Азиатска козметика и грим 20

  • 40 761
  • 756
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# 45
  • Варна
  • Мнения: 184
Моята е с полет Flight number : LO098, изпратена на 02.12. Стоя на летището от 11.12, едва днес се раздвижи. Иначе поръчката ми е от 18.11 Sad Искам си я, но ще видя дали ще се преборя с роял мейл. Знам че няколко момичета чакаха пратки с този полет. Да си знаете че е кацнал Simple Smile

# 46
  • Мнения: 2 452
Ели,22 Евро е необлагаемия минимум.От 22 до 150Евро-19%ДДС,ако са стандартна поща,не експресна

# 47
  • Мнения: 2 039
Моята е с полет Flight number : LO098, изпратена на 02.12. Стоя на летището от 11.12, едва днес се раздвижи. Иначе поръчката ми е от 18.11 Sad Искам си я, но ще видя дали ще се преборя с роял мейл. Знам че няколко момичета чакаха пратки с този полет. Да си знаете че е кацнал Simple Smile

Kremi, на кой мейл смяташ да им пишеш на Роял Мейл. Аз имах същата идея да се опитам да пренасоча, но пратката ми още не е стигнала май до Англия и изчаквам. Моля те като им пишеш, да споделиш какво са ти отговорили. Благодаря ти предварително!

# 48
  • Мнения: 1 795
Хахах, току що писах на Федекс в опит да препратя пратката към друг превозвач и Габиели спират да приемат поръчки от UK Rage

Уважаеми клиенти.

Поради ситуацията около Брексит, ви препоръчваме да не правите онлайн поръчки от Англия, докато не се изяснят условията за превоз на пратки.
До тогава, може да поръчвате от Германия, за там няма промени.
При нова налична информация, ще побликуваме всичко на нашия уебсайт.

Последна редакция: пт, 08 яну 2021, 16:50 от Viola Tarakanova

# 49
  • Варна
  • Мнения: 18
Здравейте момичета! Simple Smile

Включвам се за първи път при вас с въпрос - За първи път пуснах поръчка с превозвач до Англия (до адрес на Габиели) от Jolse, която все още е на статус Awaiting Shipment.
И сега съм в чуденка, да откажа поръчката или да опитам да я пренасоча директно към България. Какво бихте ме посъветвали?

Първата си поръчка с корейска козметика направих миналия месец, като пристигна директно при мен с DHL:
TonyMoly Wonder Apricot Seed Deep Cleansing Oil
innisfree Green Tea Balancing Cream EX
Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask
innisfree Daily Mild Sunscreen SPF50+ PA++++
innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing 5.5 Cleanser

# 50
  • Мнения: 1 795
Моята изпратена с Федекс преди няколко дни все още в сайта им си седи като Awaiting Shipment. Разбрах че са я изпратили, защото получих мейл от Федекс.
Мисля че нямаше опция за промяна на адрес, може само да се канселира.

# 51
  • в белята
  • Мнения: 536
Здравейте кореанки,
в търсене на светия граал против бръчки ,в мен се зароди желанието да пробвам нещо корейско.И тук вече се изгубих в хилядите марки.Нямам никакво желание да се занимавам с митници ,така че отпада идеята да поръчвам от UK ,поне за сега.Бихте ли ме ориентирали кои са високия и среден клас марки (п.с. погледнах един линк на първа страница ,но там ги няма половината марки,които ги има в един бг сайт - без имена ,че може някой да го сметне за реклама).
За сега съм си харесала Skin Watchers wrinkle away whitening eye cream ,Mizon peptide 500 серум,Mizon Svenom tox cream,тоник за лице CosRX s AHA/BHA киселини,Бентон почистваща пяна.На 38 години съм ,смесен тип кожа,излизат ми лесно пъпки,досега съм ползвала Estee Lauder ,Filorga,Lancome,Shiseido,Khiels.

# 52
  • Мнения: 1 795
Здравейте, ако търсенето е конкретно за продукти или рутина само висок и среден клас корейска козметика няма как да е от тук. Повечето сайтове в България предлагат основно масмаркет и най- ниския клас козметика като цените са много завишени и изкуствено се създава впечатление за по-луксозен продукт, а реално са кремчета за по 5-10долара.

