
What the HELL is this @Ezra Fitz?????? Your coward ass is always hiding behind Marlene interviews. You are a SPINELESS LOSER. You're still A and that's FINAL. There is just WAY too many instances of you BLATANLY telling us. You are a DISGUSTING person for this btw.


Let's talk about Pretty Little Liars: Summer School, bc I have no one to talk to about my thoughts.

  • Pastor Malachai

My first thought was literally that this dude looks like Clanton. He's probably related to him and now is continuing, in a way, in his footsteps. Bloody Rose and Clanton/Archie both have a theme of killing sinners/punishing the guilty, with slight variations of going about it. Just look at the resemblance:

Mrs Beasley looks just as guilty tbh. And this:

"It's safe to say that I believe you children are the future. Of our church, of this town and of the kingdom. '...' There's an activity we used to spearhead in years past. A celebration, and a purging that will help us expiate our town's sins. Shall I tell you all about the glories of Redemption House?"

Just sounds sus. I also don't think we ever saw other adult members of this church, besides the Pastor and Mrs Beasley, which I find really weird. I can imagine that someone connected to the church could be connected or be Bloody Rose, if it isn't Mrs Beasley or the Pastor. Could be an adult we haven't seen yet or one of the teenagers. Or both honestly.

Also, maybe there were similar killings years before the liars, which relate to what Malachai said about the activity they did years ago. Maybe the whole town was in on it.

"Twenty years ago, a series of tragic events almost ripped the blue-collar town of Millwood apart." I'm sure that wasn't just about Angela Waters.

Completely different thought, but maybe the church knows about Bloody Rose and that she's out to kill sinners, which is why they want to get as many followers as possible and purge the town of their sins, to save people from getting kiled off.

  • Principal Smithy

He's not my primary suspect, but I fear he or someone with power in the school might be involved as well, because of the whole summer school thing.

  • Dr Sullivan and Rose Waters

I feel like Dr Sullivan looks a bit similar to Rose Waters, but I don't think they'll end up being related. I feel like it would be out of character for Dr Sullivan to turn into Bloody Rose and kill teenagers. I could image there being some minor involvement, like in the original PLL when she dissappeared.

But I do think there is a possibility she knows Rose Waters, because we know she stayed in Radley until it closed. In season 3 when Spencer went to Radley Dr Sullivan worked there. Maybe Rose Waters was one of her patients.

Maybe it's also a possibility that they'll parallel the original PLL and Bloody Rose could end up being one of Dr Sullivan's patients, which she'll figured out later on as the show progresses. I also wonder what her flashback will add to the story.

  • Davie

I know she's dead, but I think she'll have something to do with this. When Imogen saw the shadow in her room and thought it was her mother and then Bloody Rose.. I don't know it gave me a weird feeling. Also, this teaser poster with the drawing of an angel being unraveled, leads me to believe that Imogen might uncover some more horrible truths about her mother. And now that she mentioned in her dream in ep 3, that she saw Bloody Rose AND her mother.. Seems suspicious

  • Some more thoughts about Bloody Rose

I could imagine Bloody Rose being a character we don't know yet, like with Archie. We didn't know Angela had a brother until the reveal lol.

I could imagine more people being involved, like a group of people coming together. Maybe even a scenario where different people pretend to be Bloody Rose and don't know each other's identities, but each have their reasons to mess with the liars or do so for fun.

We also know a teenager has to be involved, because Mouse's grandmother said one of her friends came to her. And we know someone who said she was friends with one of the liars before: Jennifer. Tbh I don't think she's Bloody Rose, but that just came to my mind, how she basically used Noah to get a job. I wouldn't exactly call them friends tbh.

  • Some unrelated extra

What the fuck happened here in Angela's room? Why is there a rope? I was re-watching and found this really weird and disturbing. The day Angela died it wasn't there.


PLL: OS Thoughts and Spoilers!!

Okay I just finished the first three episodes of PLL: OS and I have many, many thoughts and also I am totally hooked, but what I keep coming back to is this - 

This whole twin thing with Karen and Kelly HAS to be part of this, right? I mean, Kelly has played such a relatively small role in the show so far, it’s not like she has some clear purpose in the plot as of now. And yet the writers have gone to all of this extra effort to have Mallory Bechtel film scenes as both twins, use a body double for those scenes, edit it all together...instead of just having Karen be an only child, or giving her a fraternal twin played by a different actress. Would they really go to all that trouble just for the sake of having identical twins “just because”? I don’t think so.

I also have to point out that when she first arrives at the dance, Imogen “mistakenly” identifies Kelly as Karen. But was it really a mistake? Imogen used to be best friends with these girls, how likely is it that she would so easily mix them up at this point? And Kelly’s “twin-fusion” response seemed a little nasty and out of character...a little too much like Karen.

So I think it’s pretty clear at this point that Karen and Kelly kept up their switching places trick from earlier in the episode and it was really Kelly who died at the dance, with Karen taking her place and masquerading as her, and I will die on this hill (for now).

