller that begs to be read in one sitting.

There’s a solid book blurb that offers readers enough of a peek into this book that will either send them directly to the one-click button or running in the opposite direction.

Let me preface my next comments by saying that I’m certainly no advocate for murder – even when it is certainly appears to be well-deserved. Truly disgusting acts of behavior among the “bad guys,” who cross many lines without remorse in every walk of life. No excuse, no regret or remorse. Just evilness. As to the manner of carrying out the revenge, there are certainly Interesting moral dilemmas to ponder. But we’ve all read fiction where the improbable is probable. So is the case at hand.

Readers will find strong and intelligent characters in Detective Landon Lattimer and Doctor Kennedy Alexandre. Theirs is a tale of love against the odds! She is thrown off course when she meets the dashing detective. Landon has a difficult time coming to grips with what he uncovers, and my heart really hurt for him.

Shocking, contemplative and heart-wrenching. Powerful and complex with an intensity drawn out through each page, this is a story of betrayal and revenge and one that sucked me in and never let go until the very last word.

Profile Image for Kahea.
2,129 reviews120 followers
May 13, 2021
***5 ‘Skirting the Line’ Stars***

What a ride!

This book definitely kept me on my toes.

It’s intense and, I’ll admit, there were situations that were hard to deal with. I can handle and process most things that are triggering, but...whoa. Things get heavy here.

But, outside of that. This was a great read. It hit all the right buttons for me in all kinds of ways.

First and foremost. Kennedy is all kinds of amazing. What she went through had me getting all kinds of ragey even as my heart broke for her, but talk about being strong, determined and focused. Her evolution, her growth ~ throughout the entire book ~ was something else. And then there is Landon. This man is simply a good man. I mean total book boyfriend goodness in every way.

Their journey to their HEA was definitely an interesting one for a plethora of reasons that I’m not going to get into because it would spoil it all for you, but Kennedy and Landon are two peas in a pod. They just worked for me in every way and I loved the HEA they got for themselves.

This really was a great read. The romance was on point. The whole mystery/suspense kept me on my toes. And all of the characters ~ from the true villains, the good guys and the ones in the gray area ~ were simply well written and I really, REALLY want to say who my favs were, but that would actually spoil things for you, so just say, there are a handful that I’d love to see again down the road.

Triggers: There is a warning at the bottom of the synopsis. There is a warning at the start of the book. Heed that warning. I can stomach a lot of disturbing things, but what this book deals with hit hard and I feel that the author handled it all well.

~ Copy provided by Valentine PR & voluntarily reviewed ~

Profile Image for Alina.
395 reviews74 followers
May 21, 2021
If ya'll read the MINDf*CK series, you will LOVE this!

But huge warning: This has so many sexual assault triggers, so please be careful about that.

This is a story about a woman who had a horrible upbringing but like a mf phoenix rose from the ashes and brought vengeance. My kind of gal LOL
Profile Image for Michele McMullen .
2,364 reviews78 followers
July 29, 2021
RC Boldt has given us another fabulous story filled with romance, suspense and a side of revenge.
Kennedy Alexandre is a woman that could have been beaten down by her past but she has taken on a different role. She is a forensic anthropologist that has made it her life's work to help the innocent and take down the people causing harm. She is a woman on a mission to even the score and revenge is her specialty. Take down the people that hurt the innocent.
Landon Lattimer is a man that has made his life work in the FBI that of protecting justice and taking down the guilty. He and Kennedy find their worlds have connected. I loved the energy between this couple. This was an emotional ride with so many dark moments but it also helped us come though and see the light and see that sometimes good can prevail.
~~Michele McMullen ~~
Profile Image for KeelyReadsRomance.
434 reviews54 followers
May 18, 2021
This is amazing romantic suspense! I love conspiracy theories and this story featured an elite ring of corrupt DC politicians, secret identities, scandals, and sinister dark secrets. I love that the heroine survived and recovered as best she could from her horrific childhood. Kennedy Alexandre is a dark Angel, exacting revenge for herself while also saving those who can’t save themselves. It’s truly heartbreaking that this stuff happens in the real world. Landon Lattimer is perfect for Kennedy, even carrying his own baggage, he handles her skittishness and gives her the space to feel safe and protected. Their relationship is a testimony, showing that love can still flourish from tragedy and turn into something so beautiful, it could never have been imagined.