Skin Watchers е разработена за западния пазар, в Корея дори не са я чували. Mizon е масмаркет. CosRX и Бентон са много добри марки, но също са нисък клас.

Луксозните корейски брандове не са толкова много, съществуват повечето от години, цените са достатъчно високи ($200-$1000) и като цяло трябва да се купуват само от оторизирани магазини и продавачи на марката.
Има много бутикови марки среден към висок клас, както и специализирани такива, но те въобще не се предлагат в България.

# 53
  • в белята
  • Мнения: 536
Viola Tarakanova ,държа да е от класа поне на ползваните досега от мен марки и щом от бг няма какво да им е еквивалент ,ще се въздържа от ползването им докато се изясни как ще се процедира с митниците.Все пак бихте ли изброили някои марки ,на които да обърна внимание?

# 54
  • Мнения: 2 452
Луксозните корейски брандове не са толкова много, съществуват повечето от години, цените са достатъчно високи ($200-$1000) и като цяло трябва да се купуват само от оторизирани магазини и продавачи на марката.
Има много бутикови марки среден към висок клас, както и специализирани такива, но те въобще не се предлагат в България.
Viola можеш ли да назовеш тези,от които ти си най-доволна.

Аз с едно питане.Някоя от вас ако е ползвала iUNIK Beta-Glucan Daily Moisture Cream,може ли да сподели какъв аромат усеща.Нещо ме съмнява тоя крем.Не причинява вреди и дискомфорт,но мирише доста неприятно,на химикали...аз го изхабих почти,но сега се сетих да питам Grinning

# 55
  • Мнения: 1 187
Iunic beta glucan аз го ползвах миналата зима. Нямаше никакъв аромат по спомен.

# 56
  • Мнения: 13 507
roxyn, аз бих канселира и да поръчам наново, но тук вече е въпрос на цени на какви си поръчала и какво е в момента и дали си ползвала от дните с безплатна доставка. Незнам дали може да я пренасочиш - пробвай дали ще стане. На jolse им е бил бавен шипинга.

г-жа Шапокляк, от корейските брандове - sum:37, the hystory of whoo, sulwhasoo, среден клас Iope, iza knoz, както и има много бюджетни добри неща.
японски - sk-ІІ, а шисейдо, което проват в Азия е доста по-различно от шисейдо тук.

Уж имах резерви на резервите, и сега се оказва че имам липси.
Взех си тази машинка
https://www.yesstyle.com/en/elra-story-elra-new-face-galvanic-po … ml/pid.1065365480
Да я пробвам вече и се оказа, че нямам масажен крем, в упътването пише, че може да се ползва и с околоочен крем или някакъв друг антиейдж, обаче какъв да бъде от няколкото, които съм надиплила, нещо с по-базов състав ли, нещо по-подхранващо или хидратиращо. Другото което се чудех е, гледах видеа с подобни машинки, но не същите ги ползват върху шийт маски дали да не постъпя и аз така.

Та приемам съвети всякакви по въпроса.

# 57
  • Мнения: 1 795
VanessaDE , на нищо не мирише. Серума с бетаглюкан има лек дъх на дрожди, но кремът не ми мирирше въобще

г-жа Шапокляк,  вижте марките, които Зари е посочила. Някъде назад имам много подробен списък по марки, който също може да ви е полезен.
Когато преди години аз се насочих към азиатската козметика след ползване само на висок клас западна такава, и аз исках и някое време ползвах само "висок клас", което се оказа абсолютно грешен подход Simple Smile Първо е важно правилно прилагане на продуктите по стъпки, качествено измиване и хидратация. Сега се интересувам от конкретните продукти и състава им, а не от ценовия клас и марката, много често ползвам в една рутина с успех серум за 300долара итакъв за $30. В корейската козметика има уникални продукти както в high end брандовете, така и в бюджетните такива, важното е да знаеш как да ги ползваш. Повечето скъпи марка са на основата на китайската медицина, пълни са с екстракти и  с ферменти и не са подходящи за чувствителна кожа. За разлика от повечето популярни западни марки, които наблягат тай- вече на овлажняване, корейските са с доста повече активни компоненти и лесно могат да предизвикат реакция. Доста сравнително бюджетни корейски продукти са с по- добър и активен състав от изброените западни, а цената е много по- ниска. Сравнявала съм ред по ред състави на продукти на Ести, Шанел, Герлен и определено корейците водят по точки Simple Smile