Anyone else watch? My inbox is open for anyone who wants to shoot me a message about it!


God damnit. Pretty Little Liars Original Sin got me and pulled me in after I promised never again


I think Kelly is dead and not Karen. I think Imogen was right when she called "Kelly" Karen at the dance. They switched spots so Karen could have a front row seat to Imogen being humiliated. And of course Imogen would know the difference between Karen and Kelly because Karen was her best friend

Anonymous asked:

do you prefer spencer as ali’s killer, emily as ali’s killer, hanna as A or aria as A?

These are all great; but honestly my go to will always Spencer as Alison’s killer (or almost killer; or Bethany’s killer; or Courtney’s killer… all interconnected theories lol). Lately though I have been so intrigued by the idea of Aria Is A— specifically one that doesn’t use ableist misinformation as her “motive” and instead delve into all the little hints the show never really explored about Aria/Alison having some sort of twisted Heavenly Creatures relationship. Thank you for the ask!! 💜💜


Shower thought: Chip's Mom is Bloody Rose. She's going after the Liars because she blames them for Chip's death.

The reason no promo shot of Imogen and Tabby's trials have been shown is because their trials will be the hardest, since they are the ones that "defamed" Chip the most.

The Mom (I don't know her name and I don't care enough to check) may also be a huge film buff, which is how Chip got this interest, drom watching horror movies with her, so that's why she's filming each trial and making the short films on Spookie Spaghetti.

Also ties in with the theme of motherhood which continues to be explored this season.


'Minnie Mouse is the Mastermind Theory '

This crazy theory has been stirring around in my mind .. so we know so far this show loves referencing movies and playing homage to a lot of them so what if they decided to do an orphan twist and by that I'm talking about the Movie Orphan ,now if any one has seen that movie you know in that movie the girl being the orphan is actually a grown woman who looks like a kid.. So my theory is what if Mouse is actually much older than she really is but looks like a teenager .. who actually was the girlfriend of Angela Waters and is now going back to Millwood to get revenge on the mothers /daughters but the one doing the killing is her true love Angela Waters .. this dynamic duo could be revealed as the A team ... now to make this theory work , the moms probably knew Angela liked girls but never met the girl Angela was dating .. I mean it would be an awesome twist !!!! what do you guys think ???


Theory time (PLL: Original Sin)

I was a pre teen when I started watching the original PLL and I was obsessed with it back then, PLLOS has made its way into my adult life and now i’m obsessed with theorizing everything again so let’s go

  • At that beach scene Imogen is still wearing the clothes from Karen’s party which makes me think baby was conceived that night, so something happened either at the party or on the way home.
  • Tabby was SA’d that’s why she keeps the camera at the boy’s locker room, she’s probably trying to discover who was it and tbh I have a feeling it might be Noa’s boyfriend. The opening has a lot of futebol references
  • One of them is for sure helping A, that text message? “Reveal your true self, 1 bully down 5 to go” was shady asf
  • Minnie is off but I don’t think she has anything to do with A but something equally sinister has happened to her
  • Karen really died, Kelly planned her death. There was a lot of swapping that day but i’m sure Kelly is the evil twin, the way she told the ‘truth’ after her dad gave a speech about how he would end those girls life? self preservation, she needed him to stop digging further into her sisters death
  • The sheriff definitely has an affair with the principal. I said what I said
  • Angela was being followed by someone/threatened the night of the party
  • Also, that wasn’t a party. No one calling the cops or 911? no way, literally no way. I’m pretty sure it was just the moms and Angela that night, as Tabby’s mom said “they know what everyone thinks is the truth” there’s more to it.
  • Masked man and A are different people but work together
  • Now this is just a random thought, NO ONE NOTICE THE JANITOR IS GONE????
  • I need Imogen to be gay that’s it. that’s the comment.
  • There’s a teddy bear close to Angela’s memorial (?) below the scarlet letter book, masked man carries the same bear in the series intro

that’s it my inbox is open if anyone wants to discuss any of it <3


Idk what is up with Swifies this era but we’ve seen fans stalk her / make livestreams when she’s seen in public, chase after her car, speculate on very invasive things, harass her exes, and blatantly tell her “no, I know your traumas better than you and I’ll do what I want”…It’s all so toxic

Y’all do all that and still demand more content from Taylor.

Really kinda proves some of these folks don’t see her as a person.


There's gonna be an intense scene where A is after the girls and Imogen goes into labor. I mean it only makes sense her baby would come in the worst possible moment right?

Also if there's gonna be more seasons , I think Imogens baby would be put up for adoption or something because it doesn't seem right having a baby in the middle of all this horror drama.

Then there would be a another spinoff where the baby grows up for revenge. I mean if the name of the baby starts with A then its kinda given.

I bet you if this was Riverdale then A would definitely be the baby from the future

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