*This story is centered around very dark themes and The MCs work the case of a young girl who was abused.
Profile Image for Manoela.
1,178 reviews26 followers
May 18, 2021
4.5 Stars

In The Silencer, author RC Boldt addresses a delicate theme wrapped in a plot of revenge, redemption, addressing the flaws of the justice system and showing us that sometimes the circumstances of life make the lines between right and wrong blend. It was a book that I found myself intrigued from the first line.

I loved this story, and although it is not an easy read and in some moments I have to take a deep breath to continue I think that the author knew how to mix the plot of revenge that rolls in the story well with the romance that is born between the protagonists. And the end of the story was just perfect.
Em The Silencer a autora RC Boldt aborda um tema delicado envolto em uma trama de vinganca, redenção ,abordando as falhas do sistema de justiça e nos mostrando que às vezes as circunstancias da vida fazem as linhas entre o certo e o errado se misturarem . Foi um livro que eu me vi intrigada desde a primeira linha.

Eu amei essa história , e apesar de não ser uma leitura fácil e em alguns momentos ter que respirar fundo para continuar acho que a autora soube mesclar bem o plot de vingança que rola na história com o romance que nasce entre os protagonistas . E o final da história foi simplesmente perfeito.

I Received an unreleased copy of this book
Profile Image for Bourbon, Books and Brenda.
1,090 reviews91 followers
May 13, 2021
"Hush, little monster, don’t you cry. I’m gonna make sure you will die."
Rating: 5 stars
Steam: 3 flames
Genre: Revenge / Romantic Thriller
The Silencer is a romantic thriller, with a story so heavy it often feels like it is too much to bear. But with each press of Kennedy's thumb, I gained a little piece of my heart back. There are significant triggers in this book

This book broke my heart, it flayed me open, it made me hate humanity, and it made me cheer for a vigilante doling out justice in a way only a survivor can. Kennedy Alexandre deserves every last drop of payback…and blood. From the first page of this book, I knew I was in for a heck of ride.

Kennedy Alexandre, survivor, savior, silencer. She speaks for those that have no voice, and silences those that hurt them. Landon Lattimer, FBI agent on a mission to rescue the weak from horrific situations. Kennedy and Landon, two people brought together through a horrific crime, maybe…just maybe they can find more than a criminal.

The Silencer is a dark and depraved tale of corruption and reckoning. Throughout the book there are wolves hiding in sheep's clothing and you will never know who to trust. This story will have you holding your breath, afraid to turn the page, afraid to see what will happen next, and just when you feel it is safe, when you have been lured into a false sense of security… BAM, you are hit with a twist you never saw coming.

In 2020, Hell Hath No Fury was one of top 3 books and Kat was my heroine of the year. This year, The Silencer and Kennedy will have that top spot! This book is phenomenal, the characters fantastically written, the storyline well flushed out, and the romance hard won but worth it. If you like your heroines strong, your revenge sweet, and can handle darker themes…one-click this book right now! A definite must-read recommendation from me!
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,704 reviews590 followers
May 15, 2021
I’m always eager to dive into a new R.C. Boldt read, and The Silencer was no different. As soon as I started this one, I could not put it down. It was a story that had me hooked, eager to see how all the pieces came together.

I’ll be completely honest and say this one did take a while to grab me completely. I was certainly curious about the storyline and what would happen, but it took a bit of time before I felt the connect and emotion that the story required. Once it was there, however, I could not get enough. There was plenty to keep me turning the pages, lots of things I needed to see more of. It hit hard and fast, pulling me in deeper and deeper. Things happened a little too quickly at the end, without the huge shock I had hoped for, but it was not enough to take away from the story.