Последна редакция: сб, 09 яну 2021, 16:27 от Viola Tarakanova

# 58
  • софия
  • Мнения: 1 217
Гжо Шапокляк, няма как да, направите реклама тук на ТОЗИ сайт с жестоко надути  цени и не особено богат асортимент.
Искам да кажа, че ако човек си направи труда да разгледа състава на висшия клас европейска козметика и средния (но автентичен, т. Е този който азиатските ползват), клас, става ясно, че плащаме  предимно за името и рекламата  на европейските.
Корейската козметика, обаче, си е второ "више" - иска четене, експерименти, любов към тези занимания, за да намериш оптимума за себе си и да постигнеш ефект. Ако не му се занимава на човек-си купува дневен нощен, околоочен крем  висша марка и си се маже.

# 59
  • Мнения: 1 795
Публикувам пози списък отново. От преди няколко години е и вече не е толкова актуален, но е добра отправна точка


Скрит текст:

The list is split into brands owned by large, umbrella companies (such as Amore Pacific) and categories.
Each brand will say whether it's low, mid or high end price-wise or somewhere inbetween. Everyone has different views on what they consider to be low, mid or high end prices so use your own judgement when checking out the brands. Also seemingly low or mid end brands may try their luck with a 'premium' line of $40-$50 products. Okay, let's get going!


♥Amore Pacific♥

Established in 1945, Amore Pacific is the leading cosmetic company in South Korea with ₩1.5 trillion in sales by 2008. Their low-mid end brands can be found in 'Aritaum', a South Korean department-type store.

♥ Amore Pacific Cosmetics: High end cosmetics brand.
♥ SULWHASOO: High end .The original Oriental medicine skincare brand, high end prices. 'Sulwhasoo' means 'snow flower' in Korean. The best selling Korean cosmetic brand in history, supposedly a Sulwhasoo product sells every 20 seconds. Bestseller: First Care Serum.
♥ HERA: Mid to high end cosmetic brand, named after the Greek goddess Hera. Hera was Amore Pacific's first ever cosmetic brand. Kim Tae-Hee is the brand model.
♥ Lirikos: High end French inspired brand specialising in marine ingredients such as deep sea water, marine collagen, etc. Also known as La Mer.
♥Hyosiah/Hyosia: Mid end Oriental medicine cosmetic brand that boasts their 3000 year old secret/knowledge of Asian fermented beans.
♥ Verite: Mid end cosmetic brand.
♥ LANEIGE: Mid end cosmetic brand, 'Laneige' means 'snow of nature' in French. Target market: 20s-30s.
♥ IOPE: High end cosmetic brand, supposedly the first cosmeceutical brand, fusing science and cosmetic knowledge. Launched in 1996.
♥ Mamonde: Mid end cosmetic brand.
♥ Hannule/Hanyul: Mid to high end Oriental medicine skincare brand.
♥ TeenClear: Low end hypoallergenic brand for troubled/sensitive teen skin.
♥ PRIMERA: Low to mid end cosmetic brand.
♥ Lolita Lempicka: Mid end fragrance brand bought by Amore Pacific. Dark, cutesy aesthetic similar to Holika Holika.
♥ Odyssey: Mid end men's skincare brand. South Korea has the largest men's cosmetics market in the world.
♥ Mirepa/Miraepa: Mid end men's skincare brand.
♥ INNISFREE: Low end naturalistic brand specialising in ingredients from Jeju Island, an island off the coast of South Korea.
♥ Etude House: Low end. Immensely popular cosmetic brand with a cutest, princess aesthetic. The staff even call you 'prince' and 'princess' in their brick-and-mortar stores. No. 1 best selling brand in Korea at the moment. 2NE1 are the brand models/endorsers right now. Japanese make-up artist IKKO introduced them in Japan. Target market: Teens-20s. Bestsellers: Moistfull Collagen and A.C Clinic lines.
♥ Espoir: Mid end make-up brand.
♥ Mise-en-Scene: Mid end haircare brand.
♥ Ryeo/Ryoe: Mid end Oriental medicine haircare brand.
♥ Illi: Low to mid end herbal medicine body care brand (body lotions, butters, etc.)
♥ Happy Bath: Low end bath & skincare brand.
♥ Dantrol: Mid end haircare brand. Bestsellers: Anti-dandruff shampoo.
♥ Median: Low end oral brand.
♥ Songyeum: Low end Oriental medicine oral brand.
♥ Aritaum: Low end cosmetics brand with a department cosmetics store of the same name.


LG is a Korean company specialising in electronics, as many of you know but it also has a large cosmetics brand market in South Korea.

♥ Isa Knox: High end cosmetic brand; 'isa' means 'elegant and beautiful' in Europe's common name and 'knox' means 'night' in Roman.
♥ The History of Whoo: High end Oriental medicine cosmetic brand to compete with Amore Pacific's Sulwhasoo.
♥ Lacvert: Mid end cosmetic brand; 'lac' means 'lake' in French and 'vert' means 'green'. The brand model is Kim Yeon-Ah and from 2011, Seoung Yoo-Ri. Target market: 20s-40s.
♥ LG Care: LG's main cosmetic brand, low end prices.
♥ O HUI: High end cosmetic brand, their brand concept is 'when nature and science meet'. Target market: 30s-50s. Bestsellers: Original Energy 100 and Intensive Sunblock Cake lines.
♥ Sooryehan: High end Oriental medicine cosmetic brand to compete with Amore Pacific's Hannule.
♥ SU:M37: High end fermented cosmetics brand. Bestseller: SU:M Secret Programming Essence.
♥ VDL: Low end make-up brand.
♥ Cathy Cat: Mid end make-up brand channelling a chic, New York aesthetic
♥ MULE: Mid to high end make-up brand created by Jung Saem Mool, a Korean make-up artist.
♥ Belif: Mid end skincare brand for troubled/sensitive skin.
♥ Beyond: Mid end naturalistic cosmetic brand.
♥ Vonin: Mid end men's cosmetic brand.
♥ The Face Shop: Low end naturalistic cosmetic brand featuring ingredients like flowers, fruit, vegetables, grain, etc. Opened its first store in 2003 and had more than 500 stores worldwide by 2005. It branched out to Japan in 2006, introduced by Japanese make-up artist IKKO. It endorses popular Korean singers and idols.
♥ Carezone: Mid to high end skincare brand for troubled/sensitive skin. Uses 'Lipozone' and deep sea water for soothing products [sic].
♥ VOV: Low end cosmetic brand acquired in 2011.
♥ Re-en: Mid end Oriental medicine haircare brand to rival Amore Pacific's Ryeo.


Established in 1988, their brand motto is 'Art through nature'. They use natural products and extracts and have 199 patents (probably more now) from ingredients they use. Coreana is in the Top 30 cosmetic companies in the world.

♥ Bichigain: Mid to high end Oriental medicine skincare brand specialising in ingredients such as 'ganoderma lucidum', chilhwa water, birch tree sap ('bichigain' in Korean) and 10 year old wild ginseng.
♥ Biodefense: High end cosmetic brand split into two sub-brands: BIO+DEFENSE for troubled/sensitive skin and BIO-SYSTEM for environmental protection.
♥ Coreana Cosmetics: Mid to high end cosmetic brand that won 'Best selling cosmetics' for 22 years running.
♥ Edgefit: High end make-up brand with a cutesy, pink aesthetic similar to Etude House. Their 'Heart Filler Face Cream' is their bestseller and marketed as giving you a more toned, smaller and more attractive face (those South Koreans and their tiny face fetish...).
♥ Locomotion: Mid end men's cosmetic brand using 'phytoncide content from forest freshness' [sic].
♥ Noni Sangji: High end cosmetic brand featuring extracts from the noni fruit and sanji tree branch extract.
♥ Senite: Mid end cosmetic brand. Bestseller: Polynesian Intensive Cream, nicknamed 'mochi skin cream' in Japan.
♥ Ten Seconds: Mid end make-up brand with a chic, pro make-up artist feel. Their brand concept is being able to change your look in 10 seconds, just like a catwalk model. Bestsellers: Sheer Lip Stain and Waterproof 3-in-1 Eyeliner.
♥ Essential Extra: Mid end cosmetic brand specialising in essential oil ingredients.
♥ Nokdu: Mid end cosmetic brand primarily using mung beans (nokdu) in their items.
♥ Zain: Mid end cosmetic brand featuring Magnolia flower extract, Longan fruit extract and 'cheonjungkibodan', a mixture of 7 different herbal medicines.
♥ Entia Global: Low to mid end cosmetic brand specialising in fruit, flower, plant extracts, etc. Target market: 20s.
♥ Colourplay: Mid end make-up brand.
♥ Lavida: High end fermentation cosmetic brand.
♥ Bi Hui Gai In: Mid to high end Oriental medicine brand.