Without a doubt, The Silencer was another addictive read from R.C. Boldt.
Profile Image for ReadingTilTheBreakOfDawn.
1,559 reviews74 followers
May 14, 2021
..Not everything is so easily cut and dried when it comes to the battle between good and evil.

Holy crap! RC Boldt, what did I just read?!
Major warnings as the subject matter may be very sensitive to some.

This story was one of darkness, vengeance and redemption. I didn't know what to expect when jumping into this book and while the content was dark, it was a pleasure to watch a kickass female do what she needed to do to survive and then protect those that she felt strongly about. I cannot sing Kennedy's praises high enough. I love to get a smart and talented female character that kicks ass and takes names. She was the highlight of this book. Intelligent, knew her subject matter and loved what she did. She was fighting for good by fighting against the bad while staying detached. But when Landon entered the picture, it was nice to see a woman that was a "one woman show" find her match. She found a bit of happiness and something in someone that she never thought would be available to her. Landon's FBI, but he never gets too close to anyone. But there is something about Kennedy that he sees. Will she be open to anything? Will his goodness shine light on her?

The truth is, he's wrong. I don't deserve more because I never did anything great or heroic. Nor do I have time to waste on fantasies of what my life could be.

I like to give details in my reviews and show a little background of what the story entails, but I think this story is better to go in blind. I will give you a little bit in the fact that the story is centered around child sex trafficking. If that isn't for you, then skip it. But I can tell you that Ms Boldt went in guns blazing to a subject matter that is very real and very relevant right now. She put her own spin on it and she researched aspects of it that will break you. It's a dirty, ugly subject matter and she brought in characters that were good and bad and wanted to bring the whole circle down and it was a pleasure to see the story come full circle and see evil battle with the forces looking to take it down. I simply LOVED it and loved the way Kennedy and Landon worked together but separately.

This romantic suspense was dark with the subject matter, but I loved the characters and the way they connected. There was a definite chemistry between Landon and Kennedy and I loved the way they fought against their pull, but also fought against a system that was very broken.

If you're open minded and like a dark subject matter mixed with your romance, you will totally be on board with this book. It was a longer book, but it reads quickly because of the shorter chapters and all the intense action taking place. I was turning those pages so darn fast to see what was going to happen next. I was completely invested in Kennedy and Landon's story as much as the investigation and wanted to see how everyone was going to get their ending. Dark goodness with a battle between good vs evil and finding the balance between the two. Go in with an open mind, buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Profile Image for booksandbubbs.
565 reviews155 followers
May 10, 2021
"You will eliminate harmful beasts from the land, and no enemies shall pass through."

OMG, this book absolutely wrecked me in the best possible way. One of my top reads of the year, the Silence is romantic suspense as it's very best as it takes us on a roller coaster thrill ride and left me on the edge of my seat wanting more. Kennedy was one of the strongest female heroines that I've ever read and her story made me ugly cry multiple times as she pulled at my heartstrings over and over again. And Landon (the FBI agent) is my latest book boyfriend as he was just so amazing and so accepting of Kennedy and her past. This book is interwoven with so much intrigue and conspiracy but the romance really balanced the storyline and I was living for every minute. I think it's best to go into this one fairly blind so I don't want to give too much away, but I will say that there are some trigger warnings to pay attention too. It's not an easy read, but it's so worth it as it completely wrung out my emotions. This book consumed me and I would give it all the stars!!
Profile Image for Ana Manjić.
601 reviews51 followers
May 14, 2021
"Hush, little monster, don’t you cry. I’m gonna make sure you will die."


A detective who fights the system if necessary to put away pedophiles where they belong.
A female killer who kills pedophiles who once caused her so much pain and evil and is her only mission in life - in addition to trying to save as many children as possible from the hands of evil.
A romance between two people who are on opposite sides of the law and a happy ending.

I have to admit I expected a lot more from this story.
It was a bit slow and tedious for my taste.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 140 reviews

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