♥ Make-up Brands ♥

♥ 3CE: Mid end make-up brand launched in 2009 by STYLENANDA (leading Korean fashion business). 3CE stands for '3 Concert Eyes' and specialises in natural make-up using pink, orange and beige. One of their most well-known products is the 3CE Lipnicure, a long lasting matte liquid lipstick.
♥ Aery Jo: Mid end make-up brand.
♥ Ani Place: Low end make-up brand.
♥ BBIA: A low end make-up brand that stands for 'Blooming Beauty in Online Ocean' (no, that acronym doesn't make sense to me either...). Their representative item, 'BBIA Eye Liner 3 Set' is popular because of its reasonable price and excellent quality.
♥ Bare blanc: Mid end make-up brand that has an elegant yet fun aesthetic. Their brand tagline is 'If you are trying to steal his heart, try Bare blanc femme fatale makeup... Try 100% definite weapon for stealing his heart by becoming a bareblanc cutie crew'. which is quite cute and fun haha!
♥ Banila Co.: Mid end make-up brand established 2006. It has a very Benefit style funky asethetic to it. Target market: 20s-30s.
♥ BEAUTY PEOPLE: Low end make-up brand with a cute and colourful aesthetic. The brand specialises in products made with 'the research of professional make-up artists and the know-how of experts.'
♥ Clio: Low to mid en make-up brand, high quality drugstore level (think Max Factor). 'Clio' means 'praise' in Greek. Bestseller: Kill Black Waterproof Brush Liner.
♥ Cosam: Low to mid end nail art brand, $5-ish for pretty nail stickers and 3D elements. Their items are unique to them, not just resold from eBay.
♥ Clamue: Low to mid end make-up brand with a very pretty aesthetic. Doesn't seem to have many products on Koreadepart.
♥ Chosungah: High end make-up brand from Korean make-up artist Cho Sung-Ah. Brand concept: 'With our 22 years of experience, we can make you look like you're just 22!'
♥ Escada: Mid end make-up brand.
♥ Hope Girl: Low to mid end make-up brand that is exported to 18 countries worldwide. They have a heart and leopard print aesthetic throughout their products.
♥ Han Kyeong Hee: Mid to high make-up brand that sells their products in sets mostly (on Koreadepart) with refills widely available.
♥ Kemuel: Mid end make-up brand. Brand concept: Kemuel's temptation - the reason why I glow! Kemuel is like an angel close to you that will give you love and shine.' [sic].
♥ Peripera: Low to mid end make-up brand with a cute aesthetic.
♥ Jadilla J: Mid end make-up brand with the concept 'like a make-up artist's touch for everyone' [sic].
♥ Cosline Prielry: Low to mid end make-up brand.
♥ Scandal: Mid end make-up brand.

♥ Skincare Brands ♥

♥ A.C. Care: Mid end skincare brand for troubled/sensitive skin.
♥ A:TURE: Mid end brand that doesn't contain synthetic ingredients such as parabens, dyes, surfactants, etc.
♥ Beauty Credit: Low end skincare brand (plus some make-up items), drugstore style.
♥ CNP: Mid end skincare brand.
♥ Bycream: Low end skincare brand launched by Choi Ji Won. It specialises in selling face creams (who knew?) and has 63 different types consisting of 3 different textures and 3 special prescriptions for 7 specific skin troubles. They even have an interactive skin test to recommend the right products for you.
♥ Dermal: Low end sheet mask brand that sells various sheet masks for $5 for 10pc but has recently started branching out into other mid end skincare items.
♥ Ja Seng Su: Low end sheet mask brand. 'Ja seng su' means 'beauty born by itself' in Korean.
♥ Jayeonmaeul: Low to mid end organic pack mask (cream type) brand.
♥ LEADERS CLINIC: Mid end sheet mask brand.
♥ MEDIHEAL: Low to mid end sheet mask brand for troubled/sensitive skin.
♥ MJ Care: Low end eco-friendly sheet mask brand but Koreadepart only sell one mixed bundle of their masks.
♥ Point: Low end skincare brand specialising in cleansing products and organic, raw ingredients.
♥ CJ Lion: Low end skincare brand established in 2004.
♥ Songwol: Low end terry towel brand.
♥ Green Wonil: Mid end skincare and oral brand.
♥ Dr. MJ: Mid to high end skincare brand produced by BRTC.
♥ Foodaholic: Low to mid end sheet mask brand.
♥ Aromatica: Mid end organic skincare & aromatherapy brand, awarded 'Champion' status by EWG for their use of only the safest and best quality ingredients. ECOCERT certified.
♥ Be The Skin: Mid end herbal skincare brand.
♥ Caolion: Low to mid end naturalistic skincare brand.
♥ Miracosmetic: Low end essential oil skincare brand.
♥ Zamian/Jamian: Mid end skincare brand. Bestseller: Gold Cacao Pack Mask.
♥ BENTON: Mid-end skincare brand, name takes inspiration from 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'. Bestsellers include Snail Bee High Content Essence and Steam Cream.
♥ COSRX: Mid-end skincare brand. Bestsellers including Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence, Low PH Good Morning Gel Cleanser and Ultimate Nourishing Rice Overnight Spa Mask.
♥ Huxley: Mid-end skincare brand. The key ingredient is certified-organic Sahara prickly pear cactus seed oil.
♥ Tosowoong: Mid-end skincare brand. Bestsellers include Propolis Sparkle Ampoule.
♥ Scinic: Mid-end brand featuring plant components and extracts. Bestsellers include Honey All in One Ampoule and Snail All in One Ampoule.
♥ PYUNKANG YUL: Mid-end skincare brand developed by the renowned Pyunkang Oriental Medicine Clinic in Korea.  Each and every ingredient used by Pyunkang Yul has been selected for being the most gentle and safe for skin.  Finding and maintaining the oil and moisture balance in your skin is imperative to achieving healthy skin.  Pyunkang Yul is a cruelty-free brand!
♥ Blithe: Mid-end skincare brand focuses on multitasking products

♥ Cosmetic Brands ♥

♥ AHC: : Mid end skincare and make-up solutions.
♥ April Skin: Mid end natural/hypoallergenic make-up and skincare brand.
♥ Assoter: Mid end cosmetics brand to 'make women's transparent skin, bountiful hair and beautiful body line stand out beautifully.' "Assoter" means 'attract' in French, apparently.
♥ Atopalm: Mid end cosmetic brand for troubled/sensitive skin.
♥ APIEU: Low end cosmetic brand that means 'first' in English (what?!) and 'basic' in French. Target market: 20s.
♥ BRTC: Mid to high end naturalistic cosmetic brand specialising in flower and plant extract ingredients. Supposedly good for sensitive skin because of their all natural, soothing ingredients.
♥ Charm Zone: Mid end cosmetic brand.
♥ COOGI: Mid to high end cosmetic brand.
♥ Danahan: Mid to high end Oriental medicine cosmetic brand. Bestseller: Red Clay Cleansing Cream.
♥ Dr. Jart+: Mid to high end cosmetic brand.
♥ Donginbi: High end organic cosmetic brand featuring 6 year old red ginseng and herbal ingredients.
♥ Dr. Pharm: Low to mid end cosmeceutical brand infusing science with skincare. All or most products featuring Syn-ake extract, a synthetic snake venom-like ingredient for whitening and anti-wrinkle with a similar structure to snail mucin.
♥ Enprani: Mid end cosmetic brand launched in 2000. Chosen as a finalist of 'New York Festival', the world's biggest commercial contest.
♥ Elicina: Mid end brand specialising in Chilean snail mucin ingredients. All items seem to be discontinued by Koreadepart at the moment.
♥ Elisha Coy: Mid end cosmetic brand.
♥ Hanskin: Mid end cosmetic brand that Yoon Son-Ha, their brand model, made their BB creams immensely popular, so much so over half their sales were BB cream.
♥ Heimish: Mid end cosmetics brand that just launched in Seoul March 2016. They specialize in easy colors and products that you can incorporate into your daily life. Their products are also paraben-free. Their price point is lower than most professional makeup lines but the quality can compare.
♥ Goeunsenag: High end cosmetic brand.
♥ Gaeam Food: Mid end cosmetic brand with their bestselling item Bamboo Salt, an item with a multitude of uses (add it into face wash, body scrub, etc.) that has been featured  30 times on TV and 60 times in newspapers. It is expanding to Japan, US, Hong Kong, Canada and more.
♥ It's Skin: Low to mid end cosmetic brand created by a dermatologist of Seoul University. Bestseller: Snail Mucus Extract line.
♥ IPKN: Mid end cosmetic brand. IPKN stands for 'Independant Professional Korean New Yorker' [sic].
♥ Imselene: Low end cosmetic brand specialising in extra virgin olive oil as their main ingredient.
♥ IASO: Mid end cosmetic brand with the brand concept 'You don't have to be perfect. Environmental stress threatens the skin more these days.' [sic].
♥ isoi: High end organic & naturalistic cosmetic brand.
♥ Jaminkyung: Low to mid end cosmetic brand with the brand concept 'Doing well-bing' [sic]. Bestseller: Crema Caracol Original Snail Cream.
♥ Kwailnara/Gwailnara: Low end naturalistic cosmetic brand.
♥ Lotree: Mid end cosmetic brand with a pretty purple butterfly aesthetic. Target market: 20s.
♥ Lioele: Low to mid end cosmetic brand with a cute, princessy aesthetic that won CGMP (whatever that is) in 2006.
♥ Llang: Mid end cosmetic brand specialising in 6 year old red ginseng.
♥ Lalavesi: Mid end cosmetic brand with a funky pop art-style aesthetic.
♥ MISSHA: Low to mid end cosmetic brand that started on a woman's portal website 'beauty.net', it opened its first store in Seoul, 2003 and its first Japanese store in 2005. It has since expanded to New York, Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, China and other countries. Bestseller: Red Perfect Cover BB Cream. Time revolution! Missa
♥ MIZON: Low to mid end cosmetic brand. Bestsellers: Watermax Aqua Gel Cream and Snail Essence line.
♥ Nature Republic: Low end naturalistic cosmetic brand featuring ingredients such as hibiscus flower, aloe vera, 'tree from Souther France' [sic]. Bestseller: Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel Cream.
♥ Neogen: Mid end cosmetic brand.
♥ Organia: Low end organic naturalistic cosmetic brand specialising in ingredients such as shea butter, olive oil, etc.
♥ Ponds: Low end cosmetic brand, not sure if it's the regular Ponds brand or a Korean equivalent.
♥ Re:NK: Low end cosmetic brand but all their items are discontinued on Koreadepart at the moment.
♥ Rosee: Mid end cosmetic brand specialising in aloe vera products.
♥ Sanshim/Sansam: High end Oriental medicine cosmetic brand featuring 110 year old Sansam and 'special technology' [sic].
♥ SipJangSaeng: Low end cosmetic brand featuring 110 year old wild ginseng but all their items are discontinued on Koreadepart at the moment.
♥ Skinfood: Low to mid end naturalistic cosmetic brand featuring food as their main ingredients such as rice, milk, avocado, tomato, etc. Bestsellers: Black Sugar Wash-Off Mask and the Peach Sake line.
♥ Skin79: Mid end cosmetic brand famous for their BB creams. Bestseller: Hot Pink BB Cream.
♥ Secret Key: Low end cosmetic brand featuring snail mucin and syn-ake extracts. Bestsellers: Snail & EGF Repairing Cream and Syn-ake Anti-Wrinkle & Whitening Cream.
♥ Skincure: Mid end naturalistic cosmetic brand, like a more expensive, lesser known Skinfood. Features ingredients from Jeju Island as well as Sandawha, Noste, Stemcello and Daunbee, whatever the hell they are.
♥ SCINIC: Mid end cosmetic brand but all items are discontinued on Koreadepart at the moment.
♥ So Natural: Mid end cosmetic brand with a naturalistic but pretty aesthetic. Koreadepart have a weird, bulk purchase thing going on with So Natural at the moment, like $120 for a 12pc skincare set, 3pc toner, etc.
♥ Skylake: Mid end herbal cosmetic brand featuring ingredients like mulberry, skullcap, wormwood, etc.
♥ Songak: Mid end cosmetic brand, seemingly unisex. Yet again, a weird bulk purchase thing going on at Koreadepart like $100 for a 6pc set, $30 for 3pc soap, etc.
♥ Serazena: Mid to high end cosmetic brand with Western philosphies and ingredients, such as 'nanotechnology of bio-collagen' and plant stem cells.
♥ Tony Moly: Low end cosmetic brand. 'Tony' means 'a lovely appearance' in English (No, it doesn't!) and 'moly' means 'flourishing' in Japanese. Bestseller: Cat Chu Wink line.
♥ The Saem: Low end cosmetic line meaning 'the spring water (saem) of beauty' launched in 2010. Their brand model is Lee Seung-Gi, a popular actor/singer in Korea and Japan. Bestseller: Black Pearl O2 Bubble Mask.
♥ TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL: Low to mid end cosmetic brand with a cute, quirky aesthetic. Bestsellers: Lunch Box and Pudding Aqua Shaking BB creams.
♥ Tears: Low to mid end cosmetic brand with only two products available at the moment on Koreadepart.
♥ Yadah: Low to mid end naturalistic cosmetic brand.
♥ Y.E.T.: Low end cosmetic brand with a cute, funky aesthetic. Y.E.T. stands for 'Yes! Enjoy Time!'. Y.E.T. is the result of 20 years of cosmetics know-how collaboration with B&B Korea and MOU.
♥ Zeniswell: Mid end eco-friendly cosmetic brand.
♥ Enature: Mid end cosmetic brand featuring 'plant growth cell extracts' [sic].
♥ ESMEDIC: Mid end cosmetic brand for troubled/sensitive skin.
♥ OGANIC: Mid end organic cosmetic brand.
♥ Kelly Water: Mid to high end naturalistic cosmetic brand.
♥ Ameli: Mid end cosmetic brand.
♥ Holika Holika: Low end cosmetic brand launched by Enprani with a dark, cutesy witch aesthetic. 'Holika Holika' is a magic spell to make you more beautiful. It finds hidden beauty in you that you didn't know you had [sic]. Bestsellers: Magic Wand Mascara and Egg Shop line.
♥ L'Egere: Mid end cosmetic brand.
♥ Kameria: Low to mid end cosmetic brand.
♥ Sua Young: Mid to high end cosmetic brand used by luxury spas and dermatologists.
♥ Puretem: Mid end organic cosmetic brand specialising in aloe vera ingredients.
♥ Bornskin: Low end cosmetic brand.
♥ Mora Savina: Mid to high end cosmetic brand.
♥ LISANGE: High end cosmetic brand originally launched by Joycos but split from them in 2006.
♥ Rita Rove W: Mid end cosmetic brand with a pretty purple and silver aesthetic.
♥ A3F[ON]: Mid end cosmetic brand.
♥ Yuhwayeon Jinhyo: High end Oriental medicine brand.
♥ Urban Doll: Mid end cosmetics brand specialising in BB and CC cream.

♥ Bathing & Soap Brands ♥

♥ Mukunghwa: Low end soap brand.
♥ Chamtowon: Mid end soap brand.
♥ On The Body: Low end soap brand.
♥ OLSKIN: Mid to high end soap brand.
♥ JIMIL: Mid end soap brand.
♥ Seannuri: Mid end soap brand.
♥ Say: Low end bathing/soap brand.
♥ Dongsan C&G: Low end soap brand.
♥ Nandamo: High end soap/skincare brand.
♥ Hansamin: Low end soap brand featuring wild red ginseng ingredient.
♥ Hwangtomiso: Low end soap brand.

♥ Haircare Brands ♥

♥ Dengimori: Mid to high end Oriental medicine haircare brand.
♥ Esthaar: Mid to high end haircare brand specialising in fermented ingredients but all their items seem to be discontinued on Koreadepart.
♥ Gatsby: Low to mid end haircare brand specialising in hair gel.
♥ KeraSys: Mid end hair care brand with premium Oriental herbal medicine lines
♥ Somang: Mid end haircare and skincare brand with hair gels & waxes endorsed by PSY.